The strongest soldier

Chapter 1861 Rushing underground

In the invisible underground river cave, Luo Zheng and others were shivering from the cold. If they hadn't been wearing special cold-proof clothes, they would never have been able to withstand the coldness in the cave, especially the cold wind. It was so cold that it was like hell. It was normal to get out. Although the wind was very small, it only felt like blowing on the face, but it was still so cold that it was crushing. Fortunately, there was enough flashlight lighting. The light not only gave people a sense of security, but also made people feel more at ease.

Everyone marched hurriedly, running to keep away the cold. I don’t know how far they had walked, but the cold air gradually became a little warmer. The river narrowed and the water flow became smaller. A fork appeared in front, and Luo Zhen’s face became serious. , signaling the troops to stop advancing and let the mountain eagle lead people to explore the way.

After a while, there was a sudden burst of gunfire in front of him. Luo Zheng was startled. He stood up and signaled the other troops who were getting up to be calm. He hurried towards the place where the gunshots were heard. He soon saw the expression on the mountain eagle's face. Running back solemnly, Luo Zheng asked in surprise: "What's going on?"

"I found a strange creature that looked like a lizard but was about the size of an adult crocodile. It suddenly emerged from the water. If one brother hadn't reacted quickly and shot first, the other brother would have been poisoned. That thing He is agile and swims very fast, but bullets seem to have no effect." Mountain Eagle quickly explained.

"A lizard the size of an adult crocodile? Can't bullets penetrate it? What kind of gun are you using?" Luo Zhen asked with a face full of shock, and his eyes were a little more vigilant.

"Pistol." Mountain Eagle explained.

The river is not big, so sniper rifles are not suitable for use. Luo Zheng knew this, so he asked a question. After confirming his guess, Luo Zheng continued: "Let's go and take a look."

The mountain eagle promised to lead the way, and the two quickly arrived at the scene of the incident. They found nothing but turbid water. Luo Zhen saw that the water did not turn red, which meant that the bullet failed to cause harm to the strange creature. , the tiger's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "The bullets really failed to hurt it, which is interesting. It seems that this underground river is more dangerous than we expected. It is dark here, and any creature may be fatal. Please be careful. , continue to explore the road, we must determine the route out as soon as possible. "

"Understood." The mountain eagle promised in a deep voice, and led the troops to continue to explore the road. Everyone took off the sniper rifles and loaded the armor-piercing bullets. Creatures that could not be dealt with by pistol bullets should not be underestimated. Instead, everyone used the most powerful attack weapons. Armor-piercing bullets, if it still doesn't work, you'll be in trouble.

Seeing Shan Diao's people leaving, Luo Zheng glanced at the scene of the incident again, turned around and walked back. After meeting with the large army, he explained the situation again, and finally added: "Those who can survive in this extremely cold climate The creatures are definitely not simple, I'm afraid they are all deadly. Please be careful, the troops will rest where they are and be on standby."

"Understood." Everyone agreed in unison and went to find a place to rest.

Luo Zhen was also tired. He closed his eyes and rested for about ten minutes. The mountain eagle ran back with a solemn expression, squatted in front of Luo Zhen and whispered: "After checking, we found three forks in front, and there is a fork inside the fork. , it is difficult to determine which one can get out and which one is a dead hole, and more time will be needed."

"It seems that we are in trouble. Brothers Ghost Hands and Snow Leopards, take your people to investigate as well. In groups of three, one person will conduct reconnaissance, one person will provide fire cover, and one person will be responsible for remembering the route traveled and sitting down to mark , to avoid getting lost, the time is one hour, no matter what you see after one hour, you must return to the team, I will stay here and tell the brothers to be careful." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Understood." Guishou, Mountain Eagle and Snow Leopard agreed and led their troops to explore the cave.

Luo Zhen, Lan Xue and Shi Qian stayed where they were and waited. While discussing the surrounding terrain, Shi Qian said in a deep voice: "There should be upstream branches going up here. There must be many branches. They converge to us and go down, like The root system of the tree is average, with only one main trunk, but the root system under the main trunk is very large, and it will definitely be troublesome to explore each one. We can only grab one and move forward. It would be great if Jiumei is here, she can tell the difference."

"Does she still have this ability?" Lan Xue asked curiously.

"Of course, tomb robbers are originally engaged in underground business. They often encounter various mazes and rivers. One wrong step can lead to murder. It is more dangerous than here. Their family has passed down a set of identification skills. Unfortunately, it is not open to the public. I only know that she has it. I have never heard of this ability in detail." Shi Qian explained.

"If it were your instinct, which way would you choose?" Luo Jingxiao asked.

"Yes, you are the one who broke into the door. You should know how to seek good luck and avoid disaster. How do you go about this?" Lan Xue also asked curiously.

"Breaking doors is called escape technique. We are thieves, so we naturally put escape first. Faced with this predicament, if it were me, I would choose a river cave with the strongest wind. No one is chasing me, and I have enough time to distinguish the wind. For a large river cave, the stronger the wind, the more it indicates that the river cave is a living cave, not a dead cave." Shi Qian suggested.

"What you said makes sense. The strong wind means that it is not far from the exit. The river cave is smooth and the air is better. However, we have not gone far enough. We may be discovered after we go out. We should find a few river caves with the weakest wind. Check, if there is wind, it should be a live cave, not a dead cave. Then walk a certain distance to check, find the deepest one and continue moving forward. We can't show up yet, and we have to go as far as possible. This kind of wind is weak. , an underground river with a deep entrance is more suitable, what do you think?" Luo Zheng analyzed in a deep voice.

"It makes sense." Shi Qian said in agreement.

The three of them chatted for a while and saw people coming back one after another. Soon, the mountain eagle, snow leopard and ghost hand also came over. After summarizing the situation, they found that there were more than a dozen branches with water and air circulation, and more than 20 branches. It was a dead hole and was not advisable. Luo Zheng just discussed the plan with Shi Qian and Lan Xue. Everyone continued to add up and identified three passages. Since there was no comparison, it was difficult to determine which one to choose in the end.

Luo Zheng asked everyone to lead the way, and went through them one by one, carefully distinguishing the wind power, width, geological structure, water flow, flow speed and other details of the three passages, and finally selected the one with the smallest wind power, the largest cave entrance, the most familiar geological structure, and the largest water flow. The most urgent passage, these conditions are enough to show that the cave entrance is very deep and it is a living cave.

The surrounding branches were dense, and there were traces of people walking everywhere. Even if the enemy caught up, it would be difficult to tell where everyone had gone. Luo Zheng was too lazy to clean up the aftermath, and led his troops to walk quickly towards the selected river cave. After walking for a while, the water flow Sometimes it's slow, sometimes it's fast. Where the river is fast, the yellow sand and soil are much harder as the river goes up.

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