The strongest soldier

Chapter 1928 Interrogation of the truth

This battle mobilized more than a thousand elite troops, as well as a special brigade, flying brigade and rocket launchers to participate in the battle. The scale was huge and the fighting was fierce. If there were any fish that slipped through the net, it was absolutely not allowed. Luo Zheng didn't know what the enemy had. Somehow, his eyes couldn't help but fall on Jackson, and he said to Lan Xue: "Let everyone disperse. No one is allowed to get closer than ten meters around the martial law."

"Huh?" Lan Xue was startled, and when she saw Luo Zheng walking towards Jackson with a heavy face, he understood and immediately placed a martial law, not allowing anyone to come near.

Luo Zheng came to Jackson's side and signaled the ghost hands to go to the surrounding area to enforce martial law. He turned off the headset and whispered: "Jackson, you are a smart man and know what I want to ask. Should I torture you to death first and then confess, or should I How about you take the initiative to speak out and avoid the pain of flesh and blood. As you are, you should know that there is a device that can obtain any confession. The secret in your mind cannot be hidden unless you die, how about it?"

"Asshole, give me a good time if you can." Jackson said coldly.

"As an intruder, you have no right to make demands. You are a smart person. There is no need to play provocative tactics. That is of no use to me. It is only a matter of time before I know the secret in your mind. Modern interrogation methods are very advanced. I can attack you casually. All you have to do is use acupuncture to force you to confess and use potion, just say it and don’t let me use force." Luo Zheng said coldly.

Jackson knew that what Luo Zheng said was true, and after pondering for a moment, he said, "What good can I do?"

"Although I have no right to deal with you, as long as you tell me what you know, I will plead with the superiors to let you go back to the country." Luo Zheng looked serious and whispered. In order to get the information as soon as possible, Luo Zheng had to resort to deception.

"You?" Jackson looked at Luo Zheng with a shocked face, showing an incredulous expression. He changed places. If he caught the other person, he would never let him go. He couldn't help but stare at Luo Zheng closely and asked: "Why? Why should I trust you?"

"You should know my character and credibility. There is a saying that the person who knows you best is often your enemy. I am your enemy, and you are also my enemy. Don't you understand me? With your intelligence, You should be able to guess the purpose of my doing this." Luo Zheng said coldly.

Jackson was startled, and couldn't help but frown in thought. After a while, his face became even more gloomy, his eyes were full of pain, endless humiliation welled up, and his emotions became even more exciting. Luo Zheng looked at Jack coldly. Sen was silent. After waiting for a while, Jackson's mood stabilized a little and he said bitterly: "Do you think I'm not qualified to be your opponent, so it doesn't matter if I'm put back?"

"You only guessed half of it." Luo Zheng said lightly.

"Half?" Jackson was startled. He didn't expect that he only guessed half of it. His scheming was not as good as this. After thinking about it, he continued with a painful look on his face: "You want me to take something back? Could it be that India has been exposed?" Our whereabouts, and you want me to bring this secret back to my country to cause conflict between our country and India?"

"I didn't say that." Luo Zheng sneered lightly.

Jackson guessed from Luo Zheng's expression that what he said was true, and said bitterly: "You want to sow discord between our country and India, but I, a useless piece of trash, can actually be valuable in your hands. It’s such a big game of chess, I’ve always underestimated you, it’s not unfair to lose to you.”

"Everyone has value. If you have no value, there is no need to live. I believe that India wants you to die most. Handing you over to them will not only shorten the relationship with India, but also gain benefits. How good, for the sake of you and me fighting many times, I will give you a chance, now, tell me what your choice is?" Luo Zheng asked coldly, staring at Jackson closely.

Jackson did not answer immediately, but pondered painfully. After a while, Jackson felt that it was not a pity to die. If he could serve the country for the last time and pass back the news of being betrayed by the Indian country, he would die in peace. The country It doesn't matter how he treats this information, but as a soldier, he should take this information back even if he dies. As for Luo Zheng's credibility, Jackson is not worried about this and has no choice.

Thinking of this, Jackson said with a sad expression: "Deal, just ask."

"Very good, I want all the information in your mind, but now you have to tell me how many people you brought and how you retreated." Luo Zheng felt refreshed and asked.

"The total strength was 500. Ten countries sent elite troops to pursue them. Half of the canyon was blown up, and part of it was blocked to the west. I led the troops from Vietnam and the Philippines to the east, and then they ran north and south. My people continued eastward. I guessed that you would come after me and set up an ambush circle. I didn't expect you to come with wolves and dogs." Jackson said slowly, betraying all other countries to Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng was taken aback. He didn't expect it to be the Allied Forces of the Ten Nations. He immediately became alert. He turned on the headset and connected to the satellite so that the headquarters could hear it. He asked carefully how many troops each country sent, who was the leader, etc., and what was the result of the Allied Forces of the Ten Nations? After asking about the specific circumstances, Jackson was let go and stood up. He said through the headset with a cold face: "Report the interrogation quickly and let the local military district count the number of people. Be quick to avoid leaking anyone."

"Understood." Blue Star didn't dare to be careless. It involved ten countries and went far beyond ordinary battles. The top management must be able to grasp it immediately. No one can interfere in the decision-making.

Luo Zheng sat opposite Jackson, looking at this life-and-death enemy. The two fought countless times, and every time they were extremely dangerous, they could not be acquainted without fighting. Jackson also sat on the ground in pain and looked at Luo Zheng, his expression changing. I don’t know what I’m thinking about. The two old enemies just look at me and I look at you, neither of them saying anything.

After a while, Lan Xue came over and whispered: "Thirty corpses were found here, and most of them were killed by Wu Zhishi. Not all of the corpses are complete, but the number of people is correct."

"Thirty? Exactly. There are quite a few of them. They are all from the Jarhead Special Forces. Fortunately, Wu Zhishi arrived in time, otherwise this battle would not have ended so quickly." Luo Zheng responded in a low voice, looked at Jackson, and raised his voice. Some continued: "Jarhead's combat effectiveness is indeed strong. The individual combat capabilities are very high, and the collective combat capabilities of the team are also very high. They are the most powerful troops I have ever encountered. However, the tactical command is not good and they rely too much on high technology. "

"Just say that I'm not capable. Just say that I'm not good enough." Jackson said with difficulty, his voice weak. He spent too much energy just answering Luo Zheng's question.

Luo Zheng saw that Jackson was weak and might faint at any time. Without saying anything, he stood up, walked further away, looked to the west and said to Lan Xue: "Now we are waiting for the results from other places, I don't know. Is there any fish that slipped through the net? I didn’t expect that ten countries would participate in the war this time. These beasts have healed their scars and forgotten the pain, and they will not remember the beatings. Unfortunately, there is insufficient evidence. The country cannot launch a war against ten countries at the same time. Public punishment will not work. It seems that we have to come in secret and find an opportunity to teach them a lesson."

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