The strongest soldier

Chapter 186 Biochemical Tactics

War is about finding the enemy's flaws and concentrating all its strength to deliver a fatal blow. The Wild Wolf mercenary group shrunk and couldn't be found or out of sight, which made it difficult for everyone to start. With the minefields, there were almost no flaws. Lan Xue proposed to use snipers. Using tactics to consume the enemy is certainly a way to use your own advantages to attack the enemy's shortcomings, but you have to consider the disadvantages of doing so, that is, the enemy's family members. The family members are innocent. As a benevolent and righteous army, we are absolutely not allowed to attack the family members.

In Luo Zheng's view, this is a battlefield. There are only enemies and his own people on the battlefield. There are not so many taboos, so he said coldly: "I have considered this issue. We can cut off their water source. Don't forget that the wolf den is far away." The river is about 400 meters away. No one dares to come out from this distance. If you send women, children and the elderly out, I'm sorry, this is war and you can't kill them. Injuring them is still humane, right? Don't forget that they are the family members of the enemy. Don't shoot them directly. Killing is merciful enough. You may think I'm cruel, but this is a battlefield unless you have a better way."

"No one will say you are cruel. Everyone understands the truth. However, we need to consider the political impact. There is one thing you may not have thought of." Lan Xue tried to smooth things over. After seeing that everyone's attention was attracted to him, he continued to add. Said: "If we attack the family members, even if it is a reward, I am sure that the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group will spread the news immediately. This is not good for our country. War is to serve the national interests, and tactical arrangements that damage national interests are not allowed. Of course, this idea is feasible, let’s think about it and see if there is any perfect way?”

Luo Zheng really didn't take into account the international interests. He glanced at Lan Xue awkwardly. Seeing Lan Xue's encouraging look, he didn't blame himself for being cold-blooded. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and began to think deeply. After a while, he saw that everyone was still there. In deep thought, he said: "I have an idea, you guys can see if it works."

"Say it." Lan Xue said encouragingly.

"We hunt wild animals for food, and leave the leftovers to me to make them rot faster and throw them upstream to pollute water sources. People who eat them will develop dysentery, colds and fevers. In short, they will not die. But it will weaken their combat effectiveness, and then the fighter planes will come out." Luo Zheng suggested.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this, and Guishou smiled and said: "You can think of such a weird idea as polluting water sources. I think it will work. You have a trick, but are you sure that the corpse can rot quickly? And that no one will die?" "

"Don't worry, don't forget that I am a hunter." Luo Zheng said confidently.

"I can't forget, what animal is the most suitable? Leave the job of hunting animals to me." Ghost Hand said with a smile.

"Wild wolf." Luo Zheng stood up and looked in the direction of the wolf lair, his eyes firm, and his fighting spirit began to boil.

"Wild wolf, use wild wolves to attack the wolf nest, use wild wolves to attack the wild wolf mercenary group, biochemical attack, I like your idea, okay, if you don't have any objections, the job of hunting wild wolves will be on me, tomorrow I'll bring you dozens and dozens of them in the morning, is that enough?" Guishou said with a smile.

"That's enough." Luo Zheng agreed.

"Snow Leopard, you and Ghost Shou are acting together. You must be safe and complete the mission. Mountain Eagle, you are responsible for closely monitoring the enemies in the wolf lair. If there is any trouble, report immediately. The others will rest on the spot and get some food." Lan Xue Orders were assigned immediately.

"Let my people also help hunt the wild wolves." Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue, who thought for a while and nodded. Luo Zheng immediately looked at the members of the ghost team and ordered: "Go three people, you decide for yourself. The remaining two are responsible for lighting the fire and making food. The enemy already knows that we are coming, and now they are hiding in their dens and dare not come out. We are not afraid of being exposed."

"Yes." The members of the ghost team immediately agreed and decided by drawing lots. It may seem dangerous to follow Ghost Hand and others to hunt wolves, but you can learn a lot. We are all smart people and no one wants to miss such a good opportunity. , drawing lots is undoubtedly the best opportunity.

Luo Zheng knew what his brothers were thinking and couldn't help but smile. The team was united and moving forward was a good thing. He did not stop him. He climbed to the crown of a big tree and observed carefully with a sniper scope. The wolf lair was still as peaceful as ever, but Luo Zheng had a vague feeling. With the murderous intent brewing inside, the target should be hiding in the room, maybe observing his location.

The bonfire burned quickly. Zhou Gang and Wu Yuan, the remaining members of the ghost team, lit the fire. They went into the dense forest and hunted a few hares and roasted them on the bonfire. Luo Zheng observed for a while and found that the wolf nest was calm as usual. He thought Seeing that there was a mountain eagle specially watching, he got down from the tree, walked around, and collected some plants that accelerated the decay of the corpse.

When they returned to the camp, the hare was almost cooked, golden and oily. Zhou Gang came up with the roasted hare, tore off a fat rabbit leg and handed it to Lan Xue, and gave the rest to Luo Zheng. Xue thanked her and motioned to Luo Zheng to talk. Luo Zheng tore off one leg and returned the rest to Zhou Gang. While eating, he walked aside and asked in surprise: "What's wrong?"

"Biochemical tactics are good, but I'm worried that it takes too long. Also, what if there is a well in the wolf lair? What I mean is to continue to use sniper tactics to harass the enemy, not to attack family members, but to attack valuable targets, such as them Helicopters to prevent escape, as well as houses, have only one purpose, to create chaos and panic and force them to come out and fight us." Lan Xue suggested with a serious face.

Luo Zheng thought for a while and thought it made sense, so he said: "I think it is feasible. We can also use sniper cover to find a way to open two or three channels, which can be used for sneak attacks. However, I have another worry, that is Wild wolves, once the wolf king finds out that the situation is unfavorable, will the white wolf king call the wild wolves to help in the battle?"

"Your worry is very possible. They have this ability. In comparison, I am more worried that the enemy is no longer in the wolf den. What if it is hiding behind us? What if we suddenly attack when we are exhausted from all the tossing? ? What if the Wolf King no longer leaves the valley and leaves with his elite? Aren't we busy in vain?" Lan Xue expressed her worries, looking towards the direction of the valley, her face solemn.

"These possibilities are not impossible, but we have no better way. We can only bite the bullet. However, we do need to be careful in case the enemy attacks from behind. Let's take a look at the situation first. However, I believe that the Wolf King is here In the valley." Luo Zheng said firmly.

"Reason?" Lan Xue asked.

"Two points. First, the Wolf King is a proud man, I can see that; second, the hatred between the two sides. If you hadn't ambushed him in the woods last night, you would have killed me on the spot. He had already Knowing my identity through other channels, they hate me to the core. A proud person cannot hide; thirdly, they have helicopters and can leave at any time, so hiding in the valley is more suitable." Luo Zheng explained.

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