The strongest soldier

Chapter 2000 Cooperation with the Enemy

An hour later, the Sam State Embassy was still in the same conference room. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue sat down in a leisurely manner, facing Jackson who looked calm. Everyone knew the truth. Luo Zheng was too lazy to be polite and went straight to the topic: "Visiting late at night. , I believe you can guess it, let’s talk frankly, cooperation is not a problem, the top priority is to solve the crisis in the town, what can you do?”

"It is not difficult to solve the crisis in the town, but it must be supported by Sadie. At least he cannot oppose it, otherwise it will cause conflicts and escalate the incident. What can you do about this problem?" Seeing that Luo Zheng was willing to cooperate, Jackson secretly breathed a sigh of relief. , but said calmly on his face.

"This is simple. I guarantee that Saadi will not give any orders to his troops. Without Saadi's orders, his troops dare not move. If the government intervenes, things will be much simpler. Use your abilities to let the local government Isn't it difficult to intervene? It's up to you what to do next." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"I should have detained Sadie if I had known this. However, since you can ensure that Sadie will not issue any orders, I am confident." Jackson's expression softened, and Luo Zheng took over the most difficult question. What happens next? If we don't do it well, won't we be looked down upon by our opponents?

Jackson didn't know that Luo Zheng had moved Sadie, and Luo Zheng wouldn't reveal it foolishly. He looked at Jackson and asked calmly: "What are you going to do?"

"Simple, alert the enemy, and ask the president to send personal security troops to search the town at high altitude to find the person holding the radiation source. If you find the person, injure him immediately. The medical conditions in the town are very poor, and it is impossible to treat yourself, so you can only evacuate. , we will have a chance to capture the other party. Even if we can't find the other party, the appearance of a large number of security forces will alert the other party. Knowing that Sadie is unreliable, they will quietly evacuate. As long as the person holding the radiation source runs away, there will be no more Radiation, the crisis in the town will be solved." Jackson said seriously.

Seeing that Jackson was thinking the same thing as him, Luo Zheng couldn't help but smile and said, "Okay, that's it. I'll be responsible for solving Sadie's problem, and you'll be responsible for finding or scaring people away. Besides, there are so many people in this town. People are exposed to radiation. Once the radiation source is removed, no one knows what will happen. Rescue measures or defensive measures must be taken, and try not to shoot. Nearly half of the people there are Chinese, and I must ensure everyone's safety."

"That's no problem. I'll tell the local government to take care of it." Jackson responded in a deep voice. He didn't have to worry about it anyway, so it would be nice to sell him a favor. He pondered for a moment and continued: "Sadie asked his men to pretend to be islands and looted our country. Freighter, I don’t know if it’s true or not, if you can catch or kill Sadie, please hand him over to us, whether dead or alive.”

"No problem, we'll try our best." Luo Zheng promised seriously, without revealing the truth. It's fine if everyone understands this kind of thing. If it is revealed, it will affect subsequent cooperation. As a senior commander, Luo Zheng has experienced too many things. He has matured a lot in both military and political matters and knows what to say on any occasion.

Jackson is not stupid either. He comes from a political family, and he tells lies easily. His political skills are more mature than Luo Zheng's. Although he knows clearly that Luo Zheng did it, he doesn't point it out. For the sake of this cooperation, Jackson plans to turn this person into a liar. It's a bitter pill to swallow by yourself. As long as Saadi is there, the country will be able to tell the truth. As for the truth, it is in the past. There is little point in pursuing it anymore. It is better to seize the immediate benefits.

Grasping interests is the basic rule for mature politicians. The two looked at each other and put the matter aside in a tacit understanding. Luo Zheng quickly changed the topic and said: "The town's problems will be implemented according to this plan. You can control the specific details yourself, and I will But I asked, you have to tell me the truth about something, why are you cooperating with me? I feel very uneasy if you don’t understand."

Jackson looked at Luo Zheng deeply, feeling a little embarrassed. After pondering for a moment, he said, "I can tell you, but I won't admit it until I leave this room."

"No problem, I'll forget about it after I leave the room." Luo Zheng agreed knowingly.

"Two reasons. Ten years ago, the family of the current president of our country was murdered. It was suspected to be the work of a dark organization. The current president was kind to me, supported me, and looked after me. He was also a family friend. I must help the president track down the case. The truth, bring the murderer to justice. Secondly, there is an invisible pressure in the country restricting me from pursuing this matter. It is not a big problem to deal with the small town, but it is difficult to hunt down the Cobra terrorist organization, so external force is needed, and you are just right. Involved." Jackson said matter-of-factly.

"I see. It seems that the president of your country is not having a good life either." Luo Zheng said with some emotion.

"Let's not discuss this issue." Jackson said calmly: "The truth has been told to you. I have been defeated by you several times, and I am still being used in important positions. I am inseparable from the president. This kindness must be repaid, so I You can let go of the hatred between you and me, and after this incident is over, we will still be at odds with each other."

"Okay, this is what a man should do. Keep public and private affairs separate and grudges clear. As long as you don't cheat, I believe this cooperation will be very pleasant. We can fight whatever we want afterwards, but in this matter, I don't I will target you, and I hope you don’t play tricks on me. Everyone understands, otherwise life and death will happen.” Luo Zheng’s face became solemn, and he said coldly, his words were both expressing his stance and threatening.

Jackson couldn't tell, but what he wanted was Luo Zheng's attitude. With this attitude, it would be much easier to cooperate later. After all, they are life and death enemies. It is impossible to trust each other absolutely all at once. Jackson thought I want to say: "I went to meet with the president of this country overnight to discuss a solution to the incident in the small town. When will you solve Sadie's problem?"

"It will be solved after daybreak." Luo Zheng said with a confident face. He had everyone on hand and was not worried at all. It was just a show and a show for Jackson.

"Okay, let's take it as nine o'clock tomorrow morning. After nine o'clock, the local government will take search measures and the presidential palace guard will come forward. I believe the troops will not dare to mess around. Without Saadi's order, things will go much smoother. In addition, , I will arrange for on-site peacekeeping troops to assist, we will take the lead in this matter, and I hope you will not cause trouble." Jackson became serious, looked at Luo Zheng and warned.

"No problem, we have a common enemy. I can still distinguish right from wrong. Don't worry about this, I promise." Luo Zheng also agreed seriously.

Jackson knew Luo Zheng very well and knew that he would not lie or deceive him on this issue. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, that's it."

"Okay, farewell." Luo Zheng agreed, giving Lan Xue a look, and the two hurriedly walked outside. Although his words were pleasant, Luo Zheng did not believe in Jackson's character, and he had to go back and take countermeasures in order to Just in case.

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