The strongest soldier

Chapter 1953 Digging the Channel

Feng shui in mausoleums has been summarized by countless generations and has formed a very complete system. It not only pays attention to the dragon veins, but also pays attention to the sand caves. It also needs to be combined with the stars to distinguish. People who don’t understand will not be able to figure it out. Zheng didn't understand this at all. Looking at the dense woods and rolling mountains around him, he had no idea where the mausoleum would be. After hearing what Cao Xi said, he immediately said, "The rest depends on you."

"Understood." Cao Xi said gratefully. It was very dangerous for everyone to gather here, and they might be attacked by corpse rats at any time. Luo Zheng's unconditional trust made Cao Xi deeply feel the strong pressure, and a sense of responsibility also surged into his heart. He looked around carefully using the compass.

As time passed, Luo Zheng was looking around. Suddenly he heard someone shouting that he had discovered the situation. Luo Zheng was startled and ran over quickly. He found a hole on a slope. The hole was about two feet in diameter. It was deep, and you could see the traces left by things that often came in and out. Luo Zheng looked at it carefully for a while and said in a deep voice: "This cave entrance looks like a tunnel for corpse rats to enter and exit. Everyone, be careful and check if there are any others around. "

"Yes." Everyone quickly dispersed and continued to search, and soon found a few more, not very far apart. The bushes outside were trampled, so it was easy to find. These deep caves were heart-stopping, and everyone continued to search with solemn expressions. Standing, ready for battle.

After a while, no corpse rats came out, but the moon and stars came out. Cao Xi took the compass and compared it with a heavy face, looking east and west. He didn't understand Luo Zheng Feng Shui at all, so he simply I was too lazy to ask and waited patiently for Cao Xi's results.

After about ten minutes, Cao Xi said to Luo Zheng with a determined look: "We found the location of the gate. On the ridge over there, about 45 degrees to the southeast, there is a mountain 500 meters in front and a river next to it. Go over there."

Luo Zheng followed the sound and indeed found a river. As for the case, Luo Zheng didn't know what it meant, so he ignored it and said in surprise: "Brothers, let's go."

"Yes." Everyone responded solemnly.

Cao Xixing hurriedly walked forward, and after walking about three hundred meters, everyone came to a ridge. Luo Zheng looked at the hillside and said, "The terrain here is uneven and thick with bushes. There is no gate at all, not even a stone." No, where is it?"

"It's this location." Cao Xi confidently pointed to a slope. Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't understand at all, he explained: "The mountain topography of this place has been completely changed. It was probably bombed, and the top of the mountain was flattened. Naturally, the gate of the mausoleum cannot be saved and is overgrown with weeds, but the large ground veins will not change, please believe me."

No one would joke about this kind of thing. Luo Zheng trusted Cao Xi's judgment and looked at the troops and said: "Mountain Eagle, Snow Leopard, your people are responsible for guarding the surroundings. You two can discuss what to do. Guishou, your people Responsible for the excavation, take action, you must seize the time to go in."

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice and acted quickly.

"I'm afraid there are a lot of traps here, so you should keep an eye on them." Luo Zheng looked at Shi Qian and warned.

"Understood." Shi Qian agreed.

Guishou led people to rush forward and dig with engineering shovels. The engineering shovels were all specially made and extremely sharp. It was very easy to dig the soil. A dozen people divided the work and cooperated, and the digging speed was very fast. Shi Qian and Cao Xi were closely beside them. Staring at the progress, his heart twitched. Cao Xi was worried that he had found the wrong place and could not explain it, while Shi Qian was worried that everyone would accidentally trigger the mechanism and cause danger.

Luo Zheng also looked at the surrounding mountain topography, and there was no trace of a mausoleum at all. After decades of natural changes, the surrounding landforms had probably completely changed. If it weren't for Cao Xi, he would never have been able to find the entrance and exit. Still looking for entrances and exits all over the mountains and plains.

Ten minutes later, a cave that could accommodate two people walking together was dug out under Cao Xi's guidance. Everyone continued to dig forward. Those who dug and shoveled had a clear division of labor and made progress quickly. After a while, the hole moved forward. After advancing for about ten meters, a stone suddenly appeared in front of us.

Cao Xi immediately signaled everyone to come out and went into the hole to check. He found that the stones were all granite, long and very hard. The traces of artificial excavation were clearly visible. He was overjoyed and knew that he had made a mistake. He quickly came out and said to Luo Zheng: " You're right, it's right here. The stones inside should be the piled stones at the entrance of the mausoleum. The stones have collapsed and are distributed irregularly. Please be careful when digging, make the hole wider, and transport the stones out so as not to block the road."

"Brothers, have you heard it?" Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he heard that he had indeed found it, and he immediately asked.

"Yes." Everyone was waiting nearby. They heard Cao Xi's words clearly and quickly walked into the cave to continue digging. Soon, stones were brought out one by one. The stones were very big. After everyone tied them up with special ropes, they were several times removed. Individuals worked together to drag it out.

Luo Zheng curiously walked up to look at the stone and found that there were patterns on one side. It looked like auspicious clouds, but it was very abstract. Cao Xi also observed it and said after a while: "These patterns represent peace and mean that the deceased can live a good life in the future." , auspicious coming and going, this is only part of it, there should be more patterns, there will be auspicious animals, if it is a phoenix, etc., it means that a woman is buried inside."

Luo Zheng was completely unfamiliar with this and was too lazy to understand it, so he interrupted: "Don't explain it to us, just tell us what we need to do. We are soldiers and don't need to know too much about tomb burials." It’s enough for you to understand Feng Shui knowledge.”

After chatting for a while, everyone pulled out another adult-sized stone. When I shined the flashlight on it, I saw that there was a suspected dragon body pattern on one side. Although it was only a small section and it was impossible to draw a conclusion, this discovery made Cao Xi very excited. He squatted down and took a closer look. , Shi Qian went into the cave to preside over the excavation. The cave was dug so deep that he had to be careful of any traps that had not yet been destroyed.

After a while, more stones were dragged out. Everyone was very tired. Luo Zheng immediately asked Snow Leopard to bring people over, and the people who replaced Guishou went down to rest. The new force went up very quickly, and a large number of stones were dragged out. When they came out, there were incomplete patterns on each piece. These patterns should be put together to form a whole, but everyone was too lazy to piece it together and was more concerned about when the hole could be dug.

Luo Zheng was not interested in these patterns either. Seeing that Cao Xi was very busy taking photos and observing, he reminded through the headset: "Brothers, hurry up and dig holes as soon as possible."

"Yes." The people who were busy digging responded in unison, full of enthusiasm.

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