The strongest soldier

Chapter 1829 Boarding the submarine

At the gate of a certain military seaport, there are twice as many majestic sentries as before. Each one is on guard with a gun and watching the surroundings vigilantly. Any car that comes in must hold a special pass, otherwise it will never be allowed to enter. The number suddenly increased. The alert level inconvenienced many people, but no one dared to complain and had to drive back.

A small black car slowly drove over. The inside of the car was covered by black curtains. I didn’t know who was sitting in it. It had a very ordinary civilian license plate. Logically speaking, this kind of car could not come to this military restricted area. Many people at the door were curious. Looking at the approaching car, some well-meaning people even gestured to move back so as not to feel uncomfortable.

The driver was a young man, in his thirties, with a crew cut and wearing sunglasses. There was no emotional change on his face. He ignored the people who came up to persuade him to leave. He didn't even roll down the window and slowly drove towards the gate. , a soldier with a gun came to stop him, saluted and signaled to stop for inspection.

The window of the car slowly rolled down, and the driver handed over a document and certificate. The person in charge of inspection took it and looked at it carefully. He ran back to the guard box and made a phone call to confirm. Then he quickly let go and drove in under the curious gaze of many people around him. After arriving at the harbor, we headed towards the pier.

Soon, the car came to a stop at the pier. A man and a woman got out of the car. They were wearing ordinary casual clothes, caps and big sunglasses. They were afraid of being discovered. They were holding bags in their hands and parked in the direction of the pier. A submarine was approaching. There were soldiers standing guard at the bridge entrance to board the submarine. They immediately signaled the two of them to stop and shouted: "IDs!"

A man and a woman handed over their ID cards. The soldier took one look at them, and his tone immediately became calmer. He said politely: "You are five minutes late. Please go up. I will wait for you two."

"Thank you." The two took the ID cards and walked forward.

Soon, two people came out of the entrance of the submarine to greet them. They helped carry the packages and took the two people inside. After passing through a short passage, they came to a lobby. In the lobby, two fully armed people were waiting. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue, Luo Zheng couldn't help but smile when he saw the person coming, and went up to greet him, saying, "Shi Qian, Cao Xi, you two are finally here, thank you for your hard work."

It was Shi Qian and Cao Xi who came. Cao Xi looked around curiously. Shi Qian was also curious, but knowing that it was rude, he quickly said: "The person you arranged to pick us up was on time, but there was an unexpected traffic moment on the road. , we were delayed for a few minutes, are we going there on a nuclear submarine?"

"Is there any problem?" Luo Zheng smiled.

"No." Shi Qian said quickly.

Next to him, Cao Xi suddenly said: "If the country can send a nuclear submarine over, I'm afraid your identities are not easy to describe. This makes me more curious about your identities, but I know you won't say it, so it's better not to ask. To avoid embarrassment, are we not allowed to run around while on the nuclear submarine and can only stay in designated areas? It is best to tell us first to avoid misunderstandings."

"As expected of a talented woman with an IQ of over 150, you have said a lot. This is an important military area. You are not soldiers. You have made an exception by being able to come up here. There is a confidentiality agreement that you need to sign. What you see here and hear Nothing can be revealed to the outside world, otherwise it will be punished as treason, and you should know the consequences. This is a rule, and I hope you understand." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"No problem." Shi Qian and Cao Xi understood the reason and agreed.

A man wearing a navy captain's uniform came over and handed two people a document and a pen respectively. After they signed their names, he took away the document, saluted Luo Zheng and turned around to leave. Luo Zheng looked at the two of them. He said: "The equipment is placed in your respective rooms. If you have any questions, you can ask both of us. Now I will take you to where you live."

Everyone walked forward, passed through a passage, and stopped at the door of a small room in the accommodation area. Luo Zheng pointed to the door and said: "You guys can choose between the two sides. Someone will come for lunch in two hours." I asked you to eat. During this period, you can rest in the room or visit each other. The rooms in the front and back are mine. Xueer and I live next door to you. The two rooms in front are also opposite. I am on the left and Xueer is on the right. "

"Then I'll live on the right as well." Cao Xi opened the door on the right and went in.

"Xue'er, go in and tell her the performance of the equipment." Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue and warned.

Lan Xue agreed to go in. When Luo Zheng saw Shi Qian also opening the door, he followed in, picked up a military backpack in the room, opened it, took out the tight-fitting suit and bulletproof vest and said seriously: "These They are all state secrets and cannot be leaked. They are only for your use temporarily and need to be returned after the incident. By the way, can you bring the stealth suit?"

"Bring it, what good thing do you have?" Shi Qian said curiously.

Luo Zheng picked up the tight-fitting suit and said, "This is a tight-fitting suit that can wrap your whole body."

"It looks like a one-piece diving suit, covering it from head to toe. Is it easy to move?" Shi Qian asked.

"It has strong stretchability and a good fit, and will not affect movement. In addition, this tight-fitting suit has strong bulletproof properties. It can be fired at close range with ordinary bullets. It also has fireproof and waterproof functions." Luo Zheng explained, while picking up the bulletproof vest and handing it to Shi Qian: "The bulletproof vest can prevent stray bullets from ordinary rifles. It will be safer with double insurance. Coupled with the tactical bulletproof vest, unless it is a sniper rifle or The rifle shoots straight at point-blank range, otherwise there’s no need to worry.”

"What a good thing, it's so powerful, it should be able to defend against it with a knife, right?" Shi Qian asked in surprise.

"Of course, unless you encounter a knife master who can't withstand heavy blows, body armor cannot weaken gravity attacks." Luo Zheng explained, while picking up tactical goggles, bulletproof boots, desert combat uniforms, and foldable After talking about the engineering shovel and other equipment, he finally added: "Since you are not combatants, you are not equipped with weapons."

"We're not good at that thing either. It's not very useful with it. You guys are enough." Shi Qian said politely.

"Okay, put on the equipment yourself. Don't be careless. I'm going out first." Luo Zheng warned.

"Don't worry, who dares to joke about life-saving things?" Shi Qian agreed.

Luo Zheng left the room, just in time to see Lan Xue coming out. The two nodded tacitly and walked towards the nuclear submarine cab. The soldiers on the nuclear submarine were ordered not to ask about the identities and missions of Luo Zheng and others. He stopped and gave way, curious.

Soon, the two came to the cockpit. The captain greeted them, shook hands politely and said, "Are you getting used to it? I understand the order very well and I'm ready. Can we set sail?"

"It's time to set sail, thank you." Luo Zheng said politely.

"We are all our own people, you're welcome." The captain smiled, turned around and shouted to the technicians in the cockpit: "Brothers, prepare to dive, let's set off."

"Yes." Everyone shouted in unison, with strong confidence.

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