The strongest soldier

Chapter 1819 Goodbye Shi Qian

Things like the bar are nothing to Luo Zheng. If a bald man dares to attack a military member, he will be severely punished in a military court. The knife will take over the bald man's power and territory without any sequelae. As for the young father and son, there are With Shi Feng here, there is no possibility of slipping through the net. There is no need to worry about retaliation. He can continue practicing after returning home until dawn.

After a night of practice, Luo Zheng felt refreshed, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep, but his body had no special reaction. It was not as full of strength as the first time he practiced the breathing method. Luo Zheng knew that practice needs to be gradual and takes time. Accumulation, the last practice should be a breakthrough accumulated in the early stage. Is it okay to make breakthroughs every day? I didn't care, got up and took a shower.

After breakfast and chatting with his family for a while, Lan Xue's call came in. Luo Zheng said hello to his parents and hurried downstairs. He saw Lan Xue's car at the gate of the community and quickly got in. The two of them chatted and laughed and arrived at a hotel. After parking the car in the parking lot at the door, the two walked into the hotel hand in hand and took the elevator upstairs.

The address and room number had been communicated long ago. The two came to the door of a room. Luo Zheng stepped forward and knocked on the door, shouting: "It's me, open the door."

The door opened quickly, and a head popped out. It was a woman, about 26 or 27 years old, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, with smooth hair hanging down naturally. She was about 1.68 meters tall, with beautiful appearance, and her whole body was exuding radiance. With an intellectual temperament, he looked at Luo Zheng calmly and said, "It's you. You are a bit more murderous than the photo. You are worthy of being a soldier. Come in, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Here? Come in quickly." A voice sounded from inside, it was Shi Qian.

Luo Zheng walked in and saw that Shi Qian was tinkering with the computer. He looked at the lady next to him curiously. She was bookish and elegant in her quietness. He couldn't help but said politely: "You are Cao Xi, right? Nice to meet you." He extended his hand. .

"Yes." The lady named Cao Xi generously shook hands with Luo Zheng and Lan Xue one by one and said, "I know the situation. It's okay to help, but you need to listen to me."

"Oh? That's interesting. You tell me first so I can judge whether I can listen to you." Luo Zheng smiled and dragged a chair for Lan Xue to sit on. He also found a chair to sit down and saw that Shi Qian had already After finishing the work at hand, he was turning off the computer and said with a smile: "Have you taken care of the things at hand? Can you leave at any time?"

"Everything has been taken care of. It's no problem to leave. I owe you." Shi Qian said politely.

"Don't talk about whether you owe or not. This is a special matter. If I had a better way, I would never take you with me. This is the business of our soldiers." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense and get to the point." Cao Xi looked at Luo Zheng and said, "I have checked the terrain of the dark prison through satellite, but I must conduct an on-site inspection, otherwise I cannot accurately determine the plan."

"How?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"The dark prison is in the desert. It is very difficult to dig tunnels in the desert and can easily collapse. You need to find a suitable location and route. In addition, you must also pay attention to the climate. It is too hot and the soil will become looser without moisture, and people will also be affected. No, it’s best to go at this time. The weather is cold, the water is frozen, and the geology is hard, but it requires good enough equipment and food. The tunnel cannot be dug in a day or two.”

"No problem, just tell me what you need and I'll prepare it. As for the excavation equipment, we have the best engineering shovel, which is sharp, strong, anti-freeze and durable. Do you think it will work?" Luo Zheng asked.

"That's no problem. In addition, you don't need too many people. Too many people will easily expose you. If possible, it is best not to exceed five people. I calculated the approximate excavation area and distance. Five people will take turns digging. It is estimated that it can be completed in a week. , Therefore, we need to prepare food for five people, as well as anti-freeze clothes. Dozens of degrees below zero is no joke. People can’t stand it if they stay for a long time.” Cao Xi reminded.

"I'll take care of the food and clothes. There's no problem in keeping them." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"That's no problem. We are only responsible for digging the tunnel. After the tunnel is dug, we will evacuate. Is that no problem?" Cao Xi straightened his face and looked at Luo Zheng seriously.

"I have no problem. Are you two sure to leave that desert?" Luo Zheng asked.

Cao Xi and Shi Qian exchanged glances, hesitated, and did not immediately answer Luo Zheng's question. Next to them, Lan Xue smiled and said, "You two should be proficient in fighting, and you will have no problem facing the threats of nature, but you two can definitely avoid them." Can you use the satellite reconnaissance and pursuit of Sam State to get out of the desert safely? You can’t, right? It’s safer to follow us. At least we can protect you. There is strength in numbers. Of course, we will respect your choice.”

"Your attitude is enough. Let's talk about the rest later." Cao Xi looked at Lan Xue and said.

"You are a smart person. You should be able to see that we have no ill intentions towards you two. We are just asking for your help. We will do our best to protect those who help, because we are soldiers, and the mission of soldiers is to serve the country and the people. You Although you are overseas, you are still of Chinese descent and are the people who are helping us, so we will naturally protect you and you don’t have to worry about burning bridges. We are not Jianghu people and we don’t have so many selfish interests." Luo Zheng saw what Cao Xi was thinking and said bluntly He said bluntly, with a frank and serious expression.

"Your face is calm, your eyes are calm, and your breathing is normal. I can see that what you said is true, and you are a trustworthy person. Let me accompany you for a walk. When do you plan to leave? Just a reminder, this is the best time to go. The dry season is coming soon, and my school should start classes, so it will be inconvenient to leave again." Cao Xi said seriously.

Luo Zheng was startled and smiled. Cao Xi had been testing his feelings. He glanced at Shi Qian, who smiled bitterly and said, "I also agree to leave now."

Just as he was talking, Luo Zheng felt the phone in his pocket vibrating. He took it out and saw that it was Lan Xing calling. He couldn't help but glance at Lan Xue curiously and quickly connected. Without asking, Lan Xing said eagerly: "Brother-in-law, are you with Shi Qian? There is a situation that needs to be notified to him in time."

"Yes, what's going on?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"I just hacked into the internal system of Blackwater Company and found a top-secret order to arrest Shi Qian. I guess the Sam Kingdom has discovered Shi Qian's true identity and is going to kill him." Blue Star said quickly.

At this time, Luo Zheng heard Shi Qian's phone ringing suddenly and quickly agreed. He hung up the phone and looked at Shi Qian. Shi Qian's face became serious after he answered the phone. After waiting for a while, Shi Qian hung up the phone. He apologized and said to Luo Zheng: "There is an urgent matter that I need to go back to deal with. It could take three days or a week. Can you leave later and give me a week?"

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