The strongest soldier

Chapter 1968 Safe Evacuation

Ten minutes later, the crazily rolling and twisting golden-scaled snake gradually stopped, and there was no movement. The surrounding area was in a mess, with broken tree trunks and branches everywhere, and fallen leaves all over the ground. Everyone was stunned to see this thing. It was too cruel. If it weren't for Luo Zheng used a sniper incendiary bomb to burn out the golden-scaled snake's eyes. If the armor-piercing bullet hadn't penetrated the body's spine, the result would have been unpredictable.

Luo Zheng signaled everyone not to move and continue to wait. Snakes are dead but not stiff. It is best to wait before death is certain to avoid counterattack. After a few minutes, everyone saw that the golden-scaled snake was still lying motionless. On the ground, everyone looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng made a covering gesture and walked forward cautiously.

Soon, Luo Zheng carefully walked to the side of the golden-scaled snake. Seeing that the golden-scaled snake was still motionless, he did not dare to be careless. This beast was too ferocious. He pulled out his dragon-tooth sword and slashed at it with four sparks. It splashed, leaving a mark on its scales, but the golden-scaled snake remained motionless, obviously dead.

At this moment, Luo Zheng was completely relieved and said in surprise: "Brothers, eat the snake meat and get the scales."

"Yes." Everyone saw this scene and were immediately overjoyed and agreed excitedly.

"It's okay to remove the scales, but it's best not to eat snake meat. These things eat a lot of carcass rats, and they carry highly toxic and bacteria. If these poisons and bacteria penetrate into the meat, it will not be good to eat." Cao Xi hurriedly reminded.

Luo Zheng was right when he thought about it. The bigger the snake is, the less poisonous it is. However, the golden-scaled snake is not an ordinary snake. It is too weird and beyond human imagination. It is better to be careful. He said in a deep voice: "Cao Xi is right to remind you, remove the scales." A, please be careful, don’t move around others, remember to wear tactical gloves, Snow Leopard Team, you are responsible."

"Yes." The members of the Snow Leopard Team responded in a deep voice and started to move their hands.

"Brother Guishou, your people are responsible for watching over the prisoners and lighting a fire. Mountain Eagle Team, your people are responsible for guarding the surroundings and trying to get some game to eat." Luo Zheng continued, although there were many prisoners. As for the enemy, we also saw many enemies dying on the battlefield, but there was no guarantee that there would not be others left, so we had to guard against them.

"Yes." The mountain eagle team responded with a knowing voice and quickly left.

The team got busy and quickly lit a bonfire. Luo Zheng glanced at the prisoners not far away, and then at the brothers who were taking out the scale armor. He felt the box in the backpack and secretly sighed, this mission is too great. It was weird and too dangerous. Fortunately, it was completed successfully, but I just missed getting home safely.

"What to do with the captives?" Lan Xue asked curiously in a low voice.

"Leave it to the country to handle it. We also have many people who have infiltrated into the Polar Bear Country. We can exchange prisoners of war with each other. They are all soldiers. Since they have surrendered, we won't bother to deal with them as long as they are messed with." Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

"That's good, you've thought everything through." Lan Xue said sincerely.

"We don't know how harmful this weird stone radioactive material is to our bodies. Although we can't see any problems now, we have to take precautions and go back as soon as possible." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"You're right. This kind of radioactive material is different. It's not very far from here. After dark, a helicopter can be arranged to secretly come to the border to pick us up." Lan Xue said in a deep voice, looking at Luo Zheng, who nodded. Then quickly contacted the headquarters.

After a while, the people from the mountain eagle team hunted a fat wild goat and came over. They had already washed and skinned it, and made a simple grill to put the wild goat on and grill it. Cao Xi took over the task of grilling. While turning the fire, he whispered a few thoughtful words to Shi Qian who woke up from time to time.

Luo Zheng looked at the injured Shi Qian and sighed helplessly. He thought that after returning this time, he would have to find someone to train Shi Qian and Cao Xi well so that they could at least master basic military skills and improve their survivability on the battlefield. He looked at the prisoners of war and said with The breathing method passed down from home is used to adjust the breath.

In about half an hour, the wild goat was roasted and everyone ate it. Each person had a piece of meat. Although it had no taste, it was better than eating compressed biscuits. Everyone chewed slowly and tried to swallow every nutrient. On the battlefield You must have enough energy. Where can you get energy without food?

After eating and drinking, everyone took out all the scales. No one carried some and put them in their backpacks. Even the prisoners of war took some. Everything was ready. Everyone evacuated south. No enemies or dangers were encountered along the way. It went smoothly, and when it got dark, everyone arrived at the border.

On the border, a reconnaissance force was waiting. After the two sides confirmed their identities, the reconnaissance force immediately called in several helicopters. Luo Zheng handed the prisoners to the reconnaissance force and took them away. He took his brothers and quickly left in a helicopter. He had something hidden on him. Strange stones with radioactive material had to be evacuated as soon as possible.

After the helicopter flew to the base, everyone got on a fully fueled transport plane and flew all the way. Finally arriving at a military airport in Beijing in the middle of the night, a group of soldiers wearing chemical protective suits rushed up to help. Luo Zheng saw Mr. Li He personally led the team here, so late at night, he couldn't help but be startled.

An officer in chemical protective clothing came up to salute and said with great care: "Please hand your things over to me. You can get in the car and disinfect them." He pointed to a long container-type vehicle not far away.

Luo Zheng nodded knowingly. Since these people were brought by Mr. Li, there would definitely be no problem. He quickly handed over the strange stones and scale armor to the other party, and saw that the man put the things in a special sealed box. After getting up, Luo Zheng quickly led the people to the long car and let Lan Xue and Cao Xi in first. A few minutes later, Lan Xue and Cao Xi came out after putting on clean clothes, and then Luo Zheng took everyone in.

The car is equipped with special infrared disinfection equipment, which can kill certain toxic bacteria. Next to it are clean clothes, all in sets. Everyone who comes off the battlefield may be carrying some toxic bacteria with them. Quickly take off your clothes and pants and accept them. After scanning the disinfection equipment, he put on clean clothes and came out. When he saw Lan Xuezheng chatting with Mr. Li, he immediately ran up to salute and said with some excitement: "Hello, Chief, the Mystery Bureau has returned from completing its mission. Please give me instructions."

"Take a break." Mr. Li looked at Luo Zheng with some emotion, then looked at Lan Xue, Gui Shou, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle who ran up. He smiled with satisfaction and said, "Well done, what you brought. Just leave it to me."

"Yes." Luo Zheng agreed quickly.

"It was just a simple disinfection. Let's check it carefully when we get back. In addition, the information you sent us is exactly what we are looking for. The task has been successfully completed. You have made a great contribution this time. Well done. The chairman will meet you in a week. , There must be something wrong, I don’t know the details, just take good care of yourself for a week." Mr. Li said.

"Yes." Luo Zheng quickly agreed. As long as the task was completed, his heart was completely relieved.

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