The strongest soldier

Chapter 1921 Searching the Canyon

As a commander of a large military region, he could naturally feel from Luo Zheng's series of deployments that he had no intention of closing the net. This situation made the commander-in-chief very curious. Although the enemy was very hateful, was it possible to set up such a large formation? Thousands of people gathered around, and helicopters, rocket launchers, drones and satellites participated in the battle. Would it be a big deal? But the commander already knew through his own channels that Luo Zheng was not simple, and he hated the invading enemy. He did not object, but just asked out of curiosity.

Luo Zheng also wants to close the net as soon as possible, but he knows who the enemy he is facing. If he closes the net rashly, some fish will slip through the net. The only way is to expand the net to the maximum, block all the enemy's exits, and then slowly clean up. Listen, After hearing the commander's words, Luo Zheng smiled bitterly and said: "Commander, I'm afraid we can't do it before dawn. Our top priority is to block all the enemy's exits and wait until dawn to slowly clear up. In addition, I'm afraid you will have to send more troops to search."

"No problem, a large number of follow-up troops are on the way and are expected to arrive in an hour." The commander said immediately.

"The troops rush to the border line first and block all exits. The density should be high and the scope should be wide. Be careful of the enemy infiltration. We will wait until dawn. The ground troops have only one mission. Block the enemy's way out. Report the enemy's situation as soon as possible and hand it over to the air troops. Strike." Luo Zheng quickly warned.

"Okay, just follow your plan." The commander agreed, knowing that this was the most effective way to attack.

With the commander's support, Luo Zheng felt reassured and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Next to him, Lan Xue said in a deep voice: "It's a pity that we were exposed when we infiltrated. The enemy's secret sentry is very powerful. Otherwise, we could find the target position and directly strike from the air." They killed them all at once, and it is difficult to deal with enemies who have escaped. Your response tactics are correct."

"I don't know how many of them escaped, these bastards." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"What should we do, brothers?" Guishou's voice sounded in the headset.

There was no gunfire from the enemy's resistance in the canyon. Everyone was still ambushing above the canyon. Luo Zheng thought for a moment and said: "The ghost hand team went down to search, the mountain eagle team was responsible for sniper cover on the mountainside, the snow leopard team was responsible for surrounding security, and the aerial helicopter was responsible for high-altitude support. , take action." He said and rushed towards the canyon below.

"Yes." Everyone responded solemnly and acted quickly.

Seeing Luo Zheng rushing towards the canyon, Lan Xue was worried about his safety, so he followed closely, keeping a distance of about ten meters from Luo Zheng, advancing alternately, constantly watching the surroundings, with the sniper rifle held flat on his shoulder, ready to attack at any time, Luo Zheng's rapid and fierce attack I rushed to the canyon and saw more than a dozen corpses around me. Their body parts and pieces of flesh were all over the ground. It was so horrifying that I had no idea who they were.

At this time, Guishou rushed to the canyon with his people. Everyone quickly looked at the body and could not see anything that could prove their identity. The weapons and combat uniforms were all high-end goods from the Sam Country, but the people did not look like those from the Sam Country. Guishou walked up to Luo Zheng and whispered to me: "These should not be from Sam's country, but their fingers are full of calluses. At first glance, they are veterans of many battles. I don't know which country they are from."

"Search forward, be careful." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Understood." Guishou agreed and led the people forward to search.

Luo Zheng looked at the team of mountain eagles on both sides who had followed him halfway up the mountain, and Wu Zhishi, who was following him and was hovering above his head. He also rushed forward with a sullen face. Along the way, corpses were scattered everywhere in the canyon, piles of three. , two in one place, there are people of all skin colors, but the weapons and combat uniforms are all the same. This discovery made Luo Zheng secretly wonder, why is this happening? Are they all from Sam country? Or is it the Sam Country equipment that these people are using?

With doubts, the troops continued to move forward, and soon came to the range of the rocket attack. Everyone saw more corpses on the ground. They were basically scorched and deformed. Their appearance was no longer visible. The weapons were also burned and deformed by the high temperature. It looked extremely miserable, but everyone saw so many lives and deaths that they didn't care and continued to search.

Until the end of the rocket attack, everyone saw that the canyon was filled with charred corpses, no less than a hundred. Luo Zheng was shocked, why are there so many people? There were at least three hundred corpses seen along the way. There was no reason for Jackson to bring so many people here. So who were the others?

"There is a cave here." Suddenly the brother who was searching in front shouted.

Luo Zheng followed the sound and found a cave. He shouted quickly: "Be careful." He rushed forward, not caring about stepping on the burnt corpse on the ground. He frowned and stared coldly into the cave. Look, it's dark inside, Luo Zheng shouted: "Grenade."

"Whoosh!" Two grenades were thrown in, and with the explosion of fire, everyone saw that the cave was not deep, about ten meters wide, about ten meters wide, and about four or five meters high. No one was seen. There was dead grass on the ground, which was ignited by the fire from the grenade explosion, illuminating the cave.

Luo Zheng looked inside with vigilance. The withered grass on the ground should have been used by someone to rest on the ground. He didn't have time to clear it away. After turning on the torch, Luo Zheng saw that there were some compressed bags and other debris in the cave. It was obvious that someone was staying here. There were still a lot of people staying there, but now there is no one left.

"These bastards are quite alert, and they actually evacuated first. It's a pity. It would be great if they could seize this position quietly and directly bombard it with missiles. These bastards are quite alert, and they arranged three layers of hidden sentries." Ghost Hand said angrily.

"It is indeed cunning. The secret whistle will report the situation at any time. Even if we kill it quietly, it will still be exposed. There is nothing we can do about it. These are not ordinary people. It is difficult to get close to them quietly. Brother, take it. What should we do if we come down?" Mountain Eagle said in a deep voice.

"Report, we found someone running eastward." A brother's voice sounded in the headset.

Normally, when an enemy is attacked, the first thing they think of is to run to the west. The west is close to the border and it will be safe as long as they go out. The corpses on the ground seen along the way also illustrate this point. Therefore, Luo Zheng asked everyone to seal off the canyon. At the west exit, there were not enough troops to take care of the east exit. When he heard the warning, Luo Zheng frowned and shouted: "Guishou, go in and check to see if you can determine how many enemies there are." He said and went east.

Soon, Luo Zheng came to a brother. Seeing that the other brother was still lying on the ground checking for footprints, and there were brothers checking the situation next to him, he asked in a deep voice: "What did you find?"

"Report, the footprints heading east are messy and there are a lot of people. The details are unknown. It will take time to identify them." The brother stood up quickly and explained to Luo Zheng.

"No time to identify, catch up and kill!" Luo Zheng shouted murderously, rushing forward at the lead.

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