The strongest soldier

Chapter 1918 Action exposed

A few minutes later, Lan Xue and others rushed up. Wearing tactical goggles, seeing the road was not a problem. After Luo Zheng waited for everyone to get into position, he asked everyone to take cover on the spot. He picked up his weapons and rushed forward, even if he was discovered. , Luo Zheng also believed that his speed was difficult to lock, so he rushed down to the valley in one breath, quickly lay down to hide, and stared at the surroundings with sharp eyes while recovering his strength.

After resting for a few minutes, he found nothing and almost recovered his physical strength. Luo Zheng quickly stood up and rushed towards the opposite hill. He almost reached the target ambush point in one breath. He found that it was indeed a ghillie suit made of khaki cloth strips. He opened the ghillie When I took a look, I saw a man lying underneath. His head had been smashed, his blood had solidified, and he was dead. An M200 sniper rifle was quietly thrown beside him.

After the secret sentry was killed, the enemy would definitely find out. He had to find their position before the enemy was alert. Luo Zheng quickly observed the surroundings, his eyes flashing with the flames of war, like a hunting wolf king. He quickly scanned the surrounding terrain, his eyes falling in the distance. On a towering mountain peak.

The peak is more than 400 meters above the ground. It is so bare that nothing can be seen. It forms a canyon with a nearby mountain that is more than 300 meters high. The canyon is only a hundred meters wide, but very deep. It is not easy to satellite in this kind of place. After comprehensive monitoring, it was found that it was the best place to hide. Luo Zheng had some thoughts in his mind and immediately shouted through the headset: "Brothers, come here. The large force will advance two kilometers and hide on the spot. Move quickly."

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice and acted quickly.

Luo Zheng was worried that the enemy was already alert. After all, it had been several minutes since the secret sentry was killed. There was a high possibility of being discovered at this time. Luo Zheng did not dare to delay. He ignored the secret sentry around him and took up his weapon and headed towards the canyon desperately. Rushing over, he looked like a hungry wolf chasing his prey in the night, fierce, fast, and as powerful as the wind.

A few rabbits rushed out for about 300 meters and quickly lay down on the slope of a small hillside to rest. Panting heavily, they calmly observed the surroundings. Suddenly they felt a faint danger approaching, as if they were being attacked. The poisonous snake was staring at him, and he felt very uncomfortable. He couldn't help but be startled. Without thinking, his body instinctively rolled to the side and shouted: "Be careful, there is something wrong."

"Poof!" The moment Luo Zheng rolled away, a sniper bullet hit the ground where he was lying, leaving a crater as big as a fist on the ground. The ear-piercing sonic boom of the bullet was devastating, as if it was about to destroy the brain. Pierced, Luo Zheng was shocked and did not dare to stop, his body continued to roll.

"Pfft!" Another bullet was fired, hitting Luo Zheng's side. Mud splashed everywhere, and he was shocked. He had no time to observe, and his body twisted and rolled weirdly in the opposite direction. Everyone has the habit of rolling in one direction to dodge. This reverse rolling once again allowed Luo Zheng to avoid a fatal sniper bullet.

"The target has been found and has been locked. Leave it to me." Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset, with deep concern and the sound of rapid breathing as he ran.

"Kill him." Luo Zheng warned angrily. He twisted his body quickly, bounced up, and rushed towards the canyon. He tried his best. When facing a sniper, the best way is to use speed. When the speed exceeds The opponent's judgment would prevent him from being hit. As he ran, Luo Zheng searched everywhere with his sharp eyes.

Soon, Luo Zheng rushed to a mountain ridge and found a figure flashing in the canyon in front of him. It was obvious that the enemy was alert and ready to evacuate. He couldn't help but be furious. However, this group of people discovered the danger in advance and quickly shouted through the headset: "Blue Star, My position is fifteen degrees east, two thousand meters away in the canyon, give me a blast!"

"Fifteen degrees east, two thousand meters away, received." Blue Star quickly agreed.

"The enemy is too alert and is preparing to evacuate. Quickly dispatch helicopters and ground troops to follow quickly." Luo Zheng continued to shout, endless murderous intent rising into the sky. It was not easy to get this opportunity for encirclement and suppression. It would be a pity to miss it. The resources that can be mobilized Use them all, fight hard.

"Roger." Blue Star responded quickly. The helicopter and ground troops were also ready. In order to avoid being exposed, the helicopter was parked fifty kilometers away and on standby, and people were also on standby secretly twenty kilometers away. For this round-up, In order to avenge the brothers, the local military region also went all out, all special forces were deployed, and elite reconnaissance troops were also secretly mobilized.

After Luo Zheng gave the order to attack, he heard gunshots ringing out behind him. He quickly looked back and saw that Snow Leopard and Ghost Hand were rushing up. Mountain Eagle and Lan Xue were joining forces with an enemy of the other side, who was running wildly along the mountain ridge. Keep changing routes to avoid bullets.

"Asshole." Luo Zheng saw that the other party was able to avoid the joint attack of Lan Xue and the mountain eagle. There were not many people like him in the world. He was obviously a master. Luo Zheng was angry and quickly raised his gun and aimed at it. Without waiting for a shot, He noticed that the opponent staggered and fell to the ground. He must have been shot. Mountain Eagle and Lan Xue rushed forward in a pincer attack.

"What's going on?" Guishou and Snow Leopard hurriedly came up and asked.

"The enemy is in the canyon. As the canyon moves from east to west, the enemy may evacuate from the west and return to India. Follow me. We must not let these bastards escape." Luo Zheng shouted coldly, and rushed up with his weapon. While running, Luo Zheng Zheng never forgot to shout through the headset: "The troops will quickly consider me and stop these bastards."

The canyon is steep, and it is very difficult to climb the mountain to evacuate. You can only escape from the east and west sides. To the west is the direction of India. Once you escape, it will be troublesome to chase. To the east is the direction of China. Even if you run away, you are not afraid. Once the follow-up troops are surrounded When he came up, he couldn't run away. Luo Zheng didn't know what Jackson's choice was, but he chose to block the westward canyon. While running, Luo Zheng kept looking at the direction of the canyon. The canyon was too deep, the sight was not good, and no one could be seen.

Ghost Hand and Snow Leopard quickly dispersed knowingly, and the three of them charged towards the west in an arrow formation. The large troops behind them also circled and surrounded them. Under the night, each one charged like a wolf, fierce, fast, and moving like the wind. Thinking of Jackson might have run away, so Luo Zheng ran faster, quickly distanced himself from Ghost Hand and Snow Leopard, and got much closer to the canyon.

"Whoops -" Suddenly, there were piercing screams from the horizon, like the roar of the God of War, roaring, the whole sky seemed to be torn apart, the sonic boom was deafening, Luo Zheng was shocked, and quickly looked up, There were actually ten rocket launchers roaring towards them, like ten thunderbolts rolling in, the sound was terrifying.

"It's the Guardian 2D rocket launcher. It's a waste of money, but I like it, hahaha!" Guishou shouted excitedly: "Let the artillery fire come more fiercely, kill these turtles!"

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