The strongest soldier

Chapter 1875 Stealth Killing the Enemy

There are many ways to infiltrate in the jungle. The infiltration method of crawling like a giant python is only one of them, and it is also the most difficult. This crawling requires physical strength and is extremely time-consuming. It can be seen that implementing this infiltration tactic requires not only good Waist strength, good patience and vigilance are indispensable. Luo Zheng saw that the other party's penetration movements were very skillful and his face was calm. He was obviously a master. This kind of person cannot be kept.

Luo Zhen's gun was aimed at the target without hesitation. At this moment, the opponent seemed to feel danger, his body twisted strangely, and with a flick, his whole body bounced behind a big tree and huddled up. , like a frightened python, raising his head and watching the surroundings warily.

"Puff puff!" Facing such a master, Luo Zhen did not dare to be careless. He fired three rapid bursts, and the three bullets whizzed away in a square shape. The distance was only five meters. The opponent sensed the danger and instinctively dodged to the side. , but it was too late, a bullet just tore open the main artery in the opponent's neck, and the blood surged. The opponent's face was horrified, and he quickly covered the wound.

Once the aorta is punctured, it is impossible to survive. This enemy may have realized this and simply ignored the wound. He picked up the weapon in his hand and started shooting randomly. It can both warn and block the enemy. He is worthy of being an elite Jarhead special agent. Team members know what to do at this time.

Bullets were fired violently. Luo Zheng and others were worried about being hit by stray bullets, so they all found places to hide. Luo Zheng even took cover with the gunfire and quickly whispered through the earphone: "Be careful of the enemy crawling and infiltrating." As soon as the words fell, Suddenly there was a loud bang.

Luo Zhen turned his head in surprise and saw that an enemy ten meters away stepped on a button bomb. His legs were directly blown off. His body fell forward and landed heavily on the ground. His internal organs were scattered wildly, and the opponent's hands struggled instinctively. He wanted to get up, but where could he get up?

"Ah——" The enemy screamed in agony.

"Let's go" Luo Zheng was heartbroken and unmoved by the bombed enemy. He quickly seized the opportunity and moved forward. While the enemy's attention was on the bombed person, the three of them rushed to 20 meters away. Zheng found a man lurking under a tall tree on guard, his face turned cold, he raised his hand and shot him.

The opponent's reaction was very fast. Although he couldn't see Luo Zhen's position, his instinct was very strong. He actually took action one step before Luo Zhen fired. He instinctively made an evasive action and avoided Luo Zhen's fatal shot. The muzzle of the gun was swift. The source of danger is locked, as if facing a formidable enemy.

"Pfft!" Two indiscernible gunshots rang out, and the bullets from the silent pistol fired silently. One bullet accurately hit the opponent's forehead, and the other bullet hit the heart, which is fatal no matter where it is. Vital parts, the enemy was shot to the ground before he could fire back.

Luo Zheng turned his head and looked at the direction of the bullet's source. He estimated that Lan Xue was helping. His confidence increased and he continued to rush forward. With the stealth suit, the whole operation was much more convenient. Soon, Luo Zhen saw a person leaning on it. Checking the weapon on the big tree, before firing, two gunshots rang out nearby.

"Ah -" The enemy was hit in the chest by a bullet. It was not fatal, but the blood flowed violently, and he screamed hysterically in pain. The distance was too close, and the bulletproof vest on the enemy could not block the pistol bullet at all. Shooting from a distance, the man tightly covered his wound.

Not far away, a person hurried over to help, with an anxious look on his face. Luo Zhen didn't wait for the other person to ask, and he raised his hand and fired three bursts of bullets. Puff, puff, puff, the three bullets penetrated the target's vital parts without mercy, and the other party had no time to react. It's dead. Luo Zheng is sure to kill even a mosquito with this kind of close range shooting.

"No, the enemy is attacking!" Suddenly, someone yelled from the bushes not far away, and bullets were fired at the woods. It looked a little panicked, but in fact it was not the case. Because they couldn't see it, they fired randomly, which could also serve as a deterrent and As a warning, Luo Zheng and the other three were shot indiscriminately and were forced to find a place to hide.

"Spread out." Luo Zhen said in a low voice, quickly walked around the other side of the big tree, ran for a distance with a hunched waist, like a civet cat, rolled under a big tree, raised his hand and fired two shots, killing the big tree. The shouter was shot dead on the spot.

More enemies emerged from behind the big tree, looking around. Luo Zheng did not dare to move for fear of exposing his position. For these experts, they can sense the location even if they are wearing invisibility suits. They must not be careless. Luo Zheng was tight. He lay on the ground and waited. After a few minutes, he found that the surrounding enemies had dispersed a lot and found a place to hide again. Luo Zheng snorted coldly and carefully went up in a roundabout way.

"Puff puff!" Several inaudible gunshots rang out around him. Luo Zheng guessed that it was Lan Xue and Shi Qian who had taken action. He turned around and saw that three targets were hit by bullets and fell to the ground unwillingly. In the pool of blood, he wanted to fight back, but couldn't find the target, so he had to desperately cover the wound and moan in pain.

"Puff, puff, puff!" Several more imperceptible voices sounded. Luo Zhen turned his head and saw a target trying to rush over, but was hit by a bullet. His body stood upright, eyes wide open, until he died. No one knew who fired the gun. The stiff body fell to the ground with a dull sound.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Suddenly, the enemy began to retreat from the hidden position and quickly retreated. The movement was extremely fast, like a tiger descending the mountain. In the blink of an eye, it was dozens of meters away and disappeared into the dense forest.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he saw that the enemy was about to withdraw. How could he miss such a good assassination opportunity? He rushed forward without hesitation. Although the running enemy was very vigilant, he had already given his back to others. This behavior was tantamount to seeking death. Luo Zheng fired without hesitation.

"Puff-puff--" Luo Ying fired three rapid bursts in one go. Without even looking at the enemy he was placing, he quickly dodged and hid behind a big tree.

"Peng Peng Peng -" Countless bullets were fired at him, causing a mess all around. The trees rustled. Although the enemy could not see Luo Zheng, they could determine the approximate location of Luo Zheng through the sound of gunfire and quickly counterattack.

Luo Zheng was hit by so many bullets that he didn't dare to raise his head at all. He vaguely heard an enemy roaring and charging towards him. He knew something was going to be bad, so he looked over regardless of the danger. Three enemies were firing at his position indiscriminately. If not, To determine the specific location, he must die.

The situation became extremely dangerous. Luo Zheng discovered that an enemy was retreating from behind. He had a very good field of vision. If he fired back, he would be exposed to the enemy's eyes and receive more precise fire counterattacks. It would be useless if he did not resist. It’s dangerous. Stray bullets caused by random shooting are also deadly. What should I do?

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