The strongest soldier

Chapter 2023 Asking for the truth

The warm sunshine shines on the earth, falling on the stone pillars, glowing with red light. The stone pillars dozens of meters high stand upright facing the sun, like an arrogant god of war, smiling at the light wind and calm clouds, and remain motionless, the mountain eagle grasping. He climbed up the ladder like a monkey. He moved very quickly and reached half the height in a blink of an eye. The people below stared at the top with their eyes wide open, fearing that someone would do something dirty to the mountain eagle, and did not dare to be careless at all.

Luo Zheng was also staring at the top, with cold sweat breaking out on the palm of his hand holding the gun. The situation of the mountain eagle was really too dangerous. If someone misbehaved, the mountain eagle on the stone wall would have no place to hide, and it would definitely die. Luo Zheng was tight. He held the sniper rifle tightly and stared at it, not missing any detail, while secretly praying that nothing would happen.

The mountain eagle that was climbing quickly was also aware of its situation. It took the time to climb up quickly, and unknowingly reached the top. The mountain eagle looked up warily and found no one. It only saw a building of wood and stone slabs. The structural house is on top, and the wooden door is wide open. An old man is sitting at the door, with his legs crossed, his hands on his knees, his heart facing upwards, his eyes slightly closed and facing the sun, and the corners of his mouth are moving, as if he is chanting. What.

The mountain eagle was taken aback and stared at the other person warily for a while. He found that the other party was not hostile and seemed to be doing morning exercises. He was over sixty years old, had a snow-white beard, a bald head, and was wearing a white robe. The mountain eagle did not come forward immediately. , but took pictures of the other party through the helmet camera, and said in a deep voice: "We found a target, over sixty years old, with no intention of attacking. He is sitting cross-legged at the door doing morning classes. Please give instructions."

"Go forward quickly, check if there is any danger around you, and report immediately." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice, his heart clenching even tighter. He saw the mountain eagle turning over the stone pillar, but did not hear the gunfire. Now I feel more relaxed. As long as I let the mountain eagle come forward, I can handle it even if there is danger.

After the mountain eagle went up, he observed the surroundings vigilantly. It was clear at a glance on the stone pillars that there was only one old man in one house, and there was nothing suspicious. The mountain eagle was particularly worried. He quickly circled around the room, and then came to the door. The old man was still reading something motionless and did not stop himself. He looked into the room vigilantly and found no one. Instead, he saw many books, which looked a bit old.

"Tell me your identity." The mountain eagle took a few steps back, pointed his pistol at the old man and shouted.

The old man was still motionless with his eyes closed and thinking about something. The mountain eagle looked around vigilantly, and suddenly found that the other person was facing the sun, with a peaceful expression on his face, looking like he was enjoying himself. He couldn't help but feel annoyed, and stepped up with a quick step, blocking the sunlight and shadows. fell on the old man.

Perhaps because there was no sunlight, the old man suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the mountain eagle and said in international lingua franca: "Young man, what do you want to do?"

"It will be much easier if we can communicate. Let me tell you your identity." Mountain Eagle shouted coldly.

"The names of people outside the country have long been forgotten." The old man said calmly.

"Stop talking to me about these nonsense, and answer whatever you ask, otherwise I won't mind burning this place down and turning the hard work of your ancestors into a torch." The mountain eagle said coldly.

"Young man, be careful of going to hell." The old man shouted angrily.

Seeing that the other party was no longer as calm as before, the mountain eagle knew that it had hit the other party's weakness, and sneered disdainfully: "Your hell can't hold me back. I'll give you one last chance, so tell me."

"I have already said that I have forgotten my name a long time ago. You can call me the unknown monk." The old man said dissatisfiedly, his peaceful eyes staring at the mountain eagle with a bit of coldness.

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude." The mountain eagle shouted angrily and was about to take action.

"Wait a minute, you and I are meeting for the first time in our lives. Do you have any grudges?" The old man was about to attack the mountain eagle when he saw it. He had no fear at all. He couldn't help but get anxious and hurriedly chased after him.

"You and I have no grievances, but the organization behind you did something it shouldn't have done. Do you know a saying? Anyone who offends China will be killed." Shan Diao said coldly.

"I didn't expect that you are from the Huaxia Kingdom. Our religion is dedicated to good deeds and pursues light and justice. The guardian warriors also have good intentions and focus on protecting the church. They do not participate in worldly disputes. It is impossible to go to the Huaxia Kingdom. This is what our religion has to offer. How can it infringe on your country if it is stipulated in the doctrine?" The old man quickly explained.

"I think you are confused. What is the name of your church?" Shandiao asked in reply, feeling happy.

"The world is shrouded in darkness, people's hearts are dark, society is dark, and the whole world is dark. There are intrigues and intrigues everywhere. There is no trust between people. They are fighting for power and gain, and they have lost their nature. Endless darkness shrouds the world, and humans are longing for light. , in need of light, I was enlightened by the Sun God and founded the Church of Darkness, which means the church in darkness, and strives to bring light, freedom and equality to mankind." The old man said in a deep voice.

When the mountain eagle heard this, he became even more happy. There were some who were stupid in reading, but he did not expect that there were also those who were practicing stupidity. He stared at the other party cautiously and found that the other party did not have any malicious intentions, but was an expert who taught kindness and saved the world. His face darkened and he became solemn. Not to mention the part about running away from evil, the teachings of the Dark Church are worthy of admiration. No wonder they can be passed down through the ages and still exist today. Perhaps some people in power have selfish motives.

However, the mountain eagle was not interested in these. When he heard Luo Zheng's voice coming from the headset, he knew that Luo Zheng was coming up. He took two steps back warily and said in a deep voice: "Why are you the only one here?"

"I have always been here alone, guarding the books, cultivating in secret, and not caring about worldly affairs. Who could be unaware of my existence despite being thousands of miles away?" the old man asked curiously.

"I don't think so. This place has been classified as a restricted area. All outsiders are bitten to death by poisonous snakes, and the poisonous snakes are kept in captivity by your protective warriors. Maybe you are a monk who sincerely practices good deeds, but the people around you may no longer be It’s the same." Mountain Eagle said coldly.

"Impossible. Everyone who joins the church must swear an oath to never betray the doctrine or the church. Why do they do this?" The old man explained anxiously, as if he had been greatly insulted.

"I want to know too." Shandiao said coldly, feeling vaguely that the old man in front of him is really a person who devotes himself to spiritual practice and does not know the inside story. This kind of person is really suitable for learning, doing research, and guarding classics. No wonder The Dark Church sent him here, at least the books here will be well preserved.

Not long after, Luo Zheng climbed up and looked around cautiously. After exchanging glances with the mountain eagle, his sharp gaze fell on the old man. He walked up and asked in a deep voice, "Are you from the Dark Church?" For Luo Zheng, it doesn't matter who the other party is, the important thing is to find out the identity behind it.

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