The strongest soldier

Chapter 1906 Breaking through the Checkpoint

Not far ahead was the target of the attack. The sudden appearance of the police made Luo Zheng realize a problem. The enemy was not not imposing martial law, but was shrinking its troops and focusing on defense. He was obviously prepared and signaled everyone to stay still. He got out of the car and relied on the big truck. Hidden, I looked forward and saw a dozen people in police uniforms surrounding the area under martial law. No matter where they were standing or standing, they were in perfect position, more like soldiers. There were several police vehicles parked around them.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng estimated that these were security forces pretending to be police officers. He quickly looked around and found no enemy. He pondered for a moment and his eyes fell on the entrance of an alley, which was less than ten meters away from the police in front. He couldn't help but move and quickly lowered his head. The voice said: "The mountain eagle team gets out of the car, and the others are on standby."

"Yes." Everyone responded in a low voice. Shandiao quickly jumped out of the car with his own people. After the brothers got off the car, they quickly spread out and formed a circular defense array. They calmly looked around, while Shandiao looked at Luo Zheng.

"Follow me and go around." Luo Zheng whispered, leading everyone into an alley. The alley was less than one meter wide and was surrounded by low-rise houses. The terrain was complex, there were no street lights, and it was gray. , everyone put on the tactical goggles without worrying about visual problems, and rushed forward after Luo Zheng, with light and swift movements, like a ghost walking in the night, with a faint murderous aura.

Luo Zheng took the lead and rushed ahead. He judged the direction based on his memory and quickly led everyone to the entrance of an alley. He quickly made a sign to stop advancing. Everyone quickly leaned against the earth wall with their guns pointed down and stared coldly. Looking around, he was always paying attention to Luo Zheng's gestures from the corner of his eyes.

At this time, Luo Zheng looked out and saw the policeman ten meters away. This alley entrance was exactly where he had observed it before. He was right. He couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief, made a silent fighting gesture, and took out the The pistol came and the silencer was installed. Everyone saw it and followed suit.

After installing the silencer, Luo Zheng went out to observe again and found that these people were not alert, but their positions were very good. No matter how they attacked, it was difficult to solve them all at once. If their whereabouts were exposed, it would bring difficulties to the mission. Luo Zhenghu With a sharp look in his eyes, he came up with a plan and lowered his voice and said: "Guishou, drive up, don't be too fast. Everyone uses pistols to silently kill the enemy. Follow my orders and act in unison."

"Understood." Guishou and everyone's replies sounded in the headset.

Not long after, the big truck slowly came up. Luo Zheng saw that the policemen were alert. Someone stepped forward and raised their hands to signal the big truck to stop. Luo Zheng waited for the big truck to come up and whispered: "Stop and prepare to fight. "

Guishou stopped the big truck, and a policeman came up to check. Seeing that the other policemen's attention was also on the truck, Luo Zheng couldn't help being overjoyed, and shouted in a low voice: "Mountain Eagle, your people quickly dispersed after rushing out, give me Shoot the enemy, Ghost Hand, Snow Leopard, your people also get out of the car, don't let any enemy have the opportunity to shoot, take action." After saying that, he rushed forward, like a tiger coming out of the gate, the gun in his hand rang. .

"Yes." Everyone responded in a low voice and took action.

The mountain eagle led the men out of the alley and quickly dispersed, shooting and killing enemies as they ran. The ghost hands and snow leopards also jumped out of the car alertly and opened fire on the enemies, all using silencers. There were about thirty people with pistols, and there were only a dozen enemies. They were suddenly attacked from two sides, and these people were shot to the ground before they had time to react.

Luo Zheng killed three people in one go. He rushed up and saw that the others had been shot dead. They were all shot in the head. The enemy didn't even have time to fire a shot. He couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as they were not exposed, he quickly shouted : "Ghost Hands, Snow Leopard, your people quickly get on the big truck and move forward. Mountain Eagle, get all the people here to the side of the road and drive the police over. Move quickly."

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice. Guishou and the Snow Leopard team quickly got on the big truck with skillful movements. Mountain Eagle and his men dragged all the bodies to the side of the road. After clearing the passage, they quickly got on to the police. Luo Zheng Drive a police car yourself to the front and rush towards the destination.

Several police cars cleared the way, and Guishou followed behind in a large truck. Soon they arrived at the gate of the enemy's headquarters. When the guards guarding the gate saw that they were policemen, and with the glare of the car lights, these people quickly dispersed to both sides. He opened the gun and watched in surprise, but did not choose to shoot immediately.

Everyone drove up and rushed forward. Seeing that the enemy had not discovered the truth, Luo Zheng was overjoyed and quickly shouted through the headset: "Spread left and right, shoot silently." He then pulled out his pistol.

After hearing Luo Zheng's order, the others drove away and quickly raised their pistols and started shooting. The distance was too close and it was a sneak attack. In addition, the mountain eagle team all had excellent marksmanship. About ten people started shooting together, and there were about twenty people at the door. Before they even had time to react, they were all shot and fell to the ground.

All the police cars stopped at the gate and blocked the exit. Everyone got out of the car. Luo Zheng looked around and made a gesture. The mountain eagle quickly dispersed with the people and grabbed the commanding heights around it. At this time, the big truck also After driving up, everyone jumped out of the car. Before Luo Zheng could do anything, Guishou and Xuebao quickly spread out to both sides with their respective teams, outflanking them, leaving only Luo Zheng and Lan Xue at the gate.

Luo Zheng set up a sniper rifle and hid behind a police car. He pointed at the big truck to Lan Xue who was walking up. Lan Xue nodded knowingly, quickly got into the big truck compartment with the sniper rifle in his hand, and put the sniper rifle on the front of the truck. The large truck is located high and is covered by linoleum, making it a good ambush point. As long as it hits the muffler, there will be no gunfire exposed and it will be absolutely difficult for the enemy to detect it.

At this time, the lights inside were bright, and more than a dozen people rushed out, fully armed and wearing police uniforms, but their actions were more like the style of the regular army. Luo Zheng guessed that they were faked by the regular army, and he did not hesitate to target a person who looked like a leader. He pulled the trigger and shouted: "Brothers, it's time to collect interest, kill me!"

"Whoops!" The sniper bullet rushed out of the barrel fiercely. The sound was greatly eliminated by the silencer, but the bullet's attack power was still powerful. It tore through the night sky and penetrated the target's eyebrows without any resistance. It came out from the back of the head and stirred up a large pool of blood. The target's head was blown open and his body flew out, making it impossible for him to survive.

"Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" Luo Zheng kept firing rapidly, venting his endless hatred. His eyes were as cold as ice as he locked on the target. The sniper rifle in his hand kept ringing. Each shot took away a life, just like a gun. A sophisticated killing machine, efficient and direct.

These enemies also reacted very quickly. After several people died, they quickly dispersed and each found a place to hide. The guns in their hands fired wildly in the direction of Luo Zheng's stealth, breaking up the night sky. The dense bullets rained down, The police car made a ping-pong-pong-pong-pong sound, which was extremely terrifying.

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