The strongest soldier

Chapter 1870 Sniping a powerful enemy

The enemy's three-sided encirclement tactic made Luo Zheng realize the seriousness of the problem. If he concentrated his forces to break through, there would only be one defensive side. Luo Zheng would not dare to fight with anyone unless the opponent had strong troops and aircraft and artillery. Three-sided encirclement meant three sides. If you don't withdraw from the enemy, you will fall into passivity. The best way is to take advantage of the enemy's encirclement and retreat quickly, use the bully tactics to counterattack, and find opportunities to counterattack during the movement.

Everyone was familiar with this guerrilla tactic and knew how to do it. The team ran away and quickly spread out, forming three columns and continuing to march forward. In the middle was the team of mountain eagles, all snipers, no matter where they encountered them. Any trouble can provide fire support. On the left is the Ghost Hand Team, and on the right is the Snow Leopard Team. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue lead the way with Shi Qian at the front.

While running, Luo Zhen turned on the signal transmitter and contacted Blue Star. Everyone's whereabouts had been exposed and he couldn't care much. The top priority was to find the hiding spot. After Luo Zhen and others were connected, he quickly said: "Immediately find a place with high mountains and dense forests and give us the route." Guidance, be quick.”

"Understood." Lanxing quickly agreed, got busy, and quickly shouted through the headset: "About ten kilometers in a straight line to the north is the highest peak, with an altitude of more than 3,000. The mountains are high and the forests are dense, which is suitable for hiding. Be careful."

"Understood." Luo Zheng agreed, quickly determined the direction, and ran towards the north with his troops. The plain area is conducive to attacks by mechanized troops and air troops. If you stay here, you will be waiting for death. You must evacuate as soon as possible. As long as you get deep into the mountains At this point, Luo Zheng was confident of getting out safely.

The pursuers did not give up and quickly followed up. The helicopter also took off to follow. Although there were no weapons and ammunition to launch attacks on the ground, they could still keep a close eye on the whereabouts of Luo Zhen and others and provide intelligence to their own people so that they would not be lost. , both the enemy and us lost speed and ran wildly. In addition, they were separated by more than two thousand meters, and no one could care about shooting.

The two groups of people kept climbing over the mountains and ridges, neither one willing to fall behind and always keeping a certain distance. Luo Zheng was shocked when he saw that the pursuers were following so closely and no one was left behind. He wondered if the dozens of people who came up from both sides were also Jarheads. Special teams? Ordinary special forces absolutely cannot keep up with everyone's speed. If this were the case, the situation would be different.

The pursuit of more than a hundred members of the Jarhead Special Forces was no joke. In addition to the local operations and strong logistical support, Luo Zheng felt the invisible pressure coming towards him. His face was solemn as iron, urging the troops to continue to speed up. , you must not be overtaken by the enemy before entering the highest peak.

Ten kilometers in a straight line is not far, but it is a bit far for a mountain road. The speed cannot be increased when climbing over mountains and ridges. In addition, the detour adds a lot of travel. It took everyone a full hour to get there. Watching In front of us were the majestic undulating peaks, dense woods, heavy mist, and the roars of wild beasts in the depths. Luo Zheng was so happy that he didn't care to appreciate it. He led his troops and plunged in. After running for about twenty meters, he had an idea and immediately He ordered the troops to stop and shouted loudly: "Brothers, spread out quickly and seize the commanding heights. Let's hold on here and use the woods to block the enemy's attack. We are covered by trees. They are outside the woods with gentle terrain. The terrain is conducive to me. By the way, Rest to regain your strength and spread out.”

"Yes." Everyone agreed at the meeting and spread out to both sides. The visibility in the forest was very low. Everyone looked around and saw that they could see up to twenty meters away. As long as the troops were ambushed twenty meters away from the forest, they could As long as the enemy is blocked from the forest, this battle can be fought.

Luo Zhen found a big tree to hide, and said to Shi Qian who was following behind: "This battle is very dangerous. You are not a soldier, so you don't need to participate. It's still too late to leave. I want to ask you one last time, should you leave or stay?"

"At this point, it's impossible for me to leave. Stop talking." Shi Qian said without hesitation.

"Okay, if you fight side by side with us today, you are our brother. Be careful." Luo Zheng warned seriously. He glanced at Lan Xue who was ambushing not far away. His eyes were full of concern. Lan Xue nodded knowingly. , calmly checked the weapons, Luo Zheng retracted his gaze and looked outside the forest, where the terrain was flat and quiet, and the enemy had not caught up yet, so he quickly checked the weapons.

It didn't take long for the enemy to catch up. There were only three people in the front, advancing quickly in the shape of an arrow. The others hung behind, divided into ten, and lined up in ten columns to catch up. Invisible murderous intent rose into the sky.

The three people in front suddenly dispersed a lot. They stopped and watched the woods ahead vigilantly. The pursuers behind also stopped and looked for places to hide. Soon, three hummingbirds flew up and circled in the sky, trying to catch their target. But all efforts were in vain. These people did not give up and continued to search. A soldier quickly rushed into the forest with a weapon in his hand, approaching a hunting wolf.

Luo Zheng couldn't help being shocked when he saw this scene. This team was not generally cautious. In addition to the hummingbird investigation, they also asked one person to come over to investigate and use one person's life to test whether there was any danger ahead. This was a very wise choice. Luo Zheng knew Unable to catch the enemy off guard, he said angrily: "Brother Mountain Eagle, sniper!"

"Understood." The mountain eagle agreed knowingly and quickly aimed towards it.

"Boom!" The sound of a sniper gun broke the tranquility of the wilderness. The bullet tore through the space barrier and roared forward mercilessly. The bullet accurately penetrated the opponent's thigh, and the powerful kinetic energy of the bullet directly broke the target's thigh into two pieces. , this person lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground without making a sound.

The enemy was knocked down with one shot. The morale of the troops increased greatly. They all aimed forward and waited, but found that the enemy did not move. Even the man whose thigh was broken did not make a sound. The silence was a bit strange. Luo Zheng was shocked. This The troops were actually able to control their anger, and their calmness was terrifying.

According to Luo Zheng's calculations, after injuring the enemy who came up to investigate, more people would come up to rescue this person. At that time, he could kill them one by one and control the rhythm of the battle. Unexpectedly, the injured ones did not even grunt, and the others The people had no intention of coming to the rescue, but quickly moved to both sides.

"The enemies are outflanking them from both sides." Lan Xue quickly reminded.

"Ghost Hands, Snow Leopard, lead the brothers to retreat from both sides, be careful to hide, and don't make too much noise. The Mountain Eagle Team is responsible for breaking up the rear, and everyone takes action." Luo Zheng shouted coldly, and quickly made tactical adjustments. Since the enemy is not If you want to pursue them head-on, then retreat some distance before proceeding.

"Which way to retreat?" Guishou's words rang in the headset.

"Retreat to the commanding heights that are conducive to an ambush and deploy defenses to meet the rear troops." Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice, endless murderous intent beating in his eyes.

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