The strongest soldier

Chapter 1851 Enemy Response

"Reports from the front line indicate that five troops have been attacked at close range. Also, the enemy has pretended to be our people. Please give instructions." The intelligence staff quickly explained, for fear of offending Henrys. If the situation was not serious and special, the intelligence The staff would not dare to barge in and disrupt the meeting at this time.

"What?" The chief of staff just reminded everyone of the possibility of counterfeiting, but he didn't expect it to come true. What's even more terrible is that five search teams were lost. According to estimates of ten people in each team, fifty people were killed. , this was an unbearable loss. The chief of staff quickly looked at Henrys, his face as solemn as iron.

"How dare you impersonate our people for a sneak attack. These people are definitely not ordinary people. They may be the special forces of a certain country. Contact the prison immediately to find out who are the people who escaped?" Henrys shouted angrily.

Someone immediately picked up the phone next to him and called. The answer came quickly. Such a big thing happened. The prison authorities knew that they could no longer hide it. They hoped that the military would help catch the person. How could they hide it? When Henrys learned that the people who ran away were all Chinese, his face changed drastically, and he looked at the chief of staff and thought deeply.

The chief of staff pondered for a moment and then said: "I didn't expect it to be from China. A special force has recently appeared in China. The combat effectiveness is very powerful. It not only defeated the most elite troops of other countries, but even our strongest special forces. Big loss, heavy losses, are they here?"

"I don't care whoever dares to come to our territory to cause trouble must pay a price. This group of people must be taken down, regardless of life or death. If it is really the team that has been making a lot of noise in the international community recently, just in time, catch them, and we will become famous in one battle. , tell me, do you have any good suggestions?" Henrys shouted.

"Since the opponent is pretending to be our people and making sneak attacks everywhere, I propose to withdraw immediately and withdraw all the ground troops. Anyone who does not withdraw is the enemy. Armed helicopters and drones will be dispatched for reconnaissance. If anything is discovered, shoot to death. I believe it won't take long. It can solve the problem," the chief of staff suggested.

"This is a good idea, but the desert is full of sand dunes. If they hide, they will be in trouble. Are there any other plans?" Henrys said solemnly.

"Then gather the troops and expand each search team to a hundred people. The enemy cannot exceed a hundred people, but those who do something wrong are enemies and should be eliminated." The chief of staff said immediately, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes. He looked around at everyone with a solemn expression. He continued: "Everyone, if the team that is coming is really the most popular team in China, we have to take them down. If not, we cannot let them escape, otherwise the consequences will be serious."

"Yes." Everyone said in unison.

"Then follow the plan." Henrys said murderously: "Leave one battalion to guard the base, and attack all others. With the company as the combat unit, we must arrest these people and lock them in the dark prison underground. , so they can never see the sun."

"Yes!" everyone shouted in unison.

"The meeting is dismissed!" Henrys shouted.

Everyone stood up and left. Henrys stayed when he saw the chief of staff giving him a wink. After everyone left, he asked curiously: "Old man, what's the matter with you?"

"Well, I feel like this group of people is not simple. Think about it, how did they infiltrate the underground prison? How did they rescue people? It's all a mystery. It's mysterious and incredible. So, we can't take it lightly. I Propose that the situation be briefed to His Excellency the President,” the Chief of Staff suggested.

"Are we making a fuss out of a molehill? We have 20,000 people and we can't find a bunch of bastards? It would be a shame to spread the word. Old man, I know you are smart and cautious, but this matter concerns the face of our troops. Are you waiting to be caught? Report them when they arrive? Or wait until dawn tomorrow. If you can't catch them in one night, it means that these people are really not simple. It won't be too late to ask other departments to help track them down. They can't run far in one night." Henrys said.

"Don't forget they have cars," the chief of staff reminded.

"If they use a car to escape, the target is bigger and easier to spot," Henrys said.

"Okay, just one night," the chief of staff said helplessly.

"That's right. We also need one night to defend our dignity. If we can't catch him in one night, I will personally plead guilty to the president at that time and ask the president to dispatch other departments to help. Your plan is very good. Avoid it. "We have discovered our shortcomings and restrained the opponent's tactics. If my guess is correct, they will definitely find a place to hide, which will be difficult. All drones must be used for round-the-clock reconnaissance," Henrys said.

"Okay, I will arrange it myself." The chief of staff agreed.

Guishou didn't know that the enemy had changed his tactics. He hid behind a sand dune to rest and attacked continuously. The harvest was good and the morale of the troops was high. Everyone was ready to rest for a while and continue the operation. Suddenly, the lurking sentry sent intelligence through the headset and discovered that a large number of enemy troops were approaching. Come in search formation.

A large number of enemy troops? Guishou keenly realized that something was wrong. That night, everyone rushed here and there, killing countless enemies. They also encountered many enemy troops, but they were not in large numbers. They could only be regarded as small teams, with a maximum of thirty people. They rushed up the sand dunes. I lurked on the ground and observed, and sure enough I found a large number of enemies approaching, and it seemed that they would not pass by our ambush.

"How come there are more than a hundred people?" Guishou said in surprise to the deputy captain Niu Gang who came over.

"Could it be that our actions have been exposed, the enemy is afraid of death, and each search team has increased its strength?" Niu Gang analyzed in surprise, staring at the front with sharp eyes, his face became serious, and continued: "Yes Something’s not right, why don’t you ask about the satellite monitoring situation?”

"It was discovered that a small group of enemy troops have begun to gather, and the situation is unknown." Without waiting for questioning, Lan Xing's words rang in his ears, with anxiety in his voice as he continued: "There are armed helicopters coming towards your direction. It is expected to be ready within five minutes." Arrive and stay hidden."

"It seems that these bastards have changed their tactics. Our hunting operation is about to be cancelled. Brothers, take cover immediately and pay attention to air defense." Guishou ordered in a deep voice. He was wearing anti-infrared combat uniforms and was not afraid of the infrared thermal imaging monitoring on the helicopter. , but for the sake of safety, everyone quickly went down to the sand dunes and hid in the direction of the helicopter.

The sand dunes obscured the body, coupled with the icy cold weather at night, the body's heat was limited, and the anti-infrared combat uniforms provided triple insurance, so there was little chance of being discovered. Ghost Hands stared coldly at the night sky and saw three armed aircraft. The helicopter roared over, its roar shaking the entire night sky, and his face became serious.

"The enemy has changed his tactics and we can't attack. However, the enemy's attention has been completely attracted to us. It's time to evacuate." Deputy Captain Niu Gang suggested in a low voice.

"I'm afraid it's not possible yet." Guishou said in a deep voice, frowning.

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