The strongest soldier

Chapter 1965 Continuous fierce battles

Corpse-eating rats are different from others. They have no moral ethics and no position. They only brutally kill and devour other creatures. This kind of beast must be eliminated, otherwise it will be hunted endlessly. Once it follows into the human civilization world, it will bring about It's a huge disaster. To the south is the border. As a commander, Luo Zheng has to think more long-term and be more comprehensive.

At this time, the mountain eagle ran over and looked at Luo Zheng curiously, making a questioning gesture. Luo Zheng waved his hand to calm down, and continued to observe the battlefield and think about countermeasures. It was necessary to kill the Japanese pirates, and these old fools from the Polar Bear Country also It's not a good thing, but killing him right in front of him is not good for him.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng suddenly had an idea and said in a deep voice through the headset: "All brothers listen to my order and take cover. Don't shoot. Let's wait and see what the situation is."

"Yes." Everyone had no doubts about Luo Zheng. Although they didn't know what Luo Zheng's tactical purpose was, they all chose to trust him without any reservation and answered in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng decided to wait and see what would happen, but the corpse rat did not stop attacking. It continued to climb up the tree crazily, chasing and killing the people in the tree. The people in the tree would be more frantically attacked due to the evacuation, so they hid in the tree. On the contrary, they were relatively safe, so they didn't dare to come down, so they continued to shoot, each one with a cold face, and angrily beat the corpse rats to pieces.

Without sniper attacks, these people can go all out to deal with the corpse rats. Although they know that Luo Zheng and others are hiding in the dark and watching eagerly and will take action at any time, they can't wait to look at them. Being killed by bullets is acceptable, but dying in a group of In the mouth of a mouse, that is unacceptable to any hot-blooded soldier.

"Bang bang bang -" A series of precise bursts sounded one after another, like a heavy machine gun firing, blasting more than a dozen corpse rats on the tree and falling to the ground. Luo Zheng's face was extremely solemn. This was a A team with terrifying combat power. It’s just that one person’s marksmanship is so accurate. Almost all of them can shoot accurate fast guns. More importantly, these are Japanese pirates. If they are not killed, they will definitely be a big problem.

"Boom, boom, boom -" The grenades also exploded on the ground one after another, releasing fireballs. The fireballs shrouded the surrounding corpse rats and tore them into pieces of residual limbs and minced meat. Blood spattered everywhere, dyeing the ground red.

Explosions, gunshots, and angry shouts of killing intertwined together, resounding through the woods and spreading into the distance. The thick bloody murderous aura towered into the sky, and even birds did not dare to fly overhead.

The fierce battle continued. The more Luo Zheng watched, the more frightened he became. The more he watched, the more determined he was to kill these people. He frowned and waited. His eyes moved from the people on the tree to the corpse rats that were attacking crazily. He found that At this moment, there were a lot of corpse-eating rats. The mountain eagle next to him asked eagerly in a low voice: "Brother, what are you going to do?"

"Be the oriole, wait a moment." Luo Zheng said briefly.

"I understand." The mountain eagle also knew Luo Zheng very well. He smiled knowingly and said in a low voice: "Brothers, don't shoot. Wait until they are almost exhausted before you attack. Let's do it once." ."

"Understood." Upon hearing this, everyone reacted and admired Luo Zheng's precise calculation.

It is not so easy to be an oriole, and there are many variables in the fight between snipe and clam. If the corpse rats kill the people on the tree, they will scatter in the dense forest, and it will be difficult to encircle and suppress them. If the corpse rats kill the people on the trees, Once the corpse-eating rat escapes, everyone will be in great danger. How can the two parties continue fighting? How to keep the balance of power between the two parties so that both parties suffer in the end? There is a lot of knowledge here.

The fierce battle continued. The corpse rats were afraid of the strange stone carried by Luo Zheng and vented all their anger on the people in the tree. Some shrewd corpse rats secretly climbed up to a higher place and suddenly jumped into the air and pounced on the people who were concentrating. The target of the shooting, but these people in the tree reacted very quickly. They raised their hands and shot the ambushing corpse rat, as if they had discovered it a long time ago.

Although the corpse rats were crazy, ferocious, and attacking desperately, they could not do anything to the people in the tree for a while. The battle continued, and gunfire continued. After a while, one person shouted anxiously: "I have no bullets." La, what should I do?" The words were spoken in Japanese.

Luo Zheng had learned the Japanese language and couldn't help but smile when he heard this. This was the moment he had been waiting for. No matter how strong a soldier's combat effectiveness was, he was still a clawless tiger without bullets. Luo Zheng quickly searched the area with a sniper scope and found that a man had pulled out a Japanese weapon. The knife and the corpse rats continued to fight. The knife skills looked good, and they knocked down two or three of them with a few slashes and sweeps.

Immediately afterwards, more people ran out of bullets and screamed, pulling out their Japanese swords and slashing. Their fighting power was still strong, but some people were jumped by corpse rats, biting off the big trees, and fell heavily to the ground. Many corpse rats swarmed up, tearing each other into pieces and devouring them.

The battle continued, and everyone patiently waited for Luo Zheng's order to attack. More screams were heard, and more people fell from the tree and were killed by corpse rats. However, Luo Zheng delayed giving the order, and everyone was curious. , but did not move. After a while, Luo Zheng saw that the corpse rats had suffered heavy casualties, and the attack was somewhat weak. If the attack continued, the people in the tree might have the upper hand, and the victory would end miserably.

A tragic victory was not what Luo Zheng wanted. He looked solemn and shouted in a deep voice: "Shoot, one person is only allowed to kill one Japanese pirate. We must first weaken their strength and maintain balance."

"Understood." Everyone responded solemnly, raising their guns and aiming at their respective targets.

"Boom, boom, boom--" Everyone fired, and the bullets whizzed away one after another. The sound of the gunshots was mixed with the screams of the violent corpse-eating rat monsters. It was almost inaudible, but the attack power was very powerful, and it hit the target accurately. In an instant, more than a dozen people fell from the tree before they could scream. Crazy corpse rats swarmed up and tore the bodies into pieces. The bloody smell became even stronger.

Without more than a dozen people, the combat effectiveness of the people on the tree was obviously much weaker. More corpse rats turned to attack other people, and some even jumped directly from the branches violently, even if they couldn't jump at all, even if they jumped from the tree. If you fall down, you will look like a madman and be in a bad mood.

But the fighting power unleashed by a person who is on the verge of death is also very huge. Since there is no way to survive, since he will either die in the mouth of a corpse rat or die at the gunpoint of Luo Zheng and others, he might as well go all out and fight. Someone gave the order , the Japanese pirates fell from the trees one after another, gathered together, and ran wildly in one direction, trying to fight their way out.

When Luo Zheng saw this scene, he didn't have any admiration, but he became more determined to hunt down this group of people. An enemy with terrifying fighting power, fear of life and death, and tacit cooperation is terrifying, and he can't help but look stern. He shouted: "Kill the Japanese pirates, kill -!"

My friends, the monthly tickets are very powerful. We are getting closer to 1,000 votes. Lao Lang is waiting for updates.

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