The strongest soldier

Chapter 1976 Base Negotiation

After the meeting, Luo Zheng came out, sent his parents home first, then drove to Lan Xue's home, picked up Lan Xue and went straight to the base. On the way, Luo Zheng said to Lan Xue apologetically: "Xue'er, our order The wedding banquet is so simple, and there are urgent tasks to deal with next, I feel sorry for you."

"It's okay, as long as we are together, it's enough. Who asked us to be soldiers? What mission?" Lan Xue asked curiously, looking at the man in front of him who was focused on driving, his fiancé, feeling everything Everything is so beautiful, so happy, and it doesn’t matter what you pay for happiness.

"Yeah!" Luo Zheng agreed with emotion. He sorted out his thoughts and detailed the strange events and tasks in the town as well as his arrangements. Finally, he added: "The lives of four to five hundred Chinese people, two leading experts I can't sit back and watch, I can only wrong you. You are right, who made us soldiers? If we don't pay, who will pay? Weird events happen to be under our control, and the chairman became our witness. This is What an honor and trust, now that the task has been personally given, we should complete it."

"From today on, we are all a family. Your decision is my decision. There is no need to be polite or explain. Do you understand?" Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng affectionately and said, with a happy smile on his face, as if A traditional and virtuous wife.

"Yes, I remember." Luo Zheng agreed with emotion. What more could a husband ask for when he has such a wife?

"Let's talk about the mission, what do you think?" Lan Xue's face gradually became serious and she asked.

"Let's talk about something else. Today is a happy day. I can't let you follow me so I can only fight and kill." Luo Zheng said with a bitter smile.

"It's okay. We met each other on the battlefield, knew each other on the battlefield, and fell in love with each other on the battlefield. Our lives, our lives are all about fighting, and only fighting is left. I don't think there is anything wrong with this. This is our job and ours. My mission, besides, you are an elm pimple, you understand love, love, love, kiss me and me?" Lan Xue said with a smile.

"That's right, okay, let's talk about the mission." Luo Zheng was really not used to the way Kiss Me and Yi Yi Nonnon talked, so he smiled bitterly and said: "We're leaving tonight. When you get back, quickly prepare your documents and air tickets. You can go anywhere. Yes, it doesn’t matter if it takes longer, but it must be kept secret. We have to go there quietly to avoid being exposed. The country we are going to has close ties with Sam Country, and it would be detrimental to us if exposed."

"Understood." Lan Xue said in a deep voice, lowered his head and thought for a moment, then suddenly continued: "Since there is an infection, we will have this problem in the past, should we be prepared before going there? It is too hasty."

"Yes, it is indeed rushed, but our time is limited. Let's discuss it later." Luo Zheng said helplessly. The mission was strange and dangerous, and there was a lack of intelligence support. It was really inappropriate not to be fully prepared, but the mission was urgent. Wait. Everything is ready and the daylilies are cold.

Lan Xue also knew the urgency of time and said nothing more. The two of them thought about the mission, but they lost the joy of engagement. On the contrary, their hearts became extremely heavy. They are both veterans of many battles, not afraid of fighting or sacrifice, but the strange contagion, I'm afraid the consequences of infection are worrying. It's a completely unfamiliar way of fighting.

The two arrived at the base unknowingly, and quickly notified the heads of various departments to come for the meeting. The two went straight to the conference room. Not long after they sat down, Hongmeihua walked in first. They didn't know that today was the wedding day for the two of them, Seeing the heavy expressions on the two people's faces, they were not surprised. Knowing something was wrong, they quickly asked: "What's wrong with you two? Are you having a conflict? It can't be possible. You two are role models for young people."

"Brother, haven't you gone home? We are summoned here in such a hurry. We are still in the conference room. Is there a mission?" Guishou, who was familiar with Luo Zheng, trotted up and asked in surprise.

"What's going on?" Snow Leopard also ran in and shouted curiously.

Luo Zheng glanced at the door. Shan Diao, Cao Xi, Shi Qian, Lan Xing, and Dongfang Ling also walked in. He did not answer everyone's questions, but motioned for everyone to sit down and let the last person come in to close the door. Then he said in a deep voice: "Brothers, this is an urgent mission. This mission is very difficult and classified as highly top secret."

"Yes!" When everyone heard this, their expressions changed slightly, and they agreed in a deep voice. Everyone was very familiar with Luo Zheng. They had never seen Luo Zheng so serious when discussing the task. Knowing that something had happened, and it was a big deal, they all raised their eyebrows. Purge your ears and cheer up.

Luo Zheng's eyes were as bright as a tiger's, and he looked around at everyone. He carefully explained the mission and his deployment. Finally, he added: "Things are weird. There is a lack of intelligence. Any plan is useless. We can only act according to the situation. We will keep it secret for now." Go over, Hongmeihua, your intelligence office will seize the time to collect relevant information and provide clues."

"Understood." Hong Meihua quickly agreed. Everyone saw that Luo Zheng Qiankun was arbitrary and decided on the action without discussion. They all felt the urgency of time and the seriousness of the matter, and they all fell silent and thought.

"Brother, Dongfang Ling is more familiar with weird events than us. It was very suitable in the past. It was enough to be protected by Brother Guishou. Cao Xi and Shi Qian also have their own unique skills, but they may not be familiar with weird events. Why can they go but we can't? , why don't you let us go, and we will protect them both." Snow Leopard became anxious when he saw that he was not responsible, and quickly suggested, looking at Luo Zheng with eyes full of expectation.

"Cao Xi and Shi Qian are familiar with things in the world, and their exposure to things is different from ours. They went to discuss it in multiple places. You two are soldiers like me, and have similar ways of thinking. In the past, I was not very helpful. Besides, I We need you two to lead the troops at the base and set out to provide support at any time." Luo Zheng explained seriously.

"Okay." Snow Leopard agreed gloomily, with a look of disappointment on his face.

"I'll leave the house to you." Luo Zheng looked at Hong Meihua and said.

"Don't worry, I know what to do." Hong Meihua solemnly promised.

"I feel relieved to have you here. After the meeting, everyone will prepare separately and leave tonight. By the way, what's going on with Little Wolf and Tigress?" Luo Zheng asked, looking at Red Plum Blossom.

Hongmeihua quickly replied: "We have locked Jackson's location. In a small town, Xiaolang and Tigress rushed to ambush him. We expect to start in an hour. We have sufficient information and preparations, so there should be no big problem."

"That's good. What will happen to them if they fail? Have the retreat route been arranged?" Luo Zheng asked with concern. As a commander, Luo Zheng is used to seeking defeat first.

"We have arranged for evacuation vehicles, and there are people to pick them up halfway. In addition, the town is not far from the mountains. If it is not possible, we can still retreat into the mountains." Hongmeihua quickly explained.

Luo Zheng knew that Xiaolang was a hunter and was very familiar with the woods. As long as he entered the woods, there would be no problem in escaping. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said: "Notify me immediately if there is any news. If you don't have anything to do, let's break up the meeting. Everyone is ready to go. This mission is special, dangerous, and weird, so you must not be careless. I hope everyone is mentally prepared."

"Yes." The mental preparation was a suicide note. Everyone responded in a deep voice with understanding. A strong fighting spirit burst out, which was touching, and they walked outside with firm steps.

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