The strongest soldier

Chapter 1865 Whereabouts Exposed

In the early hours of the morning, under a heavily deserted mountain range, a troop lurked in the messy debris piles. They were all fully armed and guarding the surroundings with cold eyes and ears pricked up, not missing any detail. Three people in front of the debris pile About 100 meters away is a desert road. Occasionally, a car rushes past quickly, adding a bit of life to this dead wilderness.

A group of birds were playing and chasing each other in the sky. They stopped and chirped near the pile of rocks. They didn't notice the troops lurking not far away. The birds were very vigilant and could avoid the birds' vigilance. It was obvious that they were lurking. With such high abilities, this unit is exactly Luo Zheng and others who came over overnight.

After a while, a container truck came roaring by. It honked its horn from a long way away. It was a bit abrupt on this straight, car-free desert road. It was a pre-arranged secret signal. Luo Zheng saw the container truck. When he came over, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and shouted in a low voice: "Brothers, the car to pick us up has arrived, prepare to evacuate."

"Yes." Everyone shouted excitedly.

The container truck came quickly and gradually slowed down. Seeing that there were no cars on both sides of the desert road, Luo Zheng quickly rushed forward with his troops. The container truck stopped and a driver jumped out, who was Lao Ma who had dealt with him twice. Lao Ma couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw that the person he picked up was an old acquaintance, and shouted: "I didn't expect it was you, get in the car quickly."

"Brothers, get in the car." Luo Zheng didn't expect that Lao Ma would come to pick him up. The Ministry of National Security was responsible for logistics and arranged who would pick up Guo Ren. He didn't interfere and didn't know anything about it in advance.

Everyone opened the carriage and got in. Lao Ma closed the door, quickly started the car and drove forward. Everyone sat comfortably in the carriage and picked up the water and bread from the car to eat. This feeling made everyone feel at ease. , as if embarking on the road home.

Luo Zheng felt vaguely uneasy. With the ability of Sam Country, it was impossible to escape so easily. He couldn't help but frowned and thought deeply. While eating and drinking, Lan Xue saw Luo Zheng's serious mood. After thinking about it, she still didn't ask, so as not to worry everyone. , the troops have been highly tense for several days, and it is good for everyone to relax appropriately.

About an hour later, an urgent voice suddenly sounded in the carriage: "No, there's an investigation ahead."

Luo Zhen was startled and felt that the voice belonged to Lao Ma. He couldn't help but look around in surprise. He soon found a loudspeaker in the corner of the carriage and a wired intercom next to it. Luo Zheng felt that the car was slowing down and quickly picked up the The intercom shouted: "What's going on?"

"There is a crossroads ahead. There are police checks. All vehicles must be inspected. My superiors just called me. The original withdrawal plan has changed and asked me to seek your opinions. I didn't expect them to expand the scope and intensity of the search so quickly. There are still ten kilometers to go before the checkpoint, so make a decision as soon as possible." Lao Ma explained eagerly.

"Stop the car immediately. Get off the car and pretend that the vehicle is broken down and check it out." Luo Zheng said quickly, his face became solemn. Everyone could hear the sound of the loudspeaker and became nervous. They all looked at Luo Zheng, waiting for the order. I thought I could escape safely, but unexpectedly I encountered danger.

"Time is in a hurry, so make decisions carefully." Lan Xue reminded, the more nervous you are, the less likely you are to mess up. One decision may lead to the annihilation of the entire army.

Luo Zhen naturally knew this. He immediately turned on the beacon and waited with a solemn expression. Soon Lan Xing's words rang in the headset. Luo Zhen quickly said: "Locate our position immediately. There are police officers in front of us for interrogation. We can't continue riding in the car. Need a safe place to hide.”

"Ah? Wait a moment." Lanxing was shocked and quickly agreed.

This desert road was far out of the search range of the Dark Prison garrison. Unexpectedly, the police also joined the investigation. It was obvious that the Sam Country was already in action. Blue Star did not dare to be careless, and quickly locked the position of Luo Zhen and others, and checked the surrounding terrain. , looking for a safe spot.

Soon, Lanxing determined a safe route and said quickly: "Turn around. There will be an intersection five kilometers later. Turn left. You go first. I will continue to look for the best route."

"No, this road may be monitored by satellites. If a vehicle turns around, it will arouse suspicion. It can't be done. It's morning now, the temperature is very high, and we are camouflaged with anti-infrared combat uniforms. It's not easy to be monitored on foot. Immediately Check the surrounding terrain." Luo Zheng warned cautiously.

"Oh, yes." Lanxing realized that he was a little concerned and became confused. He quickly agreed and forced himself to calm down and continue searching. He quickly added: "To the right are mountains with serious desertification, but it is easier to search if you are close to the garrison for a long time. It was discovered that there are mountains to the left, and 30 kilometers later is the Huangyan National Primitive Park of Sam Country, which has complex terrain and many wild animals, making it suitable for hiding.”

"Very good, that's it." Luo Zhen was overjoyed, looked at everyone and shouted: "Brothers, everyone knows the situation, get off the car, go left, cross the mountains, go to Huangyan Park, and bring the food and water here. "

"Yes." Everyone took action and brought all the food and water in the carriage. Luo Zheng asked Lao Ma to open the door. Everyone jumped out of the car and hurried away. Luo Zheng thanked Lao Ma and asked him to leave on his own. No specific retreat plan was informed, and Lao Ma knew the rules, so he drove away without asking any questions.

The troops drove all the way and got into the mountains again. Under the guidance of Blue Star, they continued on their way. It was good to be able to evacuate by car. After there was no intersection, everyone was not in a hurry and quickly adjusted their mentality and rushed on.


However, when everyone got off the car and rushed into the mountain, a car happened to come over. The driver did not see the car driven by Lao Ma, but saw Luo Zheng and others rushing to the foot of the mountain. The anti-infrared combat suit can avoid satellite detection. , but unable to avoid people's eyes, the driver arrived at the inspection point and immediately informed the police of the situation. The police were overjoyed, quickly reported the situation, and left the driver behind.

Soon, a helicopter roared over, and a fully armed special forces team jumped out, all dressed in desert camouflage combat uniforms. The leader had a cold face, and a cold light flashed in his triangular eyes. He walked a few steps quickly and came to the driver. It was exactly Jackson, the Dark Prison garrison division commander Henrys reported the situation, the president immediately thought of Jackson, who was familiar with Luo Zhen and others, and appointed Jackson as the commander-in-chief of the operation.

When Jackson heard that it might be his old rival Luo Zheng, he was immediately overjoyed. Fighting in the local area, Jackson was fully confident of catching Luo Zheng. After taking over, he immediately mobilized the nationwide police alert. Unexpectedly, good news came on the first day. Jack Sen immediately led the team over, looked at the driver and asked, "Please tell me carefully what you saw."

The driver didn't see much. He told the police the same answer several times and didn't want to say more. But when he saw Jackson's murderous eyes, he couldn't help but tremble in fear and said quickly: "I only saw one." The troops entered the mountain and saw about ten people, and there should be more people in front of them, but they couldn't see clearly, that's all they knew."

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