The strongest soldier

Chapter 1839 Entering the Underground

"Forget it, it's better to follow you for safety. Without you by our side, Shi Qian and I can't get out of this desert at all. We will be easily discovered by satellites and reconnaissance planes. Once we fall into the hands of the patrol, we will definitely die. Sam Country has already He has a murderous intention against Shi Qian." Cao Xi's face became solemn and he said seriously: "You don't have to test me anymore, I know what to do and what not to do. I can survive by following you, but I have no chance of living without you."

"It's not a test, it's the truth. This is our agreement. One of you will dig a tunnel to help us infiltrate, and the other will be responsible for destroying their defenses and assisting us to infiltrate. No matter which one is successful, it will be enough. Now the tunnel has been opened. , you have completed the cooperation agreement and can leave." Luo Zheng explained.

"Let's not discuss this issue anymore. Let's save people first. Maybe there are many agencies waiting below. To put it bluntly, without the two of us, it might not be easy for you to infiltrate quietly." Cao Xi He changed the topic and looked into the distance. Still no large troops were coming, so he explained: "The dark prison must have measures to prevent prisoners from escaping, such as safety locks, defense mechanisms, etc. This is something we are proficient in."

"Okay, please." Luo Zheng smiled gratefully and agreed, without mentioning the evacuation again.

After resting for a while, Cao Xi continued to expand the passage. When he was tired, he changed to Luo Zheng. About half an hour later, the passage was once again expanded into a round hole with a diameter of more than one meter, which was enough to accommodate people. Luo Zheng looked at the dark cave below. I heard the faint sound of water, and the cold wind blew up. There was no foul smell, but it was full of chill. I couldn't help but be overjoyed and said, "It's finally done."

"It's very dark down there, so you can't see clearly." Cao Xi reminded.

"This is not a problem. The tactical flashlight beam has strong penetrating power. If three of them are used together, they should be able to illuminate about ten meters in front. It is not a problem to use the tactical flashlight for eight hours. You don't need to turn them all on by then. Use them in turns. The lighting problem is not big. , it’s just cold enough, but luckily it’s a living underground river, otherwise the air and bacteria inside wouldn’t be able to stand it.” Lan Xue explained beside him.

"You must wrap your mouth and nose with a towel when you go down. The towel can have some air filtering effect. There should be dangerous creatures in this cold underground river, such as snakes, scorpions, bats, etc. Even fish can hurt people, because they live in it for a long time. Because they are underground, these creatures are extremely poisonous, so you must proceed with caution," Cao Xi reminded.

"You are right to remind me, but you can rest assured that my people will eliminate the danger." Luo Zheng said confidently. Regarding the issue of combat, Luo Zheng is very confident and trustful in his team. He believes that everyone can handle it well in any situation. Any unexpected incident.

Cao Xi didn't understand the combat effectiveness of the Fourth Squadron, but he could also feel that this team was not simple. He did not continue to discuss this issue. He looked up at the sky and said worriedly: "I'm afraid it will be colder tonight. Fortunately, it's windy. Xiao, it should be fine, when will your people arrive?"

"Judging from the time, we should be there soon." Luo Zhen replied, looking up into the distance. There was no one there, so he turned on the signal and asked tentatively: "Where are the brothers?"

"We can arrive within ten minutes. We encountered three patrols and two reconnaissance planes on the way, which delayed us for a while." Ghost Hand's voice sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and secretly felt relieved. He looked at the entrance of the tunnel and thought to himself. It might be a bit troublesome to go down such a steep tunnel. Even if they all go down, leaving a hole here will easily expose them. They must be disguised. That's it. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but look around and found that although there were many sea buckthorn trees, the trunks were too small to be used. He couldn't help but look at Cao Xi's digging tools.

The excavation tool should be Cao Xi's favorite thing. I'm afraid it is difficult to borrow it, but it is difficult to get down without support. The gun is too short and there are no suitable tree trunks around. The only one that can be used is Cao Xi's excavation tool. Luo Zheng is in a dilemma He got up and looked at Cao Xi, but he stopped talking.

"You want to use this as support?" Cao Xi asked knowingly.

"Yes, otherwise there is no way to go down. There are no other suitable objects here. Do you think you can sacrifice it? I promise to build a better one for you when I go back." Luo Zheng said frankly.

Cao Xi looked at the excavation tool affectionately, as if he were looking at his beloved. His eyes became gentle and reluctant to let go. He rubbed the tool and thought deeply. After a while, Cao Xi's face became firm and he looked at Luo Zheng said seriously: "This is my beloved thing, just like your beloved gun. I can sacrifice my beloved thing. If possible, I hope I can go back and take it away?"

"Yes, I promise, as long as the situation permits, I will come back." Luo Zhen said gratefully.

With the support, the situation is simple. The diameter of the hole is about 1.5 meters. Cao Xi saw that the excavation tools were gathered into three-meter-long iron bars, three in total, tied together with ropes, and placed across the entrance of the tunnel. The ropes hung down, and people You can grab the rope with both hands, lean your back against the cave wall, and push your feet on the opposite side to slowly go down.

At this time, the large army arrived, and everyone was stunned when they saw the tunnel that had been dug. When they heard that it was Cao Xi's work, and it happened to be connected to the underground river, they couldn't help but look at Cao Xi with admiration, and finally understood that Luo Zheng was leading Cao Xi. The purpose and use of coming here is clear. With this channel, everyone knows that their chances of winning are much better.

Luo Zheng asked the ghost hand to take out three ropes and connect them, then dropped them at the hole. He became a little excited and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, can you succeed in this? It will be very cold down there, and there may be sudden dangers. You have to be careful, put a silencer on your gun, Ghost Hand, you lead the people in the lead, Mountain Eagle's people are in the middle, Snow Leopard, you lead the people in the rear, what's your problem?"

"No." Everyone said seriously with serious expressions.

Guishou was the first to grab the rope and go down. He turned on the tactical flashlight on his head, leaned his back against the cave wall, supported the front with his feet, grabbed the rope with both hands and went down slowly. If the support was strong and the rope was very stable, Guishou wouldn't mind going directly. We slid down, but the ground was full of sand. Although three digging tools were taken out and placed across the hole for support, they were not stable, so we had to take more safety measures.

Soon, the ghost hand disappeared from everyone's sight. Luo Zhen waited worriedly at the entrance of the cave for a while and shouted: "Brother, what's going on down there, are you okay?"

"It's okay, there's nothing going on down there, it's still going down." Guishou's words rang in the headset.

Luo Zhen felt relieved a little, and after waiting for a while, the voice of Ghost Hand suddenly came from the headset: "Finally, it is indeed an underground river. The river is more than three meters high, about four meters wide, the water is half a foot deep, and it is bitingly cold. The excavated soil stopped flowing and no danger was found.”

"Great." Luo Zhen breathed a long sigh of relief and shouted excitedly: "Brothers, go down one by one, move quickly, and dredge the water after you go down to avoid water accumulation, hurry up."

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