The strongest soldier

Chapter 1981 Escape quickly

The tiger girl ran very fast, and rushed forward quickly under the cover of the wolf sniper. A tiger fell down next to the wolf, and stared angrily at the church in front. No one dared to take the lead easily, and said with a cold face: " Stinky wolf, I'm out of bullets. These bastards are very skilled and have a lot of people. We have to retreat." He said and looked at both sides vigilantly in case someone came to attack them.

Xiaolang pulled out a pistol and handed it over, then took out a few magazines and said, "Use them first while you're alive." But he continued to put his eyes in the sniper scope, constantly searching for enemies in front of him, looking for targets.

"So many?" Tigress shouted in surprise. When she saw that it was not a familiar standard weapon, she immediately understood that it was a captured trophy. She shouted excitedly: "Smelly wolf, you have two choices. You cover, and I will attack and kill these people." , the other option is to run away before the enemy helicopter comes."

"How likely is it that the enemy helicopter will come over?" Xiaolang asked in a deep voice, without even raising his head, he continued to look for the target. Suddenly, he noticed a figure flashing in the corner of a building not far from the church. He knew that the enemy was going to Outflanked, he quickly took aim, locked the target and calmly pulled the trigger.

"There should be no preparations in advance, otherwise they would have arrived earlier. Maybe Jackson, an old turtle, thought he could catch us, but they failed. So many people died. It would be too shameful not to catch us. He must have contacted the helicopter and is on its way. On the way." Tiger Girl analyzed in a deep voice.

When Xiaolang heard that it made sense, he looked up and looked around. He vaguely felt that more people were outflanking him. He couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "It makes sense. We will evacuate immediately. You can drive to the forest."

"Understood." The tiger girl glanced at the dilapidated car, and was very worried about whether the car could start, but she still agreed, put her hands on the ground, jumped up, rushed down the hillside, and quickly climbed up. Seeing that there was no key to the car, I knew that Xiaolang had stolen it. He skillfully found out a handful of thin wires on the partition under the steering wheel. There were all kinds of colors. He found the two wires accurately and gently touched them with the exposed metal part. stand up.

The car was quickly hit. Tigress looked up with concern and saw the little wolf getting up, holding the sniper rifle and rushing wildly. She immediately pushed the block and refueled, getting ready to start. When the little wolf opened the door and got in, the tiger The woman quickly released the clutch and brake, slammed the accelerator and rushed forward. The little wolf almost lost his seat and bumped into the position. After he stabilized, he quickly closed the car door. He kept searching the surroundings with his sharp eyes and took aim with his pistol. Outside.

Although the enemy caught up, the car was too fast and rushed out of the shooting range. This scene made Xiaolang secretly relieved, and quickly connected to the line and shouted: "Sister Hua, we are evacuating and preparing to go to the forest, what suggestions do you have?" "

"Be careful and find ways to avoid pursuit." Hong Meihua warned in a deep voice, with deep concern.

"Okay, I'm in a big way this time. I didn't expect that I fell into the trap of an old turtle named Jackson, and he actually had an ambush." ​​Little Wolf said angrily, clenching his steel teeth in anger.

"I have analyzed the situation. Jackson should have thought that someone would ambush him and took precautions in advance. They found someone in the church. Fortunately, they did not find your hidden location. They only found the car, so they arranged a false location. The play asked you to take action, and the action was exposed. What you hit might be a silicone dummy. Just be fine and get out as soon as possible. We are planning a safe route for you." Hong Meihua said quickly.

"So that's it." Xiaolang said angrily, thought for a moment, and added: "Sister Hua, if my brother were here, how would he handle this situation?"

"Then only he knows. With his unconstrained thinking, anything is possible. I can't imagine what he would do." Hong Meihua said with a bitter smile.

"My brother isn't here?" Xiaolang asked in surprise.

"Going on a mission." Hong Meihua said casually.

Xiaolang understood discipline and did not ask about the task. He continued to think about remedial measures. The first official mission failed. Xiaolang couldn't afford to embarrass this person, so he stopped talking with a cold face. Tigress glanced at the passenger in the co-pilot's seat. Xiaolang said: "What are you thinking about?"

"It's nothing." Xiao Lang responded casually, his brows furrowing even deeper.

Of course, Tigress didn't believe it was nothing, but she didn't ask any questions. She concentrated on driving. The car rushed along the flat mountains and quickly reached the edge of the forest. Tigress stopped the car and looked at the little wolf, who looked back. Behind him, some people and cars were running wildly across the road. They were the pursuers. His face darkened and he cursed: "These little turtles are chasing so fast. Let's go into the forest and teach these bastards a lesson."

The two people quickly got out of the car and ran towards the forest. After entering the forest, the headset sounded the reminder of red plum blossoms. At the reminder of the red plum blossoms, the two rushed to a mountain peak and continued running along the mountain ridge. Ten minutes later , there is a waterfall in front, about a hundred meters high. In the dry season, the water flow is not large. The downstream is a canyon, the cliffs are steep, and there is not much river water. The canyon bed is full of exposed stones, and the upstream is a winding river.

"Go down the waterfall quickly and go downstream." Red Plum Blossom's warning voice sounded in the headset.

The two had absolute trust in the red plum blossoms. Without any hesitation, they quickly rushed to the waterfall and climbed down the cliff. The two were well-trained and climbed very fast. They were as dexterous as apes and jumped down a few times. Just go down a few dozen meters, and then rush down the cliff slope, as if walking on flat ground.

After the two people rushed to the canyon, they jumped directly into the river and went downstream, hiding their bodies in the water with only their heads exposed. The river water had a certain reflective and cooling effect, and the surrounding towering canyons caused signal confusion. It is not easy to be monitored by satellites or drones in the river. Xiaolang and Tigress are not stupid. They will know what is going on when the red plum blossoms remind them to walk through the canyon.

The water in the river was not very fast, but it was no problem to take the two of them along. By the time the pursuers arrived, the two of them had disappeared. A dozen strong men in black suits looked around indifferently, all of them silent with cold faces. , one of them contacted the outside world through a headset and reported the situation.

A few minutes later, the group of people quickly descended the cliff and chased in the direction where Xiaolang and Tigress had evacuated. There were traces of the two passing by on the mountainside, so it was not difficult to find them.

Hong Meihua, who had been monitoring all this through satellite, did not panic. She calmly pondered for a moment, then quickly picked up the microphone and shouted: "Xiaolang, the thirteen pursuers have already flowed down the river. You two find an inconspicuous position." Get ashore quickly, don't let them find any trace of you two getting ashore, and get rid of the pursuers as soon as possible. Jackson and the others suddenly evacuated, it looks weird, you two have to go and have a look."

"Yes, Jackson is the target. He will be there soon." Xiaolang promised.

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