The strongest soldier

Chapter 1881 Crazy bombardment

The night was deep, the moon was bright in the sky, the woods were gray, and the visibility was very low. Everyone had to put on tactical sunglasses to be on guard in case the enemy suddenly attacked. Luo Zhen leaned against a big tree and was talking and discussing in a low voice with Lan Xue. There is an evacuation plan, but there is no ideal way. Being in the powerful Sam Kingdom and surrounded by powerful enemies, it is not easy to escape safely and must be carefully planned.

Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue and said solemnly: "Brothers, leave your lives to me. I must take them back."

"Just do your best and obey fate. Even if there is an eventuality, the brothers will not blame you. You have tried your best, completed the task, and brought the brothers here. It was worth it." Lan Xue comforted.

"Break through tonight and evacuate. I have an idea." Luo Zhen suddenly lowered his voice and said. He looked around and saw that no one could hear him. After confirming that the headset was also turned off, he continued in a low voice: "Let's divert the enemy away and let the main force go first." If we don't take everyone back, I won't feel at ease even if I die."

When Lan Xue saw that Luo Zheng did not abandon her and go it alone, but stopped her, she couldn't help but smile tenderly, nodded and said affectionately: "I listen to you, as long as we are together, we will die without regrets."

"Yes." Luo Zheng knew Lan Xue's thoughts. The life and death relationship was not just a matter of words, but engraved in the depths of each other's souls. He agreed, his eyes became firm, and he continued in a low voice: "I have studied the map, heading west We will walk on the highway all night. Then the main force can seize the vehicles and evacuate, or arrange for people to take over. You and I will go east to kill and attract the enemy to pursue us. To the east is to enter the city. The enemy will be worried that we will enter the city and cause chaos. We will definitely do it. The soldiers will pursue us, and our brothers will be able to escape safely.”

"I'm just afraid that the brothers won't agree." Lan Xue reminded in a low voice.

"Use an order to force it." Luo Zheng knew the brothers' friendship and said helplessly.

"It's up to you." Lan Xue promised that as long as she was with Luo Zheng, she would have no regrets even if she died.

The two were chatting when they suddenly heard the roar of a helicopter. Luo Zheng was shocked. The enemy's helicopter came faster than expected. He exchanged a look with Lan Xue and quickly jumped out of the skirmishers that had been dug up long ago. Luo Zhen squatted down and quickly turned on the signal transmitter, shouting loudly: "Everyone listen to my orders, stay hidden, and don't fight back."

Everyone hid in the foxholes and looked up at the sky, hoping to see the helicopter flying over. Not long after, a sharp roar came, deafening. Everyone was shocked and squatted down with their heads in their hands, motionless. Not long after, an earth-shattering explosion was heard.

"Boom -" A missile hit the hill in the woods, creating a huge fireball. The whole ground seemed to be shaking. Everyone was happy to be settled. Everyone's foxholes were dug on the hillside below the hill. On the mountain, they were spread widely and dug deep enough. The missiles exploded on the hills. For the people hiding on the mountainside, they did not pose much of a threat. They could only feel the trees rattling loudly due to the violent shock wave.

"Whoosh--" Two more missiles roared towards the ground. After landing on the ground, they exploded into a large ball of fire. The violent shock wave broke the surrounding trees and flew backwards for a long distance. Countless soil was also splashed away, and a lot of The stone fell into the foxhole on the mountainside, and the whole sky seemed to explode, which was extremely terrifying.

"Boom, boom, boom -" Several more missiles whizzed down and landed accurately on the hill, leaving the hill with craters and a mess, followed by another round of missile attacks. The enemy's attack density was as if it was going to It was as if the entire hill had been blown flat. Everyone huddled in the foxholes and were very happy. Fortunately, the distance was far away and there were big trees to cover them. Everyone was hiding underground, otherwise they would be peeled off even if they didn't die.

The five armed helicopters dropped more than a dozen missiles and then turned around and left. There was no intact place on the hill. All the trees were blown up. Only large craters were seen. The soil and stones were overturned. Some trees A fire was ignited and black smoke billowed. Even an ant could not survive such a massive explosion.

Luo Zhen was afraid even when he was hiding in a foxhole. If he dug a foxhole on a hill and hid in it, he would not be immune to such a heavy bombing. The enemy had spent a lot of money and would not give up until the goal was achieved. Listen. When the helicopter left, I couldn't help but stand up. When I looked around, I saw that the hills were completely blank. Apart from the craters, there was overturned soil, and the tall trees were all blown away.

The brothers all around also stood up to observe the situation. Suddenly, there was a whistling sound at the foot of the mountain. It was the sound of artillery being ejected from the chamber. Everyone was shocked. Without waiting for orders, they retreated and hid in the foxholes. Don't dare to move, it's the mortars that are carrying out high-density bombardment.

"Boom, boom, boom -" Countless explosions sounded on the mountainside, one after another, with terrifying momentum. Luo Zheng did not expect that the enemy not only bombed the hills, but also bombed the mountainside. Is it like using artillery shells to clear button bombs on the ground? Then everyone Hiding on the mountainside will bring bad luck.

The mortars continued to attack round after round. It was a saturation attack. Areas were cleared at targeted locations. The shells exploded near the foxholes where everyone was hiding. The holes where some brothers were hiding were collapsed. Get up quickly. Use a construction shovel to remove collapsed soil.

The explosion knocked down the trees. The trees hit the button bomb, triggering the pressure detonation device and making an explosion sound. Not long after, only a few trees on the mountainside were blown up, but the bombing did not stop. Luo Zhen huddled in The faces in the foxhole became serious, it would definitely not work if this continued.

The enemy was obviously cruel this time. The artillery shells followed one after another, as if they would never stop. The explosions shook the woods, which was extremely terrifying. What was even more terrifying was that the ground troops began to take action and rushed towards the mountains and forests. The superb artillery and marines Using a coordinated tactic, an invisible murderous aura enveloped the mountainside, and the situation became tense.

I don't know who discovered the troops advancing from the ground and shouted a warning. Everyone's face became serious. The enemy was still shelling with high intensity. If you go out, you will die. Once the enemy rushes up, everyone will be very passive and can't help but worry. But no No one came forward according to Luo Zheng's order.

Luo Zhen stood up quickly despite the risk of shelling. When he looked around, he saw that the forest in front was in a mess. A large number of trees were blown to the ground. They fell to the ground in random directions, forming invisible obstacles. A large number of enemy troops were rushing towards them. They were just a few meters away. The obstacle is not far away, and the war is about to break out.

"What should I do?" Luo Zheng's face turned cold. When he saw a cannonball flying over, he quickly retracted and hid it. With a fierce attack, he shouted loudly through the earphone: "Don't move, wait until the enemy comes up and use the knife directly." Since he can't go out, then Just don't go out. Once the enemy comes up, the artillery fire will definitely stop, and then you can kill them at close range.

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison, as if they suddenly had a backbone, and endless murderous aura burst out.

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