The strongest soldier

Chapter 2018 Touching the Valley

The bright moon is in the sky, and the earth is gray. On the barren grassland, withered grass undulates and rustles in the wind. Many unknown insects are chirping. Occasionally, there are a few croaks of wild birds. The surroundings are quiet, and some low voices are heard. The short trees grew tenaciously, like soldiers silently guarding this ancient land on the open grassland. On a short slope, Luo Zheng and Lan Xue lurked quietly, motionless, their whole bodies It seemed to be integrated with the surrounding environment, and even a night bird flying over from the nearby tree was not noticed.

A lone wild wolf passed by from a distance and did not find the two people lurking around. Several antelopes passed by and did not find the two people lurking. An hour passed unknowingly and no one came around. This As a result, Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and continued to observe.

At this time, there was a sudden roar in the sky. Luo Zheng looked up and saw a large transport plane roaring over. The lights flashed in the night sky, making it particularly conspicuous. Soon, the transport plane rushed over and dropped a large transport plane. The materials were piled on the open grassland in front, frightening many wild birds and beasts, and then they flew away.

Luo Zheng watched the supplies on the ground slowly come down with the help of the landing. The snow-white parachute was particularly eye-catching in the gray night sky. He didn't see anyone parachuting down. He couldn't help but smile and looked at Lan Xue. , Lan Xue also smiled with understanding, and whispered: "At present, it seems that Jackson is still sincere, but he can't be careless."

"Wait for now, don't move." Luo Zheng whispered.

The supplies slowly fell down and landed on the grassland in a long pile, covered by the falling parachutes. It looked extremely strange. Soon, the grassland returned to calm. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue waited patiently, alert to their surroundings. I contacted Blue Star about the situation of my brothers and was secretly relieved when I learned that everything was going well.

Time passed minute by minute, and there was still no one around. Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that the hour was almost up, Luo Zheng quickly contacted Guishou and learned that there were more people around the power plant. This suspicious-looking person was probably a scout sent by Sam Country. Luo Zheng smiled and told Guishou to hide himself and not to act rashly. Shi Qian took the opportunity to go in and check the real situation.

Shi Qian had an invisibility suit and was good at hiding, so he agreed with understanding.

Everything went very smoothly. Luo Zheng looked at the time and saw that it was exactly eleven o'clock. He immediately contacted Blue Star and learned that the brothers were airborne and did not encounter any danger. He was completely relieved. People in the air are the most dangerous. It is dangerous. If you shoot from the ground into the air, people in the air cannot avoid it. The brothers have parachuted and are not in danger, which means everything is normal.

Luo Zheng and Lan Xue continued to wait patiently. After about half an hour, Shandiao hurried over with his troops. When the brothers met, they were particularly affectionate. Shandiao curiously looked at the surrounding supplies and immediately ordered the troops to line up. He solemnly After saluting Luo Zheng, he shouted: "Boss, everyone is here, give the order." His eyes were full of fanatical fighting spirit.

"Thank you for your hard work." Luo Zheng said excitedly. Looking at the energetic brothers, he was completely relieved and said excitedly: "Things are very complicated. Now that you are here, I feel at ease. What will happen next?" The battle is very dangerous, everyone, be careful. Did you see those supplies? They are all cannonballs and grenade launchers. You can carry as many as you can. There are too many, so transport them in several times."

"Understood." The mountain eagle promised with all his heart, and after a moment, he led the people over.

Several brothers brought Luo Zheng and Lan Xue's equipment, turned around and left in a hurry to carry supplies. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue quickly took out their tactical vests, put on their combat uniforms, combat boots and helmets, and checked their weapons. Type 10 Anti-material sniper rifle, and then put the dragon tooth sword on his back.

The two of them were dressed neatly, and then took out the oil paint from their backpacks and put it on. After doing all this, they saw that Shandiao and others had distributed the grenades and gas masks. Each person carried a box of shells and started to line up. Luo Zheng He exchanged a look with Lan Xue and immediately led the troops towards Paradise Valley. The two of them acted as vanguards and opened the way in front.

Shandiao led fifty brothers closely behind him and hurried on silently. There were too many supplies and equipment and they were too heavy for everyone to get up quickly. Fortunately, the distance was not very far. An hour later, everyone arrived near Paradise Valley. Zheng asked the troops to quickly hide in place and recover their strength.

Everyone squatted down silently, hiding themselves in the tall grass. They were silent and stared at the surroundings with sharp eyes, like a pack of wolves hunting at night. Their murderous aura was restrained and silent. Luo Zheng He gave Lan Xue a look and quickly rushed forward.

Under the night, Luo Zheng was like a cheetah running at high speed, pulling out an afterimage in the gray moonlight. In the blink of an eye, he traveled more than two hundred meters, rushed up a hillside, pounced on the ground, quickly raised his weapon, and passed by. The sniper scope carefully observed the surroundings, not missing any detail. The matter was so important that Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless.

After observing for a while, no abnormality was found. Luo Zheng calmly raised his palm and made a gesture of pushing forward. Lan Xue rushed forward with understanding, passed Luo Zheng, and continued to push forward for about two hundred meters, rushing to a hillside. Hidden on the ground, set up a sniper rifle and observed the surroundings. After confirming that there was no danger, he quickly sent a signal to Luo Zheng.

When Luo Zheng saw Lan Xue's safety signal, he picked up his weapon and rushed forward, past Lan Xue's hidden position, and continued forward. He rushed for about two hundred meters, lurked to observe, and then sent Lan Xue a safety signal. The two of them took cover alternately. Pushing forward, we unknowingly arrived at a hill on the edge of Paradise Valley.

The moonlight is like water, softly falling on the hills. The hills are made of hard stones, barren and bare. The wind gently passes over the hills. It is quiet and peaceful. Luo Zheng is lurking calmly, alert to the surroundings, and does not find anything unusual. , couldn't help but become curious. There were secret sentries lurking around before I came here, but this time there was nothing. Could it be that the people below had evacuated?

Luo Zheng continued to observe the surroundings with deep curiosity. It was quiet all around. There was nothing suspicious. It was also quiet down the valley. The moonlight was blocked. It was pitch black below and nothing could be seen clearly. Luo Zheng was shot from behind. With a gesture, Lan Xue quickly rushed up and lay down next to Luo Zheng. She first looked around cautiously, and then lowered her voice and said, "It's a little weird. It's so quiet."

"Well, it's really strange that there is no secret whistle." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, his sharp eyes constantly searching the surroundings, and he lowered his voice and said, "Could it be that they knew we were coming and ran away?"

"No way, they don't guard this holy place anymore? Aren't they afraid that we will destroy the church on the stone pillar? Why don't you contact Ghost Hands and see? Jackson has launched an attack right now, so you might as well ask about the situation." Lan Xue suggested in a deep voice, her face as solemn as frost, her sharp eyes staring ahead, with a touch of caution.

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