The strongest soldier

Chapter 1873 Deploy counterattack

Everyone is destined to die. Since brothers have chosen to die standing, they will never live on their knees. Just kill them vigorously. Luo Zheng's eyes have become sharp. He has experienced too many battles and is used to seeing too many life and death. , Regarding life and death, Luo Zheng also took a dim view and was fearless. His eyes quickly scanned the surrounding area. The terrain on the hill was gentle and thickly covered with trees. There was only a slope up there, and there was a cliff on the other side. It was an easy-to-defend but difficult-to-attack place.

"Brothers, this battle may not be fierce, but it is no small matter. The opponent is the Jarhead Special Forces who are not inferior to us in strength. They are not many in number, but they are very threatening, Brother Mountain Eagle." Luo Zheng shouted coldly. .

"Arrived!" The mountain eagle responded in a deep voice.

"The enemy has only one way to come up, and that is the slope. Arrange five brothers to ambush horizontally, seize important commanding heights, build a sniper position, and set up many suspicious formations. Move quickly. The remaining five people will serve as a reserve team. They will assist in deploying the suspicious formations first and arrange them immediately. Go." Luo Zheng warned.

"Yes." Shandiao didn't dare to be careless and made arrangements immediately.

"Ghost Hands and Snow Leopard, the two brothers worked hard to deploy button bombs on the slopes, all set to pressure detonation mode. If the enemy discovers the trap from the route that can be walked, it will definitely come from the route that cannot be walked, so the mines must be mined. You have to think comprehensively, both of you are experts, so be more careful and move quickly, I estimate that the enemy will be here in ten minutes," Luo Zheng warned.

"Yes." The two of them agreed wholeheartedly. Guishou hesitated for a moment and said, "We will place all our deployments on the slope. What if the enemy goes around from behind? Although there is no way to go behind, it requires a large detour. circle, but this is Sam country, they have helicopters, and it is easy to complete the assembly."

"Then we can only pray that they don't take the retreat. Our troops are limited and cannot be dispersed. After you lay mines, focus on defending the back. The enemy in front is enough to have a mountain eagle team. Don't forget that the enemy's troops are not many. They Don’t dare to spread too much, let’s act according to the situation when the time comes.” Luo Zheng said worry-free.

"Understood." Guishou agreed, and hurried away with Snow Leopard and a group of brothers.

"You use five people to fight against the pursuers, and there are five people as a reserve team. Is this possible?" Lan Xue asked worriedly.

"With a large number of people, it is easy to scare away the pursuers. With a small number of people, the enemy will not think that we are here to block the attack. They will only think that there are a few people left behind and the others have already evacuated. In this case, the enemy will only try their best to attack from this slope. We will not consider the issue of detours. If too many troops are deployed, the enemy will immediately go around and outflank them as soon as they see the formation, which will be detrimental to us." Luo Zheng explained in a deep voice.

"It makes sense. It depends on the technical and tactical levels of the brothers." Lan Xue said in a deep voice.

"Brother Mountain Eagle, can you hear me?" Luo Zheng shouted through the headset.

"Okay." The mountain eagle who was making arrangements said in a deep voice.

"The five reserve teams have one mission. They are to ambush a little further back. They are responsible for protecting the fighting brothers and preventing the enemy from infiltrating and harming the fighting brothers. There is no need to consider killing the enemy for the time being." Luo Zheng warned, and the five brothers were responsible for sniping and killing the enemy. There are people, but there is no guarantee that the enemy will not use the cover of trees to infiltrate. It will be much better to have someone to protect you.

"Understood." The mountain eagle agreed knowingly.

Lan Xue was relieved after hearing Luo Zheng's arrangement, and said: "The five of us fired freely, one shot in the east and one shot in the west. The enemy didn't understand how many people we had left behind. We fought a lot in this battle. I Come and snipe the enemy, you are responsible for protecting me from behind and directing the battle."

"Okay, be careful." Luo Zheng knew that his focus was on command, not fighting, so he agreed, his eyes fell on Shi Qian, and suddenly he had an idea. He looked at the sky and said, "The troops are constantly on the road, and their physical strength is too much. We just need to block the attack to regain our strength and delay the attack, so we can infiltrate after dark."

"What do you mean?" Shi Qian asked in surprise.

"Stealth, infiltration, kill the enemy." Luo Zhen said murderously, and continued with a confident look on his face: "Fight the enemy first in the afternoon to drain the enemy's energy, and wait until evening."

"I understand, okay." Shi Qian agreed.

After chatting for a while, Lan Xue found a place to hide. As a tactical sniper, Lan Xue's sniper ability ranks among the best in the entire country. He chose an inconspicuous place to hide, and checked his weapons. When a war is approaching, it is common sense to check weapons to avoid mistakes. A grain of sand or dust may cause shooting errors or even explosions. Do not be careless.

Soon, tranquility returned to the woods. The Ghost Hand Team and the Snow Leopard Team went to the rear to defend themselves, just in case. Everyone lurked motionless, integrating their bodies with the surrounding environment. They gathered their breath and waited patiently. After a while, , the birds in the forest gradually came out to move, and soon started playing in the treetops. There was no sign of an ambush in the forest. The wind blew gently, bringing a bit of peace to the forest.

Fifteen minutes later, the enemy appeared. When the bored Luo Zheng heard the news, he immediately became alert and tightened his grip on the sniper rifle to observe the front. However, the woods were too dense and the visibility was very low. He could not see far. Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless and immediately lowered his head. The voice said: "Brothers, pay attention, shoot when you have the opportunity, kill mainly, and completely delay this bastard."

"Yes." The person from the Mountain Eagle Team responded in a low voice.

Sniping and sniping are two concepts. Sniping will only make the enemy angrier, calmer, and even more devious. Sniping is different. The enemy cannot leave the wounded alone and will only fight here. Of course, the premise is to let When the enemy sees hope of victory, five people are just right. An ambush with more people will only scare the enemy away.

Luo Zheng carefully calculated his deployment, and after confirming that the problem was not serious, he waited patiently. There were button bombs in the forest on the slope, which would explode when stepped on. Luo Zheng didn't know how many were buried, ten for one person, and more than twenty for two teams. There are more than two hundred button bombs per person, which is enough to cause a headache for the enemy, but Luo Zheng estimated that each person planted more than ten.

"Come on, even if you die, I will knock out all your teeth." Luo Zhen pondered coldly, glanced at Shi Qian who was getting nervous next to him, thought for a moment, and lowered his voice and said, "Can you climb a big tree to act as a nurse?" Observer hand?”

"No problem." Shi Qian promised, stood up and left.

Luo Zhen grabbed Shi Qian and warned him: "Don't panic, put on the invisibility suit, don't shoot, you must not be exposed, otherwise you will be in danger, be careful, go ahead."

"Understood." Shi Qian smiled gratefully, took off his combat uniform, took out the stealth uniform from his backpack, put on the headset, and hurriedly found a tall tree to climb up, using the invisible crown as an observer. , this identity and experience made Shi Qian's blood boil, and he vaguely felt that this was the life he had been pursuing.

Note: I recommend this creation military text, "Super God Special Forces". Friends who like it can check it out.

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