The strongest soldier

Chapter 1998 Asking for Instructions at Home

Luo Zheng had seen the news when he went home and knew about the kidnapping. He didn't expect that it was related to the Dark Church and the strange events in the town. The matter became more complicated than imagined. It was so serious that he had to ask for instructions from the country before making decisions. , if the situation is true, no matter how much hatred he had in the past, this favor is owed. While Luo Zheng is grateful, he is more concerned about the purpose of the Cobra terrorist organization.

"We have a common goal and hope to join forces to fight against terrorists. As for the purpose, please forgive me. I can't comment until you agree to cooperate. I have said too much, don't you think? It's time to show your sincerity. ." Jackson said seriously.

Luo Zheng wanted to rush forward and pry open Jackson's mouth, but his reason told him that he couldn't. After pondering for a moment, he said: "Anyway, thank you for your information. I will reply to you as soon as possible. I'll take my leave now." Things became more serious. Get up, Luo Zheng doesn't want to stay long, he must go back and get in touch with the country as soon as possible.

Jackson sent Luo Zheng away without holding back. The two got in the car and left quickly. On the way, Lan Xue, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said: "How trustworthy is his words?"

"Look at this." Luo Zheng handed the document bag to Lan Xue.

Lan Xue took it and opened it, her face changed drastically, and she looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng gave Lan Xue a look, saying that he would talk about it after going back. Lan Xue nodded knowingly and continued to study the information in the document bag. Luo Zheng was also caught up in it. As he pondered, things were out of control. The Cobra terrorist organization was no small matter, with amazing fighting power, strange and ruthless behavior, no moral restraints, huge numbers, and no trace of its actions. What was even more terrifying was that there was a mysterious and mysterious person standing behind it. The ancient dark church, to which Luo Zheng was completely unfamiliar.

Know yourself and your enemy and you will be victorious in any fight. This is basic common sense in the art of war. Luo Zheng didn’t understand the Dark Church at all and didn’t know how to deal with it for a moment. After thinking about it, Jackson told him so much. In addition to killing people with borrowed swords, it was enough to show his fear of the Cobra terrorist organization. , fear of the Dark Church, otherwise there would be no need to do this.

Back in the embassy room, Lan Xue was responsible for checking the surroundings and guarding the door to avoid being eavesdropped. Luo Zheng quickly turned on the signal to contact the headquarters. After the signal was connected, he immediately said: "Lan Xing, contact grandpa immediately. There is an emergency." Things need to be reported, top secret, be careful to be monitored."

"Ah? Okay." Blue Star was shocked. He had never seen Luo Zheng speak like this before. Knowing that something big had happened, he quickly agreed, quickly contacted Mr. Li, and took top-level anti-monitoring measures.

Not long after, a kind yet majestic voice sounded in the headset: "It's me, Girl Xing. This is my old man's sleeping time. If nothing happens, I will never spare you."

"Grandpa, I'm not looking for you, it's my brother-in-law." Lanxing quickly explained.

"Is something wrong?" Mr. Li immediately became alert and asked in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng hurriedly explained the meeting with Jackson in detail, not sparing any detail, and finally added: "Chief, I judge that Jackson is not lying. The matter is very important. Please give me instructions on what to do."

"Is it the Cobra terrorist organization? No wonder, it seems that this is most likely true. You quickly send the information over for verification. We also have some information about the Dark Church. We will arrange to send it to you as soon as possible. If everything is true, I need to report it immediately Give it to the chairman, please make a decision, it’s a very important matter, please be careful, don’t act rashly for the time being, and wait for domestic news.” Mr. Li said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng could hear the solemnity and worry in Mr. Li's words. He obviously knew something. He couldn't help but feel something in his heart. He realized that the matter might be more terrifying than he thought. He quickly agreed and quickly took photos of the relevant information and sent them to Blue Star. Blue Star handed it over.

After handling all this, Luo Zheng motioned to Lan Xue, who was guarding the door, to come in, closed the door and whispered: "Xue'er, things have become more complicated. You must get familiar with this dark church as soon as possible. Some information in the country will be spread soon. Come here, what do you think about cooperation?"

"Cooperate with Jackson?" Lan Xue asked curiously. When Luo Zheng nodded, he couldn't help but think deeply. After a moment, he said seriously: "Although there is deep hatred between the two parties, Jackson is also a person who combines national interests and personal interests. We must put people first, and we must also defend national interests. There is nothing we cannot cooperate with in the face of interests. As long as we can solve the problems of the town and rescue the twelve kidnapped chemical experts, cooperation is not impossible. I believe brothers We can all understand and accept it, but we have to be careful of that bastard Jackson’s deception.”

Luo Zheng did not answer, but was deep in thought. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he said in a deep voice: "The kidnapped people are all chemical experts. Is there any explanation for this? Secondly, they chose to do it in this small town. The small town Most of them are Chinese, could they do this deliberately to attract our attention and provide cover for the kidnappers?"

"It's not impossible. The expert was kidnapped in another country. In order to attract our attention, they chose to do it in this country. In order to attract us, they chose a small town with a large number of Chinese people. It all makes sense. Such a far-reaching plan, but I don’t know what they are planning?” Lan Xue said in a deep voice.

"Chemical experts are proficient in chemical engineering, wouldn't they be kidnapped to make biological, chemical or nuclear bombs?" Luo Zheng said in surprise. At this point, his inner uneasiness became more intense, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. If all this is Really, then this terrorist organization must be wiped out, and cooperation with Jackson is even more necessary. Sam Country's intelligence and information capabilities are very strong. Cooperation will only be a win-win situation and will only be more conducive to the completion of the mission.

The two chatted for a while, and Guishou came back, unscathed and unexposed. Luo Zheng explained the meeting with Jackson in detail. Guishou's expression changed greatly after hearing this, and he became thoughtful, and said for a while: "Brother, if If all of this is true, then the matter will be complicated. Even Sam Country is afraid of it and has to look for foreign aid. This shows how powerful the enemy is and how complicated the matter is. I’m afraid we won’t be able to do it and will have to call for help.”

"Don't worry. To solve the problem in the town, we can let the Sam Country come forward. This country is close to the Sam Country. It is easier for them to come forward than for us to come forward. Once the location of the Cobra terrorist organization is locked, just let the brothers rush there. Don't alert the snake first. , or exposed our strength, we must be more cautious when working with Jackson, I feel that this bastard has become more sophisticated and calm." Lan Xue quickly reminded.

"Huh? Has he grown up?" Guishou glanced at Lan Xue in surprise, and then looked at Luo Zheng. Seeing Luo Zheng's face in deep contemplation, he knew what Lan Xue said was true. After thinking about it, he said, "That's right. good."

"We're back." At this time, Shi Qian's voice sounded outside.

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