The strongest soldier

Chapter 2009 Cobra Appears

The last rays of the setting sun fall on the mountains, bringing a bit of tranquility and peace. The breeze blows, and the shrubs rise and fall with the wind, as if the graceful elves are dancing. The air is fresh and refreshing. In a bush, the trees are a little strange. It naturally fell to both sides, forming a curve. Luo Zheng watched this scene with vigilance, faintly smelling the stench blown by the wind, and was not shocked. He quickly aimed the pistol with a silencer.

Lan Xue was also startled by Luo Zheng's actions. She turned around and saw a cobra the size of a fist slowly crawling over. Its head was raised high, its sides were flat, and its eyes exuded a chilling, fierce light. Ru Shuang, Xinzi, whose mouth was scarlet, kept hesitating and looking at the two of them curiously.

"Puff puff!" Seeing such a big cobra, Luo Zheng didn't dare to hesitate at all and shot quickly. The cobra's attack speed was amazing and it was extremely vicious. Once bitten, it would be in trouble.

Lan Xue was also startled, and quickly fired, puff puff - the bullet came out of the chamber quickly and rushed towards the cobra, extremely ferocious. The distance was only five or six meters. From this distance, the two of them were sure to hit even a mosquito. Not to mention the fist-sized Cobra, the two guns kept firing, consuming all the bullets in the magazine in one go.

Cobras are no trivial matter and cannot be easily killed. Especially after the Golden Scaled Snake incident, Luo Zheng and Lan Xue were extremely afraid of snakes. To ensure that nothing happened, the two of them attacked mercilessly until everything was gone. Bullets, quickly changed the magazine, while hiding behind the stone and observing vigilantly.

After all, it was an ordinary cobra. Although it was very big, it could not block the attack of bullets. The two used a 5.8mm Type 92 pistol with an ammunition capacity of 20 rounds. It penetrated the 1.3mm thick helmet steel plate at 50m. It can also shoot through 50mm thick pine boards. The penetrating power is very powerful. The distance between the two of them is only five or six meters. The attack power is even more powerful. Two guns and 40 bullets almost all hit the cobra.

Looking at the beaten cobra, Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and quickly loaded the bullet. He looked around vigilantly to prevent more cobras from attacking. Lan Xue also quickly loaded the bullet and stared with a cold face. The surroundings looked like they were facing a formidable enemy. The cobras that had been killed were nothing to worry about, but the cobras hiding in the dark were more terrifying.

After waiting for a while, no cobras were seen attacking. Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and saw that it was getting late. He was about to discuss infiltration with Lan Xue. He approached the towering stone pillars and continued to investigate when he suddenly saw a mountain col about 1000 meters away. A figure flashed through.

The mountain col was blocked by a slope and was a blind spot. Luo Zheng didn't expect there was anyone inside, so he couldn't help being surprised. He quickly lurked and continued to observe, staring ahead. The figure disappeared in a flash and was blocked by the complex terrain in front. After waiting for a while, Luo Zheng's face became solemn. He looked at Lan Xue and said in a low voice: "Is there a secret whistle?"

"It should be the secret whistle. It's very fast, no less than me." Lan Xue said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng quickly turned on the signal transmitter and immediately asked after connecting to the satellite: "Did you find any abnormalities just now?"

"Let me take a look." Lan Xing agreed in surprise. After a while, Lan Xing said curiously: "The satellite took aerial photos of a person who went to the stone pillar. There is something weird there. The electromagnetic wave interference is very strong. The satellite can only see The outline of the stone pillar makes it impossible to clearly see what’s underneath.”

"Are there any hidden sentries nearby?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"No suspicious target was found, but it does not mean that there is no one. The target just now was holding a ghillie suit. He was hiding in the ghillie suit before and could not be detected by radar. If he hadn't taken off the ghillie suit himself, he would still have discovered it. You guys Be careful, it's best to wait until the troops arrive." Blue Star suggested, with solemnity in his words.

Luo Zheng did not answer Blue Star's question immediately. Instead, he took out the tactical goggles from his pocket and put them on. The tactical goggles had a strong night vision function and could perform thermal imaging. Luo Zheng looked around and found nothing. Then he looked up. Judging from the sky, it would only take half an hour at most before dark. After thinking about it, he said, "We will set off in half an hour."

"That's fine, but cobras are cold-blooded animals. Our tactical eyepieces may not be able to detect such venomous snakes. Night infiltration may not be suitable." Lan Xue reminded that as an outstanding soldier, Lan Xue naturally understands the benefits and existence of night infiltration. difficulties.

"We have no choice but to give it a try." Luo Zheng whispered helplessly. He turned his head and glanced at the cobra that was killed not far away. It was true that thermal imaging was not possible. Without frowning in thought, he found a fist here. Big cobras will actively attack people, which means there are more cobras here, and they are not easy to mess with. These venomous snakes are the most powerful enemies that infiltrate at night. What should I do?

"How about we retreat first and come back in the middle of the night, bringing enough snake repellent like bezoar." Lan Xue suggested. Women are naturally afraid of snakes, and Lan Xue is no exception.

Luo Zheng had some strange movements. It was indeed difficult to infiltrate without equipment. As he was thinking about it, Lan Xing's voice sounded in the headset: "Ghost Hands and the others found someone near the power plant. It looked like they were going for reconnaissance. Will they?" Could it be the person arranged by Jackson?"

"Really? Is this guy really planning to fight with the Cobra terrorist organization? Isn't he setting a trap to deceive us?" Lan Xue said in surprise, while looking at Luo Zheng, it was Lan Xue who suggested that Jackson had a conspiracy. Now the situation is developing Contrary to expectations, Lan Xue became curious.

"Ignore that for now, I have an idea." Luo Zheng said coldly, looking ahead.

Seeing that Luo Zheng's tone suddenly turned cold, with a hint of murderous intent, Lan Xue was stunned and asked, "What do you think?"

"We are now upwind. I will set up a fire camp for him. Firstly, it can drive away the cobras. Secondly, we can see how many lurking whistles are lying nearby. If there are many people, it means that this is a trap for us. , if there are few people, it means it is just a routine reconnaissance. The disadvantage is that it will burn out the bushes here. If we turn around and lurk, it will be a lot of trouble. The bigger problem is that our whereabouts and intentions are exposed." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

There are advantages and disadvantages, and there is no way around it. Lan Xue knew this truth, thought about it, and said: "Which is the lesser of two evils. Burning this place can drive away the cobras, and you can also test out the enemy situation here." , compared to exposing the whereabouts and intentions, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, I think it will work, but if there is a trap, we will definitely be hunted down, and we have to guard against it." Lan Xue reminded.

"This is simple. First collect some hay and pile it up, then use a button bomb to detonate it with a delay of ten minutes. Ten minutes is enough for us to go far away. We need to find a new place to hide. This is called alerting the snake." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, his eyes It sparkles with wisdom.

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