The strongest soldier

Chapter 1992 Weird Situation

The warm sun shines on the earth. The early summer sun is not very hot. The countryside and mountains are vast and empty. The terrain is gentle. The straight asphalt road connects the small town in front. It is calm and quiet, and there is no life in sight. At this time, a man suddenly rushes out. A large group of people looked like crazy, baring their teeth and claws, howling and rushing towards them.

Luo Zheng looked at this scene with shock on his face. He didn't know what was going on. When he saw these people getting closer and rushing towards a truck parked on the road, he realized that Emotion was here to get food. The two of them just now Without paying attention while chatting, a truck passed by. The driver was rushing towards the police cordon desperately for fear of being caught by the people in the town.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng stared at this scene. For the first time in two days, he saw people from the small town coming out to get food. Luo Zheng found that these people were very crazy, but there was some kind of power controlling them. Everyone They all carried their things and retreated quickly without losing control, beating each other, etc. This is very abnormal. Can a crazy person still observe discipline and rules?

Lan Xue also saw the trick and said in a deep voice: "Something is wrong."

"Watch carefully, we'll talk about it later." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, and found that the soldiers were on guard as if they were facing a powerful enemy, with all their guns aimed forward. Once people from the small town rushed up, they would definitely open fire without hesitation, but these people seemed to Knowing that they would be massacred if they went forward, they just carried their belongings and retreated one after another. The faster they came, the faster they left.

There were men and women in the crowd, all young people. There were no old people or children. How could a starving person control himself? Why didn't the elderly and children rush to grab things? Why did these people just move the things and not open and eat them on site? The more Luo Zheng looked at it, the more he felt that it was not simple. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that these people seemed to be controlled, which was very unusual. He had an idea and decided to take the risk and said in a deep voice: "Xue'er, sit down."

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Zheng drove the car and rushed forward. Lan Xue didn't know what Luo Zheng wanted to do, so he quickly pulled on his seat belt and sat down, took out his pistol in case of any accident, stared sharply ahead, and quickly Entering combat mode, Luo Zheng also took out his pistol and said in a deep voice: "Rush up and see the situation."

"What if the army blocks it?" Lan Xue asked in a deep voice.

"Our car is a special car for the embassy. It represents sovereignty. They don't dare to shoot indiscriminately. And at the moment, they are on guard against the people in the town. They don't care about us and rush over to take a look before talking." Luo Zhengchen He said loudly, slammed the accelerator, and the car whizzed away like an arrow from the string.

In the blink of an eye, the car rushed to the police line. The troops in charge of the security were shocked and dispersed one after another. Their guns were aimed at them, but no one dared to shoot without an order. The second lieutenant from before wanted to give an order, but he still held back. In this stunned moment, the car broke through the barrier and rushed forward.

The second lieutenant, with a livid face, continued to command the troops and ran towards the guard box while running towards the guard box. It was a big deal if someone crossed the card and had to be reported in time. Ordinary people could just forget about it and just open fire, but the embassy's cars couldn't mess around.

Luo Zheng figured out what the second lieutenant was thinking, drove over and quickly approached the truck. There were people carrying supplies. When they saw the truck approaching, they all dropped what they were holding and rushed towards it, trying to block the truck with their bodies. Luo Zheng Seeing this scene, he snorted, slammed the accelerator, turned the steering wheel to bypass the crowd, and rushed forward, leaving all these people behind in an instant.

As he was about to approach the town, Luo Zheng suddenly noticed countless people rushing out of the town, holding various crude weapons in their hands, including iron rods and shotguns. There were men, women, and children. They charged back with screams and crowds. The street was full, and Lan Xue suddenly screamed: "No, my head suddenly hurts."

Luo Zheng was shocked. He suddenly felt a stinging pain in his head as if he had been stabbed by a needle. Knowing something was strange, he turned the steering wheel and rushed out of the road. The ground beside the road was flat and flush with the road. The car ran without any problems. Luo Zheng Turning the steering wheel, he turned around and rushed towards the warning line. When he saw Lan Xue holding her head tightly and moaning in pain, she also had a splitting headache. She couldn't help but feel shocked. This was an experience she had never experienced before.

The car rushed forward, and the people carrying supplies rushed to block it. Luo Zheng didn't care whether he would hit anyone, and stepped on the accelerator to rush forward. Those people actually dodged away, but this detail gave him a splitting headache. Luo Zheng didn't notice, breathing heavily while hitting his head with his hand to relieve the pain.

Soon, the car rushed to the warning line, and the headache was relieved a lot. Luo Zheng saw countless soldiers in front of him with guns aimed at him, and he regained some composure. If he rushed forward, he would definitely hit someone, and he had to step on the brakes. The tires of the high-speed rotating car rub against the ground, emitting an unpleasant rubber smell.

Under the influence of strong inertia, the car rushed forward nearly 100 meters and stopped. The high-speed brake caused the airbag to eject. Luo Zheng's whole body was lying on the airbag, and his head was dizzy. When he thought of Lan Xue, he couldn't help but be horrified. , the whole person woke up for a while, and quickly removed the airbag to take a look, and found that Lan Xue was also held up by the airbag, his eyes were closed tightly, and he was unconscious.

"Xue'er, are you okay?" Luo Zheng was horrified and shouted anxiously.

At this time, the second lieutenant and the soldiers rushed up, opened the car door, and motioned Luo Zheng to get out of the car. Luo Zheng ignored the second lieutenant, but removed the airbag in twos and twos, and tried his best to open Lan Xue's airbag so as not to block Lan Xue's airbag. Breathing normally, while unbuckling Lan Xue's seat belt, endless guilt surged up. If he hadn't insisted on rushing forward, this would never have happened.

It was too late to regret, Luo Zheng quickly got out of the car, pushed away the ensign who came forward, walked around the front of the car to the other side, lifted Lan Xue from the driving position, laid it flat on the ground, and took a breath. His breathing was still normal. This time he breathed a sigh of relief and shouted quickly: "Xue'er, are you okay?"

"Ahem, my head hurts." Lan Xue suddenly coughed twice and shouted in pain.

"As long as you are fine, I will send you to the hospital right away." Luo Zheng said quickly, and the strange thing just now appeared in his mind. Why did he suddenly have a splitting headache when he was approaching the town? If one person has this reaction, it can be understood as a physical reason. If two people have this reaction at the same time, it is definitely an external reason.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but turn his head and glance in the direction of the town. Those people stopped after chasing the truck, waving their crude weapons and shouting, but no one dared to come forward. It was weird, the town The residents were already going crazy, so why didn’t they rush in like crazy? Why are they unaffected by headaches?

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