The strongest soldier

Chapter 1879 The enemy retreats temporarily

On the frontal battlefield, the two troops fell into a trap and were sniped. They could not attack at all for a while. Everyone used all the button bombs. The density was very high. If you wanted to rush up, you had to pay a heavy price. The officer of the attacking force was sniped. Kill, no one is willing to rush in and die without an order. The bullets constantly fired in the dense forest make it even more difficult for everyone, so they have to find a place to hide and fight back.

The battle on the side of the slope was even more fierce. More than twenty people fought with the enemy at close quarters. Luo Zhen and others relied on the weapon advantage of the Dragon Tooth Sword and their superb sword skills to fight against the enemy. Although the enemy was outnumbered, the weapons If you don't have the upper hand, firing will hurt your own people, and the fighting will be very frustrating. There will be countless casualties in the blink of an eye. No one can do anything for a while, and the battle will fall into a stalemate.

Both the enemy and ourselves were fighting tooth and nail on the battlefield. Behind the battlefield, Jackson and Henrys were watching the battlefield coldly. Unfortunately, the fighting situation was obscured by trees. They could only understand the fighting situation through observers. Neither of them expected that Luo Zhen and others were fighting. Being so desperate and actually rushing up to fight at close quarters was completely inconsistent with modern special operations theory, but it made the two of them worried.

Through the observer, the two learned that Luo Zhen and others were equipped with long knives, which were extremely sharp, and each of them had sharp sword skills. The people on their side could not get close at all. Although there were many people, they could only parry and had no power to fight back. , as time went by, it was their side that suffered the loss. What made the two more distressed was that the other two attacking troops also fell into the trap and were unable to advance.

"How many mines did they bring? Why can't they find a way out on the frontal battlefield?" Henrys said solemnly, his eyes full of anxiety. People were dying every moment on the battlefield, and those who died were all his most elite troops. So, It's okay that the big loss was worth it. If it failed miserably, I wouldn't be able to explain it.

Jackson was also curious about where Luo Zhen and others got so many mines. How many can one person carry? There was no way to survive on such a huge slope. There were traps everywhere. Some of the traps had obviously exploded once, and there were still traps after passing by. Faced with Henrys' question, Jackson didn't know how to answer.

Both of them knew the importance of this battle, gritted their teeth and persisted without issuing a retreat order. No one noticed that a man was coming not far away, hiding behind a big tree, raising his gun. It was really time-changing, time-changing. Qian didn't know Jackson, but when he recognized Jackson in a major general uniform, he was a big fish. Shi Qian subconsciously thought that this guy was the top person in charge.

"Son of a bitch, let's see how I deal with you." Shi Qian muttered excitedly, aiming at Henrys. He was worried that his shooting skills were not accurate enough and would miss the target, so he quickly adjusted the shooting mode to continuous fire.

"Ta-ta-ta!" Shi Qian pulled the trigger violently. He was only about ten meters away, with a wide field of view and no obstruction. The bullet rushed towards Henrys fiercely, roaring with Shi Qian's endless anger and expectation, as if The pack of wolves hunted for prey, and instantly penetrated into the target's body, splashing blood arrows one after another.

Henrys didn't even have time to hum before he fell into a pool of blood. Jackson was worthy of being born in the Jarhead Special Forces team and had rich combat experience. Just when Shi Qian adjusted his shooting state, he keenly sensed the danger and a tiger pounced on him. On the ground, he rolled away quickly, avoiding the bullets fired at him.

At this time, Shi Qian quickly threw away the weapon, quickly left the scene, and disappeared into the dense forest. Jackson, who was lying on the ground, saw that his opponent had stopped shooting, and quickly raised his head to observe. Where was the shadow of his opponent? Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Henrys lying dead in a pool of blood, and he was horrified.

"Commander." Adjutant Henrys reacted, his face changed drastically, and he rushed forward with a strong stride. He picked up Henrys and saw where he could vent his anger. He was horrified and roared: "Quick, medic, save the commander."

The medical soldier ran up to see if there was any breathing anywhere. His face changed drastically. He looked at the adjutant and shook his head. The adjutant was furious, pushed the medical soldier away and roared: "Quickly, give me the order to withdraw the troops."

Henrys fought to wash away his shame and died on the battlefield. All the past responsibilities disappeared. The adjutant would not continue to fight stupidly and get himself into trouble. He immediately ordered the troops to evacuate. The correspondent immediately sent out the order. Regardless of the crime or the shame, , all disappeared with the death of Henrys.

"We can't withdraw. This is a critical moment. Don't you want to avenge your division commander? Do you have the heart to let your brothers die in vain? You bastard, if you dare to withdraw, I will kill you." Jackson roared, aiming his gun at the adjutant. , his face was as cold as frost.

"Put down your weapons." When the division commander's guards saw an outsider pointing a gun at their adjutant, without the division commander, the adjutant is the supreme commander here. If they dare to shoot the adjutant, the guards will naturally not agree.

Jackson glanced at the guards coldly, not paying attention to these people at all, but he also knew that if he fired, his career would be over. His triangular eyes flashed with a fierce light, and he looked at the adjutant coldly and shouted: "We have reached a critical moment. Retreating at this time means that all previous efforts have been wasted. Why retreat? As long as you kill these bastards, you will have done a great job. When the time comes, I will recommend you to be the division commander."

"You have also seen the situation in front of you. It is impossible to win." The adjutant stood up coldly and retorted.

"Then increase the troops. Your Excellency the President is very concerned about this matter. It is not only related to the honor of your division, but also related to the honor of the entire country. If you win, you will be the division commander. If you lose, you will be the first in the military court. You." Jackson said coldly.

The adjutant couldn't help but shuddered and realized that he couldn't get off Jackson's battlefield at all. Fugui surrendered in danger, his face darkened, and he shouted: "If you want to win this battle, you must first withdraw our brothers. I We will send troops over to attack them with mortars and helicopters."

"It makes sense, let's do it this way. Your people will withdraw first, and my people will be responsible for holding them tight and not letting them escape. Give the order immediately." Jackson was overjoyed to see that the other party was a smart man who knew how to make trade-offs. Agreed, with aircraft and cannons, there would be no suspense in this battle.

The order to retreat was immediately given, and the attacking troops retreated like a tide. Jackson asked the Jarhead troops to come up to respond and cover the withdrawal of the troops.

On the battlefield, Luo Zheng saw that the enemy had retreated, and he couldn't figure out what was going on. He immediately ordered his troops to stop the pursuit and quickly retreat. During the retreat, everyone did not forget to clean the battlefield. This kind of high-intensity battle consumes the most ammunition, so it is necessary to Just replenish it in time.

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