The strongest soldier

Chapter 2004 Escalation of the situation

At noon, after dinner, everyone went back to their rooms to rest. The situation was chaotic. In order to avoid accidents, Luo Zheng asked everyone to stay in the room. The incident in the town had made a breakthrough and they could finally take a breath. Luo Zheng sat in the room. I was watching TV on the sofa when someone knocked on the door. I opened it and saw that it was the ambassador.

"Here, come on, come in and sit down." Luo Zheng hurriedly led the ambassador in, closed the door, and looked at the ambassador expectantly and asked, "Have you found anyone?"

"We found them. They are still in a coma. They have been protected. A special plane from the United Nations Red Cross will arrive in two hours and will take them to the United Nations for treatment. Don't worry." The ambassador said with a tired face and took Luo Zheng's hand. He sat down after being handed the mineral water and continued: "I went to the hospital to see other people. All of them are seriously injured and are still in a coma."

"Radiation is an indiscriminate attack. You are lucky to be alive. No one can do anything about this. All we can do is find the murderers and bring them to justice." Luo Zheng said bitterly.

"Yes, these beasts are so inhumane. Let me tell you another situation. In order to avoid panic, due to lack of evidence, or for other reasons, the local government described this incident as a plague. The reason why they did not rescue them before was It is because we are not sure about the degree of infection and spread of this plague. After research, we have determined that we will not be infected again, so we have launched rescue work. We hope that all walks of life will not panic. The news will be broadcast in ten minutes," the ambassador said solemnly.

"They are quite good at covering up the truth, and they take all the credit. As expected, it turns out that this kind of thing should not be made public, otherwise it will really cause panic and even riots. Let them deal with it how they want. It is not convenient for us to interfere in internal affairs, but if something happens to the Chinese here, should they make compensation?" Luo Zheng asked angrily.

"Chinese people hold the nationality of their own country and are considered Chinese. We can't ask this country for compensation because it's an internal matter. I've checked the relevant files. None of the Chinese citizens who were radiated in the town are all Chinese, so we can't do anything. Intervene through diplomatic means," the ambassador explained seriously.

"Forget it. Although the Chinese are descendants of China, they hold the nationality of their own country. Without Chinese nationality, we can't help even if we want to. Let's do our best and let fate." Luo Zheng said helplessly. This kind of thing is really There is no way to start. After all, they are only ethnic Chinese, not legal citizens of this country, and they are not considered overseas workers. They have an unfair reputation and cannot use the power of the country.

"In the past, the country was not strong enough, so it was understandable that they would immigrate. Now that the country is strong, they still immigrate, and the country has nothing to do. After all, everyone has the right to immigrate. The country can only protect its legal citizens. Chinese people are considered descendants of China, but they are not considered citizens of the country. I'm powerless, by the way, what do you need me to do next?" the ambassador said helplessly.

"It's not necessary for the time being. I will trouble you then." Luo Zheng said politely.

"It's all for the country, just say whatever you need." The ambassador said politely. Seeing that Luo Zheng had nothing else to do, he stood up and said, "I'm going to go first, I'm very hungry."

"Okay, let's go slowly." Luo Zheng saw off the ambassador, closed the door and quickly turned on the headset to communicate with the headquarters.

The satellite signal was quickly connected, and Blue Star's greetings came from the headset. Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "Notify your superiors and say that the two experts are fine. The ambassador has confirmed that a special plane from the United Nations Red Cross will come in two hours to pick them up." The United Nations has received treatment, and our mission has come to an end. The next step is to hunt down the Cobra terrorists and rescue twelve chemical experts. Ask our superiors for any instructions."

"Okay." Blue Star agreed.

"Also, is there any news from the Intelligence Department?" Luo Zheng asked.

"The Intelligence Department has sent out a large number of intelligence personnel, and the National Security Bureau is also helping with the investigation. There are still no clues about the Cobra terrorist organization. Instead, a strange phenomenon has been discovered. Sister Hua thinks it is very important. She didn't have time to explain it to me clearly, so she hurriedly brought her to the police. People have gone to investigate." Lanxing said quickly.

"What happened?" Luo Zheng was shocked. With Hong Meihua's caution and calmness, he shouldn't be so impulsive. Something important must have happened, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Someone was peddling nuclear warheads in the international weapons market. This person disappeared within ten minutes of posting the news. Sister Hua judged that the items had been bought by others and might be related to the cobra kidnapping case. With the nuclear warheads and twelve chemical experts, Maybe we can make nuclear weapons, she took people to find the seller." Blue Star said quickly.

"Hiss? If this is the case, it will be troublesome. Once the opponent successfully develops it, the twelve chemical experts will definitely be killed and silenced. There is no news for so long. The kidnappers are definitely not seeking money or political demands. They are completely in line with the Cobra terrorist organization. From the style, it seems that it can be basically concluded that Cobra did it." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, with deep anger in his words.

"Well, I have another piece of information that I don't know if it's useful." Blue Star said in a deep voice.

"Tell me about it." Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"I received intelligence shared by the Ministry of National Security an hour ago. A company is selling civilian satellites. Less than an hour after the news was released, it was announced that there was a buyer. The company was unwilling to disclose who the buyer was." Blue Star Chen He said with a bit of worry in his words.

Luo Zheng heard Lan Xing's worry and couldn't help but asked in surprise: "What do you want to explain?"

"I'm thinking, what if the same person buys nuclear warheads and satellites? Using satellite navigation, you can launch nuclear missiles independently. Without satellite navigation, the attack power of nuclear missiles cannot be exerted, but everyone is busy tracking down the Cobra terrorist organization His whereabouts, there are no manpower in the bureau." Blue Star reminded.

"It makes sense. Can you arrange for other departments to help track down this company and get the buyer's identity information?" Luo Zheng was startled and quickly asked. If the situation is really as Blue Star fears, then things will be in trouble. He has to Facing not only the powerful Cobra terrorist organization, but also nuclear missiles, how to fight this battle?

"Other departments also have limited manpower. They should agree to help with the investigation, but the efficiency may not be high. If I am right to worry, it will be troublesome if I miss the time." Blue Star reminded.

"That makes sense. Let Shan Diao take a few people to investigate." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"No, the country where the company is located is not very far away from you. You can take our country's warship escorting you in the bay. It will arrive in one night. You can go faster. I just don't know how you arranged your time. Can you spare the time? Open?" Lanxing reminded.

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