The strongest soldier

Chapter 1824 Hiding Time Changes

As a former special soldier and now the leader of the city bureau, Shi Feng loves his country deeply and does not allow anything to happen. He also hates those who cause trouble. He knows that Shi Qian and Cao Xi are favored by Luo Zheng, and they are involved. Shi Feng hopes that the two of them can do their part for the country and the people and protect the country together.

This deep feeling was keenly felt by Cao Xi. Cao Xi thought for a moment and asked, "Are those young men and women at the door of the cafe one of yours?"

Shi Feng nodded, and Cao Xi couldn't help but sigh: "This plan is perfect. First, unknown people shot and killed, and innocent people were killed. The drama became more realistic, and then the police arrived, making the credibility even higher." We were separated, and the two of us were taken away by an unknown acquaintance, and there has been no news since then. Did he come up with the good plan? "

"Him? Are you underestimating him? This scene is just like play to him." Shi Feng replied, and couldn't help but think of the several times he and Luo Zheng fought side by side, and said with admiration: " He is the most powerful tactical commander I have ever seen or even heard of. There is no one else. You will fight side by side. You will know if I lied when the time comes. Finally, I hope you cherish this opportunity and don't let me waste my efforts. ”

With that said, Shi Feng dialed Luo Zheng's phone number, and after waiting for the call, he said: "The matter is settled, how should I deal with it? Should I send it to you?"

"There is a large shopping mall five hundred meters ahead. Go into the basement and meet there." Luo Zheng said.

Shi Feng immediately motioned for someone to drive over and stopped in the basement. Everyone was waiting in the car. After a few minutes, a small car came over. Shi Feng looked over with vigilance and saw that it was Luo Zheng and Lan Xue. Then he relaxed. He took a breath and signaled Shi Qian and Cao Xi to get out of the car.

Luo Zheng and Lan Xue parked the car and got out. When they saw Shi Feng coming out of the car, Luo Zheng went up to meet him and said gratefully: "Excuse me, I know the situation. The plan is good. I am 70% sure that I can confuse the enemy. ”

"I have to waste so much effort to be 70% sure?" Shi Feng said with a bitter smile.

"If it is an assassination operation organized by an old rival, he can guess the truth through some details, at least be suspicious, and pursue it for three years. If the two of them are not found within three years, they will be judged dead and the pursuit will be cancelled. This is also the rule of Sam Country. As a rule, if it hadn't been organized by an old rival, it would have ended in a hurry and reported the credit to the superiors, 70% is already a big deal." Luo Zheng explained.

"So that's the case, then it depends on their luck." Shi Feng said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll take them both away first, and we'll chat another day." Luo Zheng said gratefully, looked at Shi Qian and Cao Xi and continued, "You two are frightened, let's get in the car first."

Shi Qian and Cao Xi exchanged glances and got into the car. Luo Zheng motioned for Lan Xue to get in the car too, got into the driving position, and drove towards the basement exit while saying, "Are you two okay? Close the car curtains.”

"It's okay, it's just empty ammunition. I can handle it. Thank you." Shi Qian said gratefully.

"You're welcome. I'll take you to a safe house. This car will be reserved for you later. We won't be able to leave until a few days later. What's the problem?" Luo Zheng asked seriously.

"No problem, as long as we have a safe place to live, we won't go anywhere these days so as not to cause any trouble to you." Shi Qian continued gratefully.

Soon, the car rushed out of the basement and onto the main road. Everyone chatted casually for a while. The car arrived at a community and parked after entering the basement. Luo Zheng handed an access card and two keys to Shi Qian. , warned: "Room 901, Unit 2, the room is fully equipped with daily necessities. You can go up by yourselves."

Everyone got out of the car. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue got into a small car that was listening next to them. Lan Xue's car said goodbye and left. After leaving the basement, Luo Zheng looked at the road ahead, driving intently with his brows furrowed. After thinking deeply, Lan Xue asked curiously: "Are you worried about their safety?"

"Yes, the safe house is provided by the Ministry of National Security, and the car is also theirs. Normally, if we drive here and change cars to pick up people, we will not be suspected, but Jackson only needs to track the car and he can still check it. At this point, after all, this car is your personal car, so it is not difficult to check its movements. Combined with the time comparison, it is easy to suspect us." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Yes, once agents from Sam Country suspect that they are in this community, they will definitely send people to investigate. Although there are more than a thousand homes here, they don't know which room the person is hiding in, but they will be discovered as time goes by, so we must do it as soon as possible Take action." Lan Xue's face became solemn and she said seriously.

"Five days, five days at most. If the two of them really stay at home every day and don't go anywhere, they can reduce the chance of exposure, but they can't hide for too long. Therefore, we have to set off in five days. There are still two days left during the holiday. God, it should be enough time for everyone to return to the team in two days." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"I hope so." Lan Xue said uncertainly: "The safe house was provided by the Ministry of National Security. Although the right to use it was obtained through high-level channels, it does not rule out the possibility of exposure. Once suspected by the Sam Country, , I’m afraid it depends on your luck if you can check it in advance.”

"It's not a big problem. Shi Qian and Cao Xi are both smart people and know what to do. All we can do is prepare as soon as possible. We will stay at home for a day tomorrow, prepare our luggage, and return to the team the day after tomorrow. Are you okay?" Luo Zheng said.

"No problem." Lan Xue said seriously.

The two were walking and chatting, and unknowingly they arrived at the gate of Luo Zheng's home community. They parked the car and returned home. Lan Xing was watching TV series with everyone. Luo Hu and his wife didn't know what Luo Zheng and Lan Xue had just done. , didn’t ask much, and went to prepare dinner.

After dinner, Lan Xue and Lan Xing drove back to their home. Luo Zheng took advantage of Luo's mother and little sister to clean up in the kitchen, and said in a low voice to his father Luo Hu in the living room: "Dad, that breathing method How do you feel after practicing? Do you feel your brain is fresher and your thinking is sharper?"

"It seems a little bit, what about you?" Luo Hu said uncertainly.

"I feel very good, it shouldn't be a bad thing." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"That's good. You're still young, so your training results will naturally be better. I'm older, so we can't compare. But you still have to pay attention and stop immediately if something is wrong. Don't let yourself go wrong." Luo Hu warned with concern.

"Don't worry, I know it in my heart. The holiday will be over tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I won't be at home. Please be more careful. If you have anything to do, just ask my little sister to see Shi Feng. I will leave you a phone number. If you encounter something big that you can't handle, just call me. The phone number you call is my boss, so try not to call if you have nothing to do." Luo Zheng warned, writing down Wu Jin's number.

Luo Zheng felt inexplicably uneasy during this dark prison rescue operation. He felt that something was going to happen. If he couldn't come back home, there would be no one to take care of him. He inadvertently explained the aftermath. Luo Hu was also a soldier. It was obvious at a glance. He felt something was wrong, but he didn't ask any more questions. He looked at Luo Zheng with concern and said, "Don't worry at home. Protect yourself. Don't show off on the battlefield. Life is everything. Do you understand?"

"Yes." Luo Zheng nodded seriously and agreed, his eyes gradually becoming firmer. For the sake of his family and his lover, he could only win, not lose.

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