The strongest soldier

Chapter 1888 Whereabouts Exposed

After a long journey, two days later in the morning, we arrived at our destination, a small town on the border of Aru State. Here, facing the southwest monsoon blowing from the Indian Ocean with a large amount of moisture and heat, it is warm and rainy, with an average annual precipitation of more than 9,000 mm. , is one of the regions with the highest rainfall in the world, and can grow many subtropical crops. It is so fertile that it is called the "Jiangnan" of the Western Regions. Unfortunately, this territory that should belong to the Huaxia Kingdom has become an Indian territory due to historical reasons. national government.

Arubang is located to the west of southern Tibet and to the east of India. It covers an area of ​​90,000 square kilometers and has a population that is more than twice the total population of Tibet. It not only has local councils, police, courts and other institutions, but also has nearly a hundred institutions. The educational content of all primary and secondary schools is mainly based on traditional Indian education. In addition, India also uses "tourism" to create "international advertisements" for its invasion of southern Tibetan areas, which is reprehensible.

Standing on the street, Luo Zheng looked at this land of plenty, gritted his teeth with hatred, and his eyes were about to burst out with fire. Lan Xue was worried that Luo Zheng would be motivated, so she quickly took Luo Zheng's arm and said to Ghost Shou: "Our I am a tourist, so I am going to explore the location of Tianzhu Temple as a tourist."

"Understood." Guishou quickly agreed and hurried away.

Soon, the ghost hand stopped a monk, clasped his hands, and asked with a pious look. Soon, the ghost hand turned back, pointed in one direction and said: "Did you see it? There is a mountain over there with dense woods. Look. It’s good to go up there, the monk just said it’s inside the mountain.”

"Let's go." The five people hurriedly walked towards their destination.

Suddenly, more than a dozen men came forward and blocked everyone in front of them. Each of them had evil eyes, especially when they saw Lan Xue, they were so shocked that they muttered something and let out a lewd laugh. Luo Zheng He frowned at this group of people. They were dressed as locals. They must be local gangsters. He couldn't help but feel murderous.

"Don't get into trouble, let's go." Lan Xue was worried that exposing her identity would delay treatment, so she immediately reminded Luo Zheng that before Luo Zheng's memory recovered, everything would become insignificant in Lan Xue's eyes.

Everyone didn't want to cause trouble and went around from the side. However, in the eyes of these people, this kind of tolerance turned out to be timid and fearful, and they became even more daring. One man even pulled out a hidden knife and greeted them with a sneer. He came up and shouted: "Stop." He used a blunt international language that could be understood in front of him.

We are all passionate soldiers, how can we be afraid of these clowns? But when they thought about the consequences of extraneous matters, they all endured it and stared at this person coldly. Luo Zheng understood everyone's thoughts, but he couldn't bear to see everyone being humiliated because of him, so he said angrily: "Guishou, you stay and deal with it. Don't kill anyone, meet up later, be clean, let's go first."

"Understood." Guishou agreed. Seeing that Luo Zheng's idea could teach these bastards a lesson without delaying treatment, the others did not object and hurried forward.

Seeing that everyone was about to leave, these people rushed towards Lan Xue with a lewd smile. Guishou was furious and rushed forward. He kicked one of them over with a flying kick. When he saw the man with the knife, he rushed forward ferociously. He was even more furious, and instead of retreating, he advanced, flying a whip leg and lashing out.

The whip's legs were like steel whips, with a faint sound of breaking through the air. Because of Luo Zheng's amnesia, Gui Shou was already angry. These came to the door and humiliated Lan Xue. Gui Shou was enraged and used half of the force. However, after the half-strength whip leg hit the opponent, the opponent flew away, and the person screamed in the void, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, which was extremely weird in the sunlight.

This man fell heavily to the ground and never got up again. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead. When the others saw it, they did not flinch, but screamed angrily. They pulled out their hidden knives and surrounded Guishou. Guishou saw Luo Zheng and others. He had already taken the opportunity to leave, and snorted disdainfully. They were just a few trash, and he didn't take it to heart.

These people were completely angered by Guishou's disdain. They rushed forward with howls and screams, and stabbed Guishou with their hidden knives. The last thing Guishou was afraid of was close combat. He suddenly waved his hands quickly, turning into a group of afterimages, like lightning. He rushed towards these people, using small tricks to capture them, and in a blink of an eye, he snatched away all the hidden knives from these people and threw them at his feet.

"Ah?" These people ran away as if they had seen a ghost. They looked at the ghost hand with shock on their faces. They couldn't figure out how the ghost hand did it. Someone yelled a few words, and these people quickly lifted themselves up and fell unconscious on the ground. The people, birds and beasts scattered, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When Guishou saw that these people were coming to an end, he snorted disdainfully, and ignored the hidden knife on the ground. He hurriedly left the scene and walked around a few streets. After making sure that he was not being followed, he walked towards Tianzhu Temple with confidence.

The gangsters carried the person into a hospital, and the person in charge of treatment was a white Westerner. The white doctor checked the injury and asked in surprise in local dialect: "How did he get injured?" As a doctor The doctor, of course, could see that the injured person was kicked unconscious and several ribs were broken in the chest, but this kind of injury was so harmful that the doctor couldn't help but pay attention.

These people didn't want to say more. After all, it was very embarrassing. The doctor pretended to be angry and said that he didn't know the cause and couldn't treat it. He fooled these people. After learning what the situation was, his face became serious and he asked a few questions in detail, especially Looking at the appearance of Luo Zheng and others, these gangsters didn't think too much. They just asked and answered questions in order to treat their companions.

After learning the details, the doctor immediately called his assistant to deal with it. He returned to the consulting room and closed the doors and windows. After making sure that no one was eavesdropping, he sat back at his desk, opened the drawer and took out a phone, dialed a secret number, and waited for the answer. Immediately after the call, he said: "Codename Angel, please confirm my identity by voice."

"Identity confirmed, I am in heaven, welcome to call, thank you for your hard work, please tell me if you have anything to say." A voice sounded on the phone.

"I discovered the target that the Strategic Operations Department wants, please give me instructions." The doctor lowered his voice and said with excitement in his eyes. This unexpected discovery is a great achievement, and it is even possible to be transferred back to the country. For the needs of the country, the doctor stayed here. After eight full years, I was already tired of it, but I couldn’t transfer it back because I didn’t have enough credit.

"Copy that, don't alert the enemy, wait for further orders." The voice on the phone continued to ring.

After hanging up the phone, the doctor laughed excitedly. It took him a while to calm down. After thinking for a while, he put on his casual clothes and went out. He decided to go and have a look. If he could find the target's foothold, it would be a great achievement, and maybe he could still do it. The doctor's heart became excited at the thought of having a part-time job as an official, and his face was filled with joy.

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