The strongest soldier

Chapter 1995 Arrangement for arrest

After the meeting, everyone dispersed and went about their own business. In the following days, Luo Zheng and Lan Xue stayed in the room and did not go anywhere. Dongfang Ling closely monitored their physical condition. Taking care of them, Cao Xi and Shi Qian were arranged by Luo Zheng to continue monitoring the outskirts of the town to see if they could find any clues.

Information from all parties came to Luo Zheng immediately. However, after two days, there was not much progress. Some people in Sam State took to the streets to petition, demanding that the country severely punish the murderer. However, the president of Sam State said that the truth of the situation was still under investigation. , suppressed the parade. This situation made Luo Zheng more aware that Jackson's visit this time was related to the town's affairs, otherwise there would be no need to protect Sadie.

However, Sadie disappeared completely after hacking the goods, and no one knew where he was. The number of defenders near the town suddenly doubled, and those watching from the outside were asked to continue to retreat one kilometer. In this way, it was almost impossible to see with the naked eye. It is difficult to see the situation in the town. In other words, all Luo Zheng's moves have had little effect, and things have reached a deadlock.

The only good thing is that Luo Zheng and Lan Xue's bodies did not react abnormally for five consecutive days. Dongfang Ling estimated that the two people evacuated in time and the radiation they received was not serious. It was finally a blessing in misfortune. Luo Zheng also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Who wants to die while alive? However, the properties of radiation are unclear, and Dongfang Ling cannot come up with measures to emit radiation for the time being.

Unable to withstand the radiation, he could not penetrate into the town after all, so he could not find the truth of the matter and rescue the people in the town. On this day, Luo Zheng carefully studied the map in the guest room, thinking about Sadie's possible hiding place, and publicly There is definitely no place to be found, and it is definitely not in the property belonging to Saadi. With Saadi's caution and cunning, it is impossible to hide in the Sam State embassy. The only possibility is a military base.

The troops all belong to Saadi, and hiding in the troops is undoubtedly the safest. Luo Zheng studied the map carefully and drew the locations of three important military bases on the drawing. All three are possible. It will take time to check each one. And it’s very difficult, what should I do?

Just when Luo Zheng was at a loss what to do, he received a call from Hongmeihua: "We found Sadie."

"Ah? Great, where is it?" Luo Zheng was overjoyed and asked quickly.

"Hide in the Gulu Mountain military base." Hong Meihua said.

Luo Zheng quickly looked at the map and saw that the Gulu Mountain Military Base was one of the ones he had designated. He couldn't help being overjoyed and asked, "Can you confirm it?"

"It can basically be confirmed that the National Security personnel were eyeing Saadi's favorite woman and discovered that he had been secretly picked up an hour ago. The intelligence officers followed them and saw that they were heading towards Gulu Mountain. Considering the exposure problem, they withdrew. Come down and let them investigate further if necessary." Hong Meihua said quickly.

"No, this is enough. Who dares to mess with Sadie's favorite woman? We should take her to the military base. Of course it is Sadie. This bastard finally showed his weakness. Thank the brothers from Guoan for me." Luo Zheng Overjoyed, he said quickly, hung up the phone, looked at the bored little wolf next to him, and shouted: "Go and call Shi Qian."

"Yes." Xiaolang agreed and went out.

Soon, Shi Qian hurried over with Little Wolf and asked curiously: "Boss, what's the matter?"

"Come and see." Luo Zheng pointed to the Gulu Mountain Military Base on the map and continued: "That bastard Sadie is here. I need you to infiltrate and steal Sadie out quietly. Stealing is your strong point. Do you have any questions? If you need any support, just ask.”

"Let me take a look." Shi Qian carefully observed the terrain map for a while, and then said after thinking for a moment: "This base is a valley. It is very open inside. There should be a lot of troops hidden there. There is no point in having too many people. I can just go alone." Let’s do this, I’ll do it at night, and I’ll get them out before dawn at most, but I need one person to help attract the enemy’s attention at the critical moment.”

"This is not a problem. Xiaolang and Tigress will help you. With the speed of the two of them, escaping is not a problem. Tigress can completely disguise himself as a local and has high concealment. He is responsible for attracting the enemy's attention. Xiaolang is responsible for driving. Is there any problem with meeting you?" Luo Zheng asked seriously.

"No problem. I'm responsible for the specific actions. They have to follow my arrangements." Shi Qian said seriously.

Luo Zheng knew that Shi Qian's stealing skills were unparalleled and he had an invisibility suit. It was not a big problem to steal under the cover of night, so he looked at Xiaolang and Tigress beside him and asked solemnly: "Did you hear that? You two have to pay. Shi Qian's command is of great importance, if you dare to act recklessly, I will skin you both."

"Yes." Xiaolang and Tigress knew the importance of this opportunity and did not dare to be careless. If they missed it again, they would really have to go back to their hometown, so they quickly and solemnly agreed.

"You have the final say on what to do, and they will leave it to you. I only look at the results. I will see Sadie after dawn. It's a big deal, so be careful." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Yes, I promise to complete the mission." Shi Qian also knew the importance of this mission, and quickly agreed, taking Xiaolang and Tigress away in a hurry to make preparations.

Lan Xue walked in and learned that Luo Zheng had arranged to move to the military base to steal Sadie. Without any objection, the tightly guarded exhibition hall was able to quietly take out the dzi beads. With Shi Qian's stealing skills, Sadie was stolen. It was not difficult for Di to get it. Lan Xue also admired Shi Qian's superb stealing skills. He nodded to Luo Zheng and said with a smile: "You still had the foresight to bring him here, and he came in handy. However, only they Is three okay?”

At this time, Guishou also walked in. Luo Zheng did not answer Lan Xue's question immediately. Instead, he looked at Guishou, explained the situation in detail, and finally added: "Brother, I need you to do something."

"What's the matter? Tell me." Guishou asked curiously.

"Go to another military base and make some noise to make Sadie think we are targeting another military base. Relax your vigilance. The time must be coordinated. You must discuss the details with Shi Qian and make sure before Shi Qian takes action. For more than two hours, pay attention to safety and don't leave any clues." Luo Zheng warned.

"Don't worry, I understand." Guishou promised, and seeing that Luo Zheng had nothing else to explain, he left.

"It's good to attack in the east and west, but don't forget that there is Jackson." Lan Xue reminded.

"I know, I'm going to visit him publicly." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"What? This is too dangerous." Lan Xue immediately stopped him.

"If you don't get into the tiger's den, you won't get the cub. I need to check out Jackson's background in person to see if he has anything to do with this matter." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"I know your intention, but it's still too dangerous." Lan Xue reminded worriedly.

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