The strongest soldier

Chapter 1916 Everyone is trying their best

India claims to the outside world that the chaotic situation in Aru State is caused by terrorists. If the terrorists are eliminated, it will be considered a statement. It can not only demonstrate India's tough methods but also stabilize the situation. Why not? Does it matter who the terrorists are? As long as the situation is stable and the outcome is reasonable for India, it doesn't matter who the terrorist is to the Indian president. Thinking of what Sam and Jackson did, the Indian president gets very angry. Regarding Luo Zheng's The suggestion was somewhat interesting.

Luo Zheng saw the interested expression on the Indian President's face and did not press him any further. This kind of matter cannot be rushed. The other party must make his own decision, otherwise it will be counterproductive. After waiting for a while, the Indian President smiled and said: "By the way, I have some urgent matters." It needs to be dealt with immediately and I will be back soon. How about you two and my team talking about in-depth cooperation with Alubon and reaching a preliminary intention?"

"That's fine." The ambassador knew that the President of India was going to negotiate with his staff to finalize some matters, so he just found an excuse to get away without revealing anything, so he immediately agreed.

Luo Zheng also saw the other party's intention and said nothing.

The President of India gave some instructions to his team. They are all the top leaders of various government departments and hold high positions. After he apologized again, he walked out of the living room. When he came outside, he quickly walked through the corridors, gardens and aisles to his office. An independent circular dome villa with white walls and heavily guarded surroundings.

The chief of staff had been waiting in the office for a long time and came out to greet him. The president was in a bad mood and was not polite. He motioned the chief of staff to sit down and briefly explained the content of the peace talks. He went straight to the point and asked: "It is very important to resolve the stability issue in Aru State first. , but China is here for Jackson and needs our cooperation, what do you think?"

The chief of staff is the president's absolute confidant and a trustworthy person. After hearing the president's description, his face darkened and he whispered: "Your Excellency, this matter has become simple and clear. China wants Jackson, but can't find him." To the enemy, if we provide the location of the coalition forces, once it is exposed, it means that ten countries have been offended. If we do not support it, it means that the peace talks have failed, and the situation in Arubon will become more chaotic, and may even trigger a war between the two countries. The Fisherman of Sam Country Profit."

"I know the truth, tell me your conclusion." The Indian president said in an angry deep voice. This feeling of being humiliated between two big countries is very uncomfortable.

"Support China. The situation in Alubang is stable. Our country has no losses. The risk is that the matter will be exposed and offend the other ten countries. But if it is done covertly, this problem will not exist. If the peace talks are refused, China will be offended and even greater consequences will be caused. trouble, so I prefer to negotiate peace with China." The chief of staff said seriously.

"Did it covertly? How?" the president asked with some emotion.

"It's very simple. For example, our communications with the troops were monitored by the Chinese state. Our skills are inferior to others. No country can say anything. Who wouldn't accept and support us with a batch of advanced military communications equipment?" the chief of staff sneered.

Although this rogue method is not clever enough, it is indeed effective. The President of India is not stupid. He immediately thought of the risks and benefits. He nodded secretly and asked: "The coalition forces were attacked and the situation in Arubon was stable. It is us who benefited." , it’s too obvious, Sam Country will definitely suspect that we did it, how can we resolve this?”

"Does it need to be resolved?" the chief of staff asked. Seeing that the Indian president was a little confused, he explained: "As long as there is no evidence, no one can do anything to us. Besides, Sam Country abandoned us first, so it is reasonable for us to abandon them. , but you can rest assured that if the Sam Country wants to curb the development of the Huaxia Country, it cannot do without our help. In the face of interests, they are wrong first and can only suffer a dumb loss."

The President of India became even more excited after what he said. As the president of a country, he must naturally give priority to national interests. After thinking about it, the President of India continued: "How to operate?"

"It's not difficult. Secretly contact the troops following Jackson, let them find a chance to leave, and then turn on the communication equipment. Before that, we only need to secretly disclose the frequency code of the communication equipment to the Chinese nation. Then we will talk to the troops. If you ask where the troops are hiding, China will be able to monitor it. This will not only expose Jackson's location, but also allow our people to escape. With China's determination and strength, it is enough to eliminate the coalition forces in one fell swoop without worrying about leaks." Chief of Staff. Shen Sheng suggested.

"It makes sense. You can do it specifically. If you take action tonight, it will take such a long time for China to prepare." The president of India said firmly, with a bit of coldness. For the sake of national interests, why not betray ten countries?

"The president is wise." The chief of staff promised solemnly. Seeing that the president was about to leave, he quickly continued: "We have supported China militarily, and we can take advantage of the situation in economic negotiations. The core purpose of China is Jack. Sen, it’s not us, we’re just trying to get more benefits when the opportunity comes, so we’ll give in.”

"Well, what is the communication frequency code?" the Indian president asked solemnly.

The chief of staff quickly tore off a small piece of paper, wrote a string of characters and handed it over. The Indian president took it, looked at it, held it in his hand, and said solemnly: "For the country." With that, he walked out of the office.

After a while, the president came to the living room again, put on a warm smile, walked into the living room, looked at Luo Zheng and said, "I'm sorry for the long wait."

The Ambassador and Luo Zheng stood up to greet each other politely. The President of India first shook hands with Luo Zheng and said hello, and inadvertently gave Luo Zheng the note hidden in his palm. Luo Zheng calmly shook his hand and waited for the President of India and Luo Zheng to greet each other. When the ambassador shook hands, he quietly hid the note in his pocket, sat down and watched what happened.

After some polite remarks, the Indian president smiled and said: "We have prepared a reception banquet at noon. I hope you two will appreciate it."

Luo Zheng and the ambassador smiled and nodded noncommittally. Then the Indian president stopped talking about official matters. Luo Zheng guessed that the note was confidential and did not ask about the peace talks. The ambassador would not lower himself to talk to him. Everyone just chatted. With the international situation so far-fetched, it was time to eat before we knew it.

The luncheon was luxurious and sumptuous, with high standards. Although the Indian president was full of anger and full of hatred for Luo Zheng, he knew what this interview meant to Arubon and controlled his emotions very well. He did it superficially. It was very well done, and the guests and hosts enjoyed the meal as if they were old friends whom they hadn't seen for many years.

At noon, Luo Zheng and the ambassador walked out of the presidential palace and headed back home. In the car, the ambassador looked curiously at Luo Zheng, who was full of contemplation and asked: "Do you know why the Indian president suddenly stopped talking? Is there a change?"

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