The strongest soldier

Chapter 1947 The rat tide is coming

To be on the safe side, Luo Zheng forced everyone to wait for another five minutes. Seeing that the golden-scaled snake didn't move any more, he felt relieved, his nerves relaxed, and a surge of fear surged up, thinking about the risky attack just now. , it is indeed dangerous. If the golden-scaled snake does not open its mouth, or if the grenade fails to be thrown in, there is no way for him to survive. Thinking of this, a wave of anger surged up, and Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice: "Go up and take a look."

Everyone followed Luo Zheng and swarmed up to the golden-scaled snake with endless curiosity. Luo Zheng took out a tactical flashlight and shined it on it. He saw that the golden-scaled snake was full of bullet holes. Although the bullets failed to penetrate the outer scales, The scales were also shattered and fell off, and they were all over the ground, the size of a palm. Looking at the location where the armor-piercing bullet hit, the bullet was submerged in the body, the warhead was not visible, and blood was still pouring out.

Luo Zheng picked up a piece of scale armor and examined it. It was a bit heavy and looked as hard as steel. He couldn't help but hand it to Cao Xi and said, "Look, this thing is indeed hard. You are right."

"These are all good things. If ground into powder, they are a very good medicine. They can improve bone hardness and detoxify. More importantly, this material can be made into armor. Someone has done it in ancient times. It is invulnerable. I propose to bring it. If we go back, we might be able to produce new research results. This kind of snake is very rare and hard to come by." Cao Xi suggested while inspecting it.

"That's fine, it's just that this thing is so hard, how do you get it off?" Luo Zheng agreed and asked.

"It's simple, just cut off the epidermal tissue together." Cao Xi suggested.

"Okay, Guishou, you are responsible for this matter, while the snow leopards and mountain eagles are responsible for guarding the surrounding areas." Luo Zheng said.

"Yes." Everyone agreed and acted quickly.

Luo Zheng picked up his dragon tooth sword and looked it up and down. It was knocked away just now and the sword fell. Seeing that there was no damage, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that the ghost hand leader was starting to attack, he sheathed the sword and tied it up. From the back, he shouted in a deep voice: "Snake meat should be good for breakfast. There are golden-scaled snakes here. I believe there are no Japanese pirates or polar bears. Let's camp here."

"Yes." Everyone agreed again.

"What if the other one comes over? Isn't it said that the golden-scaled snakes are twins?" Shi Qian reminded.

"Come on, let's kill them together. All snipers will be replaced by armor-piercing bullets." Luo Zheng shouted in a low voice, and killed a golden-scaled snake. Knowing the power and weakness of the golden-scaled snake, Luo Zheng calmed down and stopped worrying. Confidence surged up, and he looked around sharply, flashing with a strong fighting spirit.

"Understood." The sniper responded. Everyone was stimulated by Luo Zheng's feat of killing the golden-scaled snake. They found the golden-scaled snake's weakness, and everyone was no longer worried.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng faintly heard something coming from a distance. He was not surprised. He quickly turned his head and looked around. He saw night birds flying in the woods in the distance, flying into the sky and screaming strangely. Luo Zheng was shocked, thinking that something was going on. Someone came over and shouted quickly: "No, there is a situation. Everyone listen to my order and spread out quickly to form a circular defense formation."

"Yes." Everyone also saw the frightened Night Bird. They knew something was wrong and took action quickly. They are all well-trained iron-blooded warriors who know what to do and what to do at this moment.

"The situation is wrong, it doesn't look like a human being." The mountain eagle's words rang in the headset.

Luo Zheng looked at Cao Xi in surprise. Cao Xi was the most familiar with these strange things. Cao Xi was looking warily in the direction of the sound. His face was solemn and his pretty eyebrows were furrowed. He looked nervous. Luo Zheng did not disturb him. , also looked into the distance, and shouted in a low voice: "Mountain Eagle, arrange for two people to come forward to conduct reconnaissance."

"Understood." The mountain eagle's voice sounded in the headset.

"Chirp--" Suddenly, there were countless weird sounds, as if countless babies were crying at the same time, or like thousands of demons roaring. It was extremely weird, terrifying, and frightening.

"No, it's a corpse rat." Cao Xi suddenly shouted in panic, his voice trembling a little. It's not that Cao Xi is timid, it's just that the corpse rats are too fierce and terrifying, and no one can calm down.

Luo Zheng also felt that what was coming was not simple. He couldn't help but be shocked after hearing Cao Xi's words. In just a moment, the thing that came rushed forward more than two hundred meters. This speed was unmatched by anyone. In this dense forest at night, no one could Escape and evacuate will only waste your energy, and you will be beaten passively. He quickly shouted: "Get up the tree quickly, hurry up."

"Understood." Everyone responded in a deep voice and climbed up the tree one after another.

After Luo Zheng waited for everyone to take action, he also chose a big tree to climb up. There were towering ancient trees around, and big trees were the most indispensable thing. Everyone was well-trained and could climb very fast, but the things that came were faster, so they climbed up. Halfway through, everyone saw an incredible scene.

I saw countless weird beasts running up, all jumping forward, each jump is about two meters, each weird beast is about the size of a baby, with a fierce look in its eyes, pale and oozing in the night, and making strange chirping sounds. The screams came over like a tide, and the sound was terrifying.

"What is it?" Everyone was shocked. It was the first time they saw this weird thing. It looked like a mouse, but its body was bigger than everyone expected. In everyone's impression, a mouse was only the size of a fist. How could it be as big as the ones in front of them? But the pointed mouth, erect ears, cold eyes and body, plus the high raised tail, have no intention of proving the identity of these things.

"Everyone get up the tree as soon as possible, climb higher, and no one is allowed to shoot without my order." Luo Zheng coldly stared at the things that were rushing towards him and warned, his face as solemn as frost. The size of the monster that came was completely consistent with the characteristics of a mouse. But it was so big that it was beyond imagination, so I couldn't help but look at Cao Xi who was climbing up not far away, and asked in a low voice: "Cao Xi, can you confirm the identity of the thing coming?"

"These are definitely corpse rats. Although I have never seen them, their body shape and running style are completely consistent with the records. They must be them. The golden-scaled snake was killed, and the smell of blood spread far away. The corpse rats must have smelled the blood. The smell comes here, this thing will go crazy when it smells blood, everyone, be careful and make as little noise as possible to see if you can get past it." Cao Xi quickly warned.

Everyone knows that rats have amazing hearing and quick movements. This kind of terrifying corpse-eating rats will definitely become more powerful. No one dared to be careless and climbed up quickly. Luo Zheng did not move, and his sharp eyes quickly swept over and found this group of rats. The corpse rat flew toward the golden-scaled snake, chirping wildly, as if it was very excited, not frightened. The golden-scaled snake is a natural enemy of the corpse rat, but it was unexpected that this corpse rat dared to eat the golden scales. Snake, what is this? Not surprisingly, he asked: "Cao Xi, can corpse rats eat golden-scaled snakes?"

"I don't know either." Cao Xi replied in a worried voice. After all, he was not an iron-blooded soldier. He could not compare with the well-trained people. Facing the terrifying rat tide, it was very good that he did not faint from fright.

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