The strongest soldier

Chapter 1902 The enemy counterattacks

In the early morning of the next day, in the office of the top executive of the Arubon Administrative Department, the warm sunlight shone in through the clean glass windows and fell on the marble floor of the luxurious office. The shadows of the leaves dancing in the wind outside the window were also reflected in, rolling on the ground. The dance was agile and beautiful, but no one in the office was in the mood to appreciate it, and all of them were thinking about something with cold faces.

The top officer glanced at everyone with a gloomy face. There were heads of various departments in Alubon, as well as military representatives who had arrived overnight, including Jackson. His repeated mistakes made Jackson calm down and did not speak. He stared out the window and thought about something, his face looking very embarrassed.

The top executive of the Administrative Department glanced at the middle-aged man in a suit and tie next to him, his expression softened a bit, and he said politely: "Special envoy, everyone is here. Now please convey the president's order."

The middle-aged man snorted noncommittally, looked at Jackson and said, "Don't be busy, Mr. Jackson, as the commander of this joint operation, what specific plans do you have for the next operations? What support and cooperation do you need from our country? This This is also what the president of our country means.”

"Counterattack!" Jackson's face darkened and he said coldly. Seeing everyone looking over in confusion, he explained: "The opponent is constantly creating chaos and panic, just hoping that we will mess up our position, so as to draw chestnuts from the fire, so that they can't tell them anything." People’s purpose, as for their purpose, I think everyone present knows it, so I won’t say more. If we are passive, we will only get beaten, so we can only take the initiative to fight back.”

"Oh? How do you want to fight back?" the special envoy frowned and asked thoughtfully.

"They want to burn the war in Arubon, so we should draw the war out, preferably to their country, so that they have no time to care for themselves. In this way, your local government can be free to stabilize public security and restore normal social order. If If we don't fight back, they will create an even worse panic," Jackson said seriously.

"I understand, what are you going to do?" the envoy asked.

"I will lead the special forces coalition of ten countries to attack the nearest military base, carry out sneak attacks overnight, kill their base and then quickly retreat, hide and look for other opportunities. If our opponents are ordered to return for reinforcements, we will ambush them halfway and kill them. If not To return reinforcements, continue sneak attacks. With our combat power, destroying their base is not a problem. My country is solely responsible for intelligence work, so you don’t have to do anything." Jackson said coldly.

"Hiss?" Everyone present took a breath and was secretly frightened. They couldn't help but look up to Jackson. He dared to sneak attack the Huaxia military base with ten special operations troops and less than 500 people. Such courage, This kind of courage is not something that ordinary people can achieve. Thinking of the intelligence capabilities of the Sam Country, everyone couldn't help but be tempted. They all looked at the special envoy without saying a word, but the fanatical expressions in their eyes had already betrayed their attitudes.

The special envoy is also very excited. If the sneak attack on Huaxia is successful, not only will the crisis in Alubang be resolved, but it will also add a glorious touch to his political career. Promotion will not be a problem. If it fails, all the people who will die will be the special operations forces of the ten countries. They are soldiers, which has nothing to do with me. With the quality and military skills of these special operations troops, the success rate is very high. Even if they are captured, they will not commit treason. Even if they betray the country, they can be blamed cleanly. It is a good thing that is beneficial and harmless. He couldn't help but smile heartily and said: "You are the commander of the special forces coalition of the ten countries. You have the final say on how to fight. I am waiting for your good news."

"Thank you very much. This operation is expected to take a week. We need to prepare enough dry food and weapons. I hope you can support a group of them. I will take care of the rest. The troops will set off in the evening. Do you have any questions?" Jack Sen said in a deep voice, his cold eyes flashing with fighting intent.

"No problem, we will prepare the dry food as soon as possible." The special envoy said decisively, looked at the chief executive, and continued after seeing the other party nodded: "Then I wish you success."

Jackson nodded and said nothing more. It was a last resort to come up with a counterattack plan. If he stayed, he would be caught up in the political struggle between India and China. This was not in his own interests. Jumping out and finding a target for a decisive battle was the right way. The best way to find a target is to attack military targets in the country where the target belongs.

The benefits of the counterattack plan can be seen by everyone present. The special envoy did not object, and naturally everyone would not object foolishly. They all responded with silence. The special envoy thought for a while, continued to look at Jackson and asked: "At the moment, China What is the purpose of creating panic? I want to hear your opinion."

"I dare not take it seriously. Based on my understanding of the target, he has two purposes for doing this. First, to force the citizens of your country to leave by creating panic. Without your people in Arubon, it will be difficult for your country to continue to stay here. To stand firm in the international political community, and secondly, force us to take action in a panic, while they hide in the dark and wait for the opportunity, and your life and mine are hard to save." Jackson said coldly, deliberately making the danger a bit more serious, but he did not know that he had guessed invisibly Correct Luo Zheng's intention.

Everyone present was not stupid, and their faces became solemn. If things were really as Jackson said, then no one could escape responsibility. They couldn't help but look at the special envoy. The special envoy also realized the seriousness of this. After pondering for a moment, he said: "Everyone Don't worry and do your job well. This time, I have brought a security battalion, all dressed as police officers. They are on the way and are expected to arrive in two hours. They will take over the security and help everyone stabilize the place."

When everyone heard this, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as someone came to stabilize the law and order, the rest of the matter would be easy to handle. Jackson thought for a moment and said, "If my guess is correct, the opponent will continue to attack your municipal facilities." , even in residential areas, explosions, water and electricity cuts, etc. I hope you can take countermeasures in advance."

"Thank you for reminding us. We will arrange defenses in important places. In addition, I will report your opinions and let people from the country be mobilized to improve our defense capabilities." The special envoy said gratefully, his eyes fell on all his colleagues, and he continued : "Everyone, work with peace of mind. The president is watching from behind. The time has come to test us."

When everyone heard this, their faces became serious, and they suddenly realized that this was no longer a personal safety issue, a political issue, or a future issue. They couldn't help but cheer up. One of them suddenly said: "Your Majesty, Special Envoy, can you send our children to us?" Make secret arrangements to return to the country so that we can work more safely. If the enemy takes us hostage and threatens us, it will be very troublesome."

"Yes." Everyone's eyes lit up and they all agreed.

Of course, the special envoy could see that everyone was selfish and timid, and just found a high-sounding excuse. But the excuse was tenable, and he couldn't help but think about it. After a while, he said: "It's okay, we are working on the dangerous front line. The country will naturally consider your worries, and I will immediately ask the president for a formal ceremony."

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