The strongest soldier

Chapter 183 Weird Wolf Nest

If it was just a ghost team, Luo Zheng would not choose it at all. He would just lead the team to continue fighting. How could a soldier be frightened by a little thing? But when Lan Xue's team was involved, he had to respect everyone's opinions. Lan Xue handed over the decision-making power, but Luo Zheng didn't want to use force, lest everyone have grudges and affect the battle.

Seeing that Luo Zheng had made the decision, the people in the ghost team naturally expressed their opinions one after another. Leaving the military director to live on the battlefield, no one could afford to lose face after the news spread. Luo Zheng glanced at Lan Xue calmly, Immediately he glanced at Guishou, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle.

"Boy, are you looking down on us? Don't use aggressive tactics. Don't show off your little tricks in front of your buddies. Aren't you just a bastard raising wild wolves? If you don't go to my buddies, you plan to go and meet him. It's not easy to have a chance to hate each other. I won't give up." Shan Diaohun said nonchalantly.

Guishou and Snow Leopard looked even more lazy, but their meaning was already very clear. Luo Zheng also thought about it. How could the mysterious army composed of the King of Soldiers be intimidated by a small difficulty? I still underestimated the courage and strength of these guys. I glanced at Lan Xue, who nodded lightly. Luo Zheng understood and smiled bitterly: "Brother Shandiao, I am narrow-minded. Don't be ordinary."

"I'm sorry, little brother, you just need to remember one thing. There's nothing we dare not do, and there's nothing we can't do. Our slogan is: Only fight to live, never kneel to death." Shandiao said seriously. .

"Only fight to survive, never kneel to death." Luo Zheng was startled and felt his blood boiling. Such a domineering slogan and such firm determination. What kind of army is this? His eyes became cold and firm, he looked at the Ghost Team and said excitedly: "Brothers, do you still remember our slogan?"

"We are ghosts on the battlefield. When the ghosts appear, they cry and howl." The ghost team shouted enthusiastically.

"Yes, so we have no way to retreat, because we are ghosts, and because we are going to harvest the enemy's lives. Okay, maintain the weapons and keep sentries in batches." Luo Zheng said excitedly and made a decision.

Everyone acted. Weapons were a second life, brothers of life and death. No one dared to be careless. Luo Zheng was no exception. He took off the gun in his hand, wiped it clean, applied gun oil, and put the bullets in the magazine. After exiting, he wiped each bullet carefully, especially the sniper bullets. He looked at the firelight to see if there were any burrs or notches on the bullet. These small flaws would often affect the accuracy of shooting. Luo Zheng would rather give up on bullets he was unsure of.

Half an hour later, Luo Zheng carefully and carefully maintained all the weapons, loaded three magazines as backup, in case of any unexpected accidents at night, and rested back to back with Lan Xue, with his head on each other's shoulders. This kind of The posture is very suitable for resting in the wild. It can not only ensure the quality of sleep, but also enter combat status as soon as possible.

Early the next morning, everyone got some game, cut it into small pieces and put it on their helmets, then found a few handfuls of wild grass and threw it in, then hung it on the campfire to stew. It was rare that they had time to eat a hot meal. After eating and drinking, the team set off. , marching quickly towards the base of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group, which is the Wolf's Nest. The extremely fast mountain eagle was sent out by Lan Xue to explore the way.

The journey went very smoothly, but everyone couldn't be happy. This shows that the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group is already in the Wolf Lair. A well-prepared mercenary group is not easy to deal with. At noon, everyone based on the coordinates displayed by the intelligence, on the GPS Help down to a valley.

The valley is surrounded by mountains on three sides. The peaks are towering, with an altitude of more than 500 meters. Halfway up the mountainside, clouds and mist are lingering. There are towering trees on the mountain. The exit is narrow, with a width of one or two hundred meters at most. The terrain is relatively gentle and open. There is a ten-meter-wide road. The river is not very fast. There are huge trees as piles and a plank bridge, which does not look strong.

Everyone hid in the mountain forest not far away and observed for a while. When they saw the terrain, their faces became solemn. Lan Xue said coldly: "I'm afraid there are mines lurking in the lush woods on three sides. The valley is not small, and the field of vision is wide. A heavy Machine guns can block us all. There is only the bridge at the entrance, and there seems to be a bunker past the bridge. This place is a desperate place, but it is also a dangerous place, easy to defend but difficult to attack."

"I'll go investigate." Luo Zheng's face darkened and he said.

"I'll go with you, and the Ghost Team will stay. Mountain Eagle, you'll be in charge of the east side, Snow Leopard, you'll be in charge of the north side, Ghost Hand, you'll be in charge of the south entrance. We'll go to the west side, and we'll meet up at the same spot in an hour." Lan Xue He said coldly.

"Okay, Zhou Gang, Liu Xun, Zhang Bin, each of the three of you will follow one of them to help cover the investigation. Don't hold back. The remaining two will guard the camp." Luo Zheng immediately modified the order and asked the brothers to follow Guishou. These experts have gained a lot of experience and it would be nice to learn some skills.

Those whose names were called agreed immediately. Those whose names were not called were envious, but they had no choice. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue had already strode away. Others also put down their equipment and went into battle lightly with the necessary weapons. Soon Disappeared into the dense forest.

Twenty minutes later, Luo Zheng and Lan Xue came to a dense forest to the west and climbed up a big tree. From this position, they could see the situation in the valley. Luo Zheng raised his sniper scope and observed carefully for a while, and found that the valley was full of slate houses. , about three and a half meters high, with only one floor. The roof is made of slates as tiles to avoid rainwater leakage. There are many rooms. If you count them, there must be fifty or sixty. Some women, children and the elderly are active outside, and no young people can be seen.

The layout of the rooms seemed a bit messy, but the tallest building in the center was blocked. Luo Zheng could not see what was going on inside this tall building. He could only find a radar-like thing on the roof of the building, and a signal pot. There was no After observing the guard for a while, Luo Zheng became suspicious and whispered: "What's going on? It doesn't look like a base at all."

"What do you think a mercenary base should look like? Fully armed and heavily guarded? It's a military base. The mercenaries also have families and relatives. They can't go out in public and can only hide in the mountains and forests. What about their relatives? The best way is to see it this way, and those who are not familiar with it will think it is a gathering place for some ethnic minorities." Lan Xue explained.

"It makes sense. I didn't see Qingzhuang, so he must be hiding. I'll go down and take a look, and you cover me." Luo Zheng said, quickly sliding down the big tree and walking down the mountainside.

After walking no more than ten meters, Luo Zheng keenly felt that something was wrong in the woods. With a hunter's eyes, Luo Zheng found that this place had been deployed. He couldn't help but become vigilant. He searched carefully and calmly, not missing any details. Soon, Luo Zheng discovered There is a tree stump lying across the ground in front of me. The fracture does not seem to fall off naturally, so I am alert.

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