The strongest soldier

Chapter 1812 Strange Phenomenon

It is a tradition to stay up late on New Year's Eve and bid farewell to the old and welcome the new. Luo Zheng chatted with his family until twelve o'clock. After his mother and little sister were both tired and walked into their respective rooms, they also went back to their rooms to rest. Lan Xue made a phone call, spoke thoughtful words for a while, and then sat on the bed to practice the luck breathing method.

Soon Luo Zheng fell into trance and entered a mysterious realm. The surrounding conversations and TV sounds were clearly audible, as if they were in his ears, but they were not annoying or harsh. Luo Zheng tried not to listen to these sounds. , these sounds suddenly became much quieter, as if they were far away from me.

Soon, Luo Zheng felt a warm current coming up, flowing in his body. It was warm and strange. Faintly, Luo Zheng felt that all the cells in his body were singing, and his whole body seemed to be flying. Very quickly. It was a wonderful feeling. Luo Zheng let go of his body and mind and was completely immersed in this feeling.

I don’t know how long it took, Luo Zheng suddenly opened his eyes, a ray of light burst out from his eyes, and disappeared in an instant. Luo Zheng was surprised to find that it was actually dawn. He raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was seven in the morning. I was shocked, I didn’t seem to have been sitting for long, why was it dawn?

Luo Zheng came to the window with doubts and took a look. There were already more pedestrians on the street outside. Many children were playing in the garden of the community. The excitement of the New Year made the children get up early. Everything around them seemed so familiar. There might be an error. Luo Zheng looked at his watch again in surprise. The time was correct. He picked up his phone and opened it to see that the time was also correct. In other words, he did sit until dawn and for about seven hours. Why didn't he? Feel? Could this kind of meditation practice allow me to temporarily forget time?

With all kinds of curiosity, Luo Zheng felt his body. He felt refreshed and had no sequelae of lack of sleep. On the contrary, his muscles were full of strength, a little more powerful than before, and his brain was also extremely active. It was not like he was not at all. The way he sleeps is even more confused.

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Zheng put this idea aside. No matter what, it was a good thing so far. He quickly washed up and went to the living room to see that his mother was already busy in the kitchen and his younger sister had just gotten up and was in the kitchen. I brush my teeth while my dad watches TV on the sofa in the living room.

Luo Zheng obviously felt that his father had changed, but he couldn't see anything after a closer look. He couldn't help but walked up curiously and asked in a low voice: "Dad, have you practiced the second half of the mental method? How do you feel?"

"I tried it last night. It's really extraordinary. I feel a little younger. I feel a little sharper than before. It's a wonderful feeling. So far, this mental method is good. I didn't expect that there are other breathing methods passed down from family. The second half, maybe there will be a lower half, but I am satisfied with it. With this set of mental methods, our family will not have to worry about it in the future." Luo Hu whispered with emotion.

"Well, as long as I practice for a period of time, I feel that my combat effectiveness can be improved a bit, especially here. I feel that my thinking is sharper than before, and my intuition is sharper than before. Maybe it is an illusion." Luo Zheng pointed at himself. said the brain.

"It shouldn't be an illusion. Let's take a look first. Be careful and practice flying. If you find something is wrong, you must stop immediately." Luo Hu warned seriously. When he saw the little girl coming up, he immediately changed the subject and said: "Today is the first day of junior high school, nothing special. Just stay at home, I haven’t played chess for a long time, play a few games with me."

"Okay, little sister, pass me the chess piece." Luo Zheng agreed casually.

The younger sister handed the chess set on the table next to Luo Zheng, sat down next to Luo Hu, and said with a smile: "Dad, you haven't been abused by me for a long time, have you forgotten the pain? You and me early in the morning Aren’t you having fun playing chess? It’s not like you don’t know my brother’s chess skills. You haven’t won in the past few years, have you? Come on!”

"Watch it carefully, I will definitely kill him this time without leaving any trace behind." Luo Hu said with a smile.

The father and son got into a fighting stance. After a few moves, Luo Zheng found that he could count up to ten chess moves before, but now he could count up to eleven. Don't underestimate this extra step, it represents the limit of a person's intelligence. Luo Zheng Zheng wondered if his IQ had improved? This unscientific.

No matter what, this is a good thing. Soon Luo Hu was checked and lost. He couldn't help but look at Luo Zheng in surprise and said: "Your level has improved, and you still play often these years?"

"Well, I played with Xue'er's father two days ago." Luo Zheng smiled casually, and he was also curious in his heart. Is it because he has not played much in these years because he learned tactical command in the organization? Or is it the benefit of practicing the traditional breathing method? After thinking about it for a long time, Luo Zheng simply put aside these distracting thoughts and continued to play chess with Luo Hu.

On this day, Luo Zheng lived a very peaceful life. He didn’t need to think about the battlefield, the mission, or anything else. He spent time with his family happily and happily. Before he knew it, it was evening. After dinner, he chatted with his family for a while and returned. I went to my room to continue practicing.

The next morning, after dinner, Luo Zheng drove his little sister's car to Lan Xue's house. The little sister's company was doing well. Although she was still in school, she bought a car for transportation. When she came to Lan Xue's house, Lan Bo He showed even more enthusiasm than the Lan Xue sisters. After a few words of greeting, he changed the subject and said, "You brat, I've been thinking about your chess moves since I lost to you last time, and finally found a way to restrain you. Come on, let's One more kill.”

"Dad, are you sure?" Lanxing smiled without fear.

Lan Xue took out the chessboard and put it on the table, sitting next to Luo Zheng, as quiet as a lotus flower, with a happy smile on her face. The elders' recognition of Luo Zheng and Luo Zheng's arrival made Lan Xue very satisfied. Involuntarily, he hugged Luo Zheng's arm and said with a smile: "Since dad is interested, you can accompany him. Don't give in. My dad doesn't like others to give in."

"Okay." Luo Zheng agreed casually and started the chess game.

When Lan Bo saw his woman being intimate with Luo Zheng, he didn't stop him. He smiled faintly and said, "Boy, I've been thinking about it every day these past few days. You will definitely lose this time."

The two quickly placed the chess pieces. Luo Zheng politely let Lan Bo take the lead, and Lan Bo was not polite. However, he soon discovered that something was completely wrong. Luo Zheng's chess style was not only more rigorous and far-reaching, but also had a fierce murderous intent. It can be said that he is strong and soft, and he is well-founded in his advance and retreat. Lan Bo was quickly defeated, looked at Luo Zheng dissatisfied and said: "You kid concealed your clumsiness last time? How come you are so much better than last time?"

Luo Zheng also felt that his chess skills had improved a bit, and he couldn't help but wonder, was it really related to the breathing method? But he couldn't say this, so he smiled and said: "I also studied your chess moves when I went back and found a way to restrain you. Do you mind?"

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