The strongest soldier

Chapter 1855 Conspiracy against the pursuers

Half an hour later, there were ruins of a sand mountain.

This is the exit of the underground river. Luo Zhen and others walked out of the underground river from here. It is a good place to lurk. The troops lurk quietly to rest. The continuous running consumes a lot of energy. More importantly, how to fight next? There must be a charter and no messing around. Luo Zhen climbed to the top of the sand mountain and calmly observed the surroundings for a while. After confirming that there was no danger, he turned on the beacon to connect to the satellite.

The annunciator quickly contacted the headquarters and received a surprise greeting from Blue Star. Luo Zheng had no time to be polite and said in a deep voice: "The person was sent away an hour ago. The old horse came to pick him up. Is there any news about the ghost hand?"

"Contact was made. Ghost Hands followed a large force and used silent tactics to sneak attack a few people from behind before evacuating. By the time the enemy found out, they had already run far away. However, they also alerted the enemy to turn around and pursue them. In order to avoid being detected by the enemy, the signal would be exposed. He also turned off the beacon, but he contacted the headquarters an hour ago and told him that he was on his way to the sea buckthorn forest," Blue Star said quickly.

"Sea buckthorn forest?" Luo Zheng was startled. He vaguely caught something and couldn't help but ponder.

"Yes, it's the seabuckthorn forest. It's said that it's good for concealment, and it's already been exposed. The enemy has searched it, and it's not easy to be exposed if they come back and attack. I guess they have other tactical arrangements later, but I didn't say much. According to our battlefield principles, frontline commanders have the right to temporarily change tactics. In order to avoid being monitored, they don’t have to say anything. The headquarters didn’t ask any more questions. I guess the tactical conditions are not mature and it is inconvenient to disclose it first." Blue Star explained seriously.

"Given Ghost Hand's temperament, there should be a big move. We must rush to rendezvous as soon as possible. Once we contact them, we will inform them about our situation immediately. In addition, to plan a safe route, we must avoid the surrounding search personnel and quietly Touch it silently." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"The safest route is to take the underground river, but is it easy to go up?" Lanxing asked in a deep voice.

"The soil is loose, which is not conducive to climbing. It is impossible to climb to the ground without anything to climb." Luo Zheng said, looking at the dark desert, his eyes became serious, shining with the light of wisdom.

"You can go first. Once I get in touch with them, I will tell them to put down the rope to pick you up. Do you think it's okay?" Blue Star said quickly.

Luo Zhen did not answer the question immediately, but pondered for a while. He looked at the sky. It was not long before dawn. He looked at his watch again. It was already three o'clock in the morning. It would take a long time to hike to the seabuckthorn forest. Maybe he would not be able to make it before dawn. When we arrived at the location, it was indeed much safer to walk along the underground river. He immediately said, "Okay, that's it."

After deciding what to do next, Luo Zhen cut off the call and immediately went down the sand mountain. He summoned Lan Xue, Mountain Eagle and Snow Leopard, as well as the two deputy captains Zhou Gang and Shi Tao, explained the situation in detail, and finally concluded: : "I decided to go to the underground river to meet up with the Ghost Hand team, and then decided on the next plan. What do you think?"

"No problem, you don't want to attack the dark prison, right?" Lan Xue asked in surprise.

Everyone knows Luo Zheng very well. He never fights an unprepared battle, let alone returns empty-handed. There must be a more important plan behind any decision. After listening to Lan Xue's inquiry, they couldn't help but look at Luo Zheng curiously. , with a fanatical fighting spirit in his eyes. If he really attacks the Dark Prison, it will definitely be a major event that shocks the world. Not only can he avenge the captured brothers, but he can also beat the Sam Kingdom and restore its prestige.

Luo Zheng smiled and said nothing, and just urged everyone to prepare immediately. Everyone smiled and understood Luo Zheng's intention. It is really difficult to make a decision before the conditions are unclear, but the idea of ​​attacking the dark prison is definitely there, and they are all excited. He returned to his post and informed the troops.

Three minutes later, the troops tidied up, erased all traces of where they had been, then got into the underground passage, and then blocked the passage with yellow sand to avoid being discovered by the Sam Country troops. The cave was deep and dark, and the Sam Country's Drones, radars and other reconnaissance equipment were impossible to find, and there were no dangerous creatures. In addition, everyone walked through it once, so everyone walked easily.

An hour later, everyone came to the fork in the road. Everyone continued walking on the familiar road. About half an hour later, a brother from the mountain eagle team who was responsible for clearing the road suddenly sent a message. He saw someone coming from the front. Luo Zheng was shocked. , if the underground river is exposed, it means that everyone's lives are threatened. Quickly order the troops to prepare for battle while rushing forward.

The war was about to break out. Everyone became nervous and prepared for the battle. They squatted on both sides of the underground river, with their backs against the cave wall, and their guns aimed at the front. Luo Zhen rushed forward, and one of the brothers who happened to be opening the way quickly retreated back. , his face was extremely solemn, and he lowered his voice and said quickly to Luo Zheng: "The person coming is about thirty or so. He has standard weapons. He doesn't look like the army. He may be a prison guard or something like that. I haven't seen him before, so it's hard to identify him."

"I didn't expect them to find this place." Luo Zhen's face darkened, and he immediately said to the chasing mountain eagle and snow leopard: "Button bomb, remote detonation mode, pay attention to the direction of the explosion shock wave, don't blow up this place, the enemy Thirty, only twenty meters is enough, one for each meter, one minute to prepare, and evacuate immediately after setting up." Luo Zhen said in a low voice with a solemn expression.

"Understood." Mountain Eagle and Snow Leopard quickly agreed, commanding the troops to start laying mines on the spot, retreating while laying mines.

It is easy to deploy button bombs. Just throw them on the ground and cover them with some soil. They will not be exposed at all. The twenty-meter minefield is easy to lay. The troops continue to retreat about ten meters and prepare for the formation. Everyone waits silently. In less than five minutes, a bright light appeared in front of us, and then someone opened the way.

When Luo Zheng saw that the other party was dressed as a prison guard, he couldn't help but think deeply. Why did these people chase them here? Did they find something? If this is the case, then everyone's safety will be in trouble. Looking at the guards getting closer and closer, Luo Zheng couldn't help but glance at the mountain eagle.

The mountain eagle holding the remote control nodded knowingly, its cold eyes flashing with a fierce fighting spirit, and walked forward. Exposed to the lights of the pursuers, the mountain eagle even saw the astonished expressions of the pursuers walking in front. His expression showed a panic as he eagerly raised the gun. He couldn't help but sneer, a strong murderous aura burst out from his eyes, and he quickly pressed the remote control.

"Boom, boom, boom!" I remembered a series of big explosions, like muffled thunder in the underground river. The sound vibrated and was difficult to dissipate. It stung people's eardrums and buzzed. The soil fell down one after another. The river also exploded into the sky. Countless flashlights fell out. Underground, submerged in yellow sand, it looked terrifying.

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