The strongest soldier

Chapter 2027 Coming to the tribe

After seeing off Jackson, Luo Zheng quickly found the ambassador. The car was ready. There were two buses, enough to hold fifty people. The driver was a full-time employee of the embassy. The relevant certificates were also prepared. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue He quickly left the embassy in a car. On the way, Luo Zheng contacted Blue Star and inquired about the target. He learned that there were many caravans coming from the tribe, many of them wearing black robes, and he didn't know if they were still in the tribe.

Luo Zheng became embarrassed after hearing this information, but the tribe was the only clue and could not be missed, so he decided to go over and check it out before talking, urging the driver to speed up. After more than an hour, he picked up Shan Diao and others and continued driving towards the tribe. In order to avoid accidents, everyone took off their bulletproof helmets, closed the curtains of the car, and tried not to get out of the car to avoid being spotted by outsiders.

There was a military inspection along the way. The driver showed his certificate and the inspector called to confirm and then let them go. The two buses continued to drive forward. The grassland was flat and there were no people on the road. They ran all the way and entered the deserted area at dusk. In the human area, there is no road further forward. The bus is not an off-road vehicle and cannot run directly on the grassland. Fortunately, it is not very far from the tribe. Everyone got off the car and walked, and the two buses turned around and went back.

There are lush withered grasses on the grassland, some of which are as tall as a person, which is convenient for concealment. There is also a road that was demolished by the caravan. The tribe's living supplies are transported on this trade road. In order to avoid being exposed, Luo Zheng asked everyone to walk through the grass. They are all well-trained. For people, the road is difficult, but they can be overcome.

After dark, the team came to a hillside. Luo Zheng asked the troops to lurk in the dense grass below the hillside, and rushed up the hillside with the mountain eagles and Lan Xue to observe. The moon was bright and there were few stars on the grassland, and they could faintly see in the distance. From the bright lights and dark low-rise buildings, I knew there was a certain tribe ahead.

"Go there directly or after dawn?" Lan Xue asked in a low voice.

"It's already getting late. Going there directly would be suspicious of hostility. Let's wait until daybreak. Everyone just needs to rest here for a night to recover their strength and get familiar with the environment. Mountain Eagle, arrange for two people to go over and investigate to find out the details of the tribe in front. The others should disperse. Open, no living allowed, camp on the spot." Luo Zheng whispered, raising a telescope to observe.

"Understood." The mountain eagle responded in a low voice, quickly retreated down the hillside and deployed.

"It seems that the tribe in front has a large population. Although this kind of tribe is not exclusive, it is very united internally. It has its own armed forces and laws. It does not accept the leadership of the national government and is difficult to handle." Lan Xue reminded in a low voice.

"Well, let's play it by ear." Luo Zheng whispered, put down the telescope, sat down, then lay flat on the grass, resting his head on his hands, looking at the bright moon in the sky, frowning slightly, seeing Lan Xue He also lay down on his back and whispered: "You think, if there is no war, living a comfortable life here would not be bad."

"Yes, but that is impossible. The history of mankind is a history of war. War has made human civilization progress and develop. Without war, civilization may not be able to develop to the height it is today. Look, the most advanced technology is the military industry. Really? That’s a long way off, let’s talk about what’s happening right now.” Lan Xue said with a faint smile.

"You are right. Without war, people would live without pressure and become lazy. Humanity might have perished long ago. The law of nature is the survival of the fittest, the weak and the strong. Speaking of which, the Dark Church is also for competition, but it has destroyed For the interests of others, soldiers are the defenders of national interests. As soldiers, we have the duty to protect the country and the people. We must kill them as soon as possible and rescue the hostages. This is our duty. Therefore, no matter what the tribe in front is or how powerful it is, we We must face the difficulties." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Do you have any specific plans?" Lan Xue asked curiously.

"No, just act according to the situation." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

The two chatted for a while, and it was getting late. They ate some dry food and rested. At midnight, the investigators came over and told the Luo Zheng tribe about the situation. There were nearly ten thousand people and nearly a thousand armed personnel. There was a large market, and the tribe The people lived scattered together, and many caravans spent the night outside the market, bringing their own tents.

Luo Zheng pondered after listening to the report. This tribe is quite interesting. There are more than 10,000 people with a thousand armed men. It is obviously for safety. Combined with the market and allowing caravans to spend the night in the tribe, it should be an open-ended A very high tribe, this kind of tribe values ​​profits and is not too rigid in its thinking. You can consider getting in touch with it before talking about it.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng exchanged his thoughts with Lan Xue and decided on a simple plan. Luo Zheng, Lan Xue and Shan Diao went to visit first, without weapons, while the others scattered around to guard, sniper and cover, paying homage first and then attacking. , It is really no longer possible to act on chance.

After confirming the general plan, the two of them rested. There was no need to worry about the sentry arrangements. The time passed without you noticing. Everyone was very tired from the battle in Paradise Valley. Even Luo Zheng fell into a deep sleep. It was already dawn when I woke up.

After simply eating some dry food, Luo Zheng, Lan Xue and Shan Diao put down their weapons and backpacks for others to keep. They didn't even take the Tiger Tooth Army Dagger and Dragon Tooth Saber with them. They went over with bare hands to show goodwill and only wore headsets to facilitate communication. , others secretly infiltrated up and surrounded the tribe in a ring.

The three of them walked forward carelessly, crossing an open field, and soon approached the outskirts of the tribe. The person in charge of security immediately came up for questioning. Luo Zheng took a closer look. These people were simply dressed, with bare feet, short hair, dark skin, and hands. Holding M-series rifles, each of them has a fierce murderous aura, which is obviously not simple.

Due to the language barrier, Luo Zheng and the others did not move. They raised their hands slightly and allowed these people to search them. After the search was completed, the leader made a gesture and everyone pointed their guns down. The leader picked up the walkie-talkie and muttered something, Luo Zheng. Zheng didn't understand a word and looked curiously at Lan Xue and Shan Diao, who shook their heads helplessly.

After waiting for a while, an off-road vehicle roared over, and a capable strong man jumped out of the vehicle. He had a bald head, bare upper body, dark skin, as strong as an ox, with sunken eyes, but they were large and piercing. He looked at Luo Zheng and asked in international lingua franca: "Where did the three friends come from? What is the purpose of coming to our tribe?"

"Meet your tribal chief to discuss some business." Luo Zheng said calmly with a solemn look on his face.

"Why should I trust you?" the strong man continued.

"Coming all the way here, do you think I'm on vacation?" Luo Zheng asked with a sneer.

"It's interesting. You're an extraordinary person. Come with me." The strong man was not angry, but looked Luo Zheng up and down, said in a deep voice, and jumped directly into the car with a sense of confidence.

Luo Zheng glanced at Lan Xue and Shan Diao, and jumped into the car. The open-top off-road vehicle roared forward, and the hot and dry wind blew on his face. It was very uncomfortable, but the feeling of running at high speed on the grassland was very Okay, Luo Zheng looked around vigilantly and secretly noted the terrain.

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