The strongest soldier

Chapter 1883 Breaking out of the siege

The brothers who were fighting also realized that something was wrong. Can Luo Zhen survive the bombing? Everyone's eyes suddenly turned red, howling and rushing forward, slashing all the enemies in front of them to the ground. Guishou also rushed forward. Seeing that Lan Xue had hugged Luo Zheng, his face changed greatly and he became panicked. He asked, "How is he? Is he okay?" while staring at Lan Xue, fearing that Lan Xue would say the words he least wanted to hear.

Lan Xue couldn't care less about the ghost hand and immediately checked Luo Zheng, only to find that there was no injured place. He checked his breathing again and found that he was breathing out, but he was unconscious. He was probably stunned by the shock wave of the explosion. He couldn't help but Secretly he breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the person didn't die, it would be easy. We were used to seeing dead people, so what's the point of being stunned?

Luo Zhen fell into a coma, and Lan Xue took over the command without hesitation, shouting angrily: "Brothers, take advantage of the enemy's chaos to rush forward, break out from the front of the enemy, pay attention to the Jarhead troops, those bastards from the beginning to the end None of them came forward, Guishou, your people are responsible for the left, Snow Leopard, your people are responsible for the right, Mountain Eagle, your people are in the rear, responsible for fire support, kill!" As he spoke, endless murderous intent burst out.

"Kill!" Everyone saw that Lan Xue was so calm. Not only did he not mess up when his lover was injured, but he made the most correct decision. They were overjoyed and rushed forward with howls.

Lan Xue handed her rucksack to Shi Qian, picked up Luo Zheng, and chased after him with great strides. As he ran, he couldn't help but glance at the direction of the bombardment. There were still shells attacking there, but they were aimed at the enemy's command. Headquarters direction, I can't help but wonder, why only artillery support but no people? What happened?

The enemy was bombed into chaos, and the command system collapsed. The troops had no one to command them and fled in all directions. Lan Xue and others broke out of the encirclement, broke out from the front, rushed into the forest, and ran for a while. Lan Xue remembered her conversation with Luo Zhen and immediately signaled the troops to go west.

Ghost Hand, Mountain Eagle and Snow Leopard were originally Lan Xue's subordinates. They admired Lan Xue and carried out Lan Xue's orders without hesitation. Snow Leopard was tall and strong and took Luo Zheng from Lan Xue. Lan Xueteng Come out, get your backpack and weapons and equipment from Shi Qian, arrange the mountain eagle team to break up the rear, and pay attention to the enemy's pursuit.

The enemy has been killed and dispersed, but there are still powerful Jarhead special forces who have not come forward. They cannot be careless. Once bitten, they will not be able to escape. The mountain eagle knows the importance of cutting off the back and does not dare to be careless at all.

The team ran wildly for about half an hour, but Luo Zhen still didn't wake up. The only thing that made everyone happy was that he was still breathing and his life was still normal. Everyone continued to march worriedly, and Lan Xue was silent with a face on his face, trying to remember and Luo Zhen's conversation confirmed the next plan. When Luo Zheng was here, Lan Xue was used to being too lazy to think about problems. Now that Luo Zhen was unconscious, Lan Xue knew the responsibility and pressure on her shoulders and did not dare to be careless.

"No, there are soldiers chasing behind." The voice of the mountain eagle rang in the headset.

It was pitch dark in the woods. Everyone was wearing tactical sunglasses with night vision function, and they were running very fast. Under these conditions, the enemy could still catch up. Naturally, they were not ordinary troops. Everyone thought of the Jarhead Special Forces, and their faces became serious. , all looked at Lan Xue, and Guishou suggested in a deep voice: "Captain, just stop and ambush him."

Regardless of Ghost Hand, Mountain Eagle or Snow Leopard, they still habitually call Lan Xue their captain. Lan Xue pondered for a moment and said: "The surrounding terrain is not conducive to an ambush. Everyone should seize the time to evacuate first and find a suitable place. Mountain Eagle Team, you guys Be careful, the enemies are all tough, don’t confront them head-on.”

"Yes!" everyone shouted in unison.

The team continued to march rapidly for about ten minutes, when the voice of the mountain eagle rang in the headset: "The enemy is chasing us in three groups, with a total strength of no less than fifty people. We will stay behind, and you will retreat first."

"No, we have to stay together. There is a slope in front. The team quickly seizes the high ground and defends in a circular formation. The enemy is not stupid and will definitely attack from all sides. Everyone, be careful." Lan Xue knows the temper of mountain eagles and is not easy to take. Once you express your opinion, you express your intention to do so. A small team cannot stop the pursuit of fifty Jarhead special forces, so we might as well stay and fight the enemy head-on.

"Yes." Everyone shouted in unison. Everyone rushed forward, rushed up the slope in one breath, spread out, each found a place to hide, and prepared for battle.

Shandiao rushed up with his men and gestured for the troops to disperse. He came to Lan Xue and squatted down to take a look. Luo Zheng was placed on the grass, still in a coma, and there seemed to be no sign of waking up. , Mountain Eagle's heart tightened, and he looked at Lan Xue worriedly and said, "Captain, he will get better, don't worry, what should we do next?"

"Divide your people into four and guard one direction respectively. The remaining two people will defend the front to ensure the front's defense. Ghost Hand, Snow Leopard, your people will also be arranged in the same way. We must ensure that there are people in any direction and cannot give The enemy can take advantage of this opportunity." Lan Xue said in a deep voice.

"Understood." Everyone is smart and has rich combat experience. They know that Jarhead is not an ordinary soldier. Once they are surrounded, they will never swarm in and fight. Instead, they will spread out and observe, find flaws, and then concentrate on attacking. Faced with Experts, the best way is to defend in a circle, so that the enemy can't find any loopholes, and then look for opportunities to break out and kill the enemy with a countercharge.

"Shasha ——" There was a dense footsteps in the woods in the distance. In this grayed night tree, it was particularly abrupt. Obviously, the enemy caught up. Everyone aimed at the past and looked for the enemy's trace.

"Brothers, fire when you have the opportunity." Lan Xue said in a deep voice. The enemies are very powerful, but there are not many in number. If you have the opportunity, shoot and kill one less person.

Everyone agreed in a low voice and stared at the surrounding dense forest in preparation. Suddenly, they found that the rustling sound had disappeared. They guessed that the enemy was alert and stopped. Everyone was on high alert. They did not dare to be careless and fight with the masters. One oversight can be fatal.

It was quiet in the woods, with only the sound of the wind passing by. After waiting for a while, there was no enemy attack. Everyone was surprised and couldn't figure out where the enemy was singing. But no one dared to be careless and continued to be on guard. After a while, the dense forest around them There was still no movement. It was so quiet that Lan Xue became suspicious and lowered his voice and said, "Guishou, go up and see what's going on. Snow leopard, mountain eagle, you two take cover."

"Understood." The three men agreed in a low voice. They put down their backpacks and took only their weapons. Just as they were about to set off, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of them and disappeared in a flash. Everyone was startled and suspicious.

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