The strongest soldier

Chapter 1805 Superior’s Attitude

While they were chatting, Shi Feng hurried over. Luo Zheng briefly explained the situation. Shi Feng immediately called for people to come and take away the stone. At the same time, he notified the bureau to cancel the wanted order. Everyone was dead, and there was little point in further arrests. Everyone came to Jiu. Building, Luo Zheng pulled out the short arrow nailed to the wall. It was made of pure steel and was more than seven inches long. It was completely black and the arrowhead exuded a blue luster. It was obviously smeared with huge poison. Luo Zheng took a few glances and threw it to Shi Feng took it as evidence and said, "This hidden weapon seems to be a hand crossbow, right?"

"That's right, the hidden weapon techniques that every master must master are usually fixed in the sleeves and can be used at any time when needed." Shi Qian explained.

"I think you seem to be able to use hidden weapons?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"Swinging arrows, the same hidden weapon, but different methods of use." Shi Qian said casually, not wanting to say more.

Luo Zheng didn't ask again, who doesn't have any secrets? Shi Qian could say so much to show his attitude and sincerity. He briefly explained the situation to the snow leopard and mountain eagle guarding the door. After a few words of instruction, he went downstairs and came to the lobby. Everyone sat down in the sofa area and chatted about the case. Come on, Shi Feng has someone deliver a midnight snack.

Time slipped away unknowingly, and the sky became brighter. It was unlikely that the murderer would openly attack in broad daylight. Shi Feng arranged for someone to bring breakfast. Everyone ate in the hall and chatted casually. After a while, Guishou also hurriedly came to join them and asked about the details of last night's sneak attack, sighing endlessly.

Not long after, Snow Leopard sent a message that the old lama had gotten up. Shi Feng arranged for someone to bring breakfast and went upstairs himself. Luo Zheng continued to sit in the hall and glanced at Shi Qian who was resting with his eyes closed next to him. , suddenly said to Lan Xue: "Should I ask about the situation?"

"Go." Lan Xue agreed knowingly, pointing at Shi Qian, saying that he would keep an eye on Shi Qian.

Luo Zheng came outside, walked to the open area and took out his mobile phone. He was about to call Wu Jin when a call came in. Luo Zheng saw that it was from Blue Star, so he quickly answered the call and asked, "It's me, what's going on?"

"You asked me to check Shi Qian's background. The relevant information has been forwarded to the review team. If the review team feels that Shi Qian is fine, they can consider attracting Shi Qian to be a peripheral team member in our squadron. This guy is also a weirdo, a world-famous security company Does Heishui know? He is one of the security consultants. This identity alone is enough to prove this guy's ability. Our team also needs people with this ability." Blue Star explained seriously.

"There is no doubt about ability. It depends on character and morality, as well as recognition of the country. Political review is our most important part. If you fail the political review, even a super genius cannot be used. This is our bottom line. You understand." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Well, I understand. This guy has a principle. As long as it is domestic, he will not touch it, no matter what. This is stipulated in his contract with Blackwater Company. I hacked into the Blackwater Company network and saw this contract file. , this is believable, you must be curious because there is a top secret comment in the Blackwater Company files, and by the way, you may not know that Blackwater Company has comments on everyone within the company, also called the Black Files." Blue Star explained solemnly.

"What?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"The black file is Blackwater's comment on internal employees. Once someone violates the company, his or her black file will be immediately accessed and the person will be dealt with based on the black file. Shi Qian's comment is: Spare no effort to use it. Once you can't do it for yourself, Use and kill them, which shows that Blackwater Company is afraid of and attaches great importance to Shi Qian." Blue Star quickly explained.

"Hiss? That's true." Luo Zheng naturally knows that the strength of Blackwater Company, one of the best in the world, is behind the Sam Country. Its security personnel gather elites from all over the world. Their individual combat effectiveness even exceeds that of many countries' elite special forces. The company spared no effort in using it, which shows that it attaches great importance to and fears Shi Qian's ability. He couldn't help but smile and said: "It's interesting. I wonder what he would do if he knew this comment?"

"He knew there were comments, but he would never know it was this one." Lanxing explained.

"Well, let me know immediately if there is news from the political review department. How is Cao Xi's investigation?" Luo Zheng asked.

"This person is as clean as a piece of white paper on the surface, without any stains. He is a famous university professor, unmarried, has high authority in ancient literature and cryptography, and has an IQ of 150. He is a genius. As for the people in the world you mentioned, It's not easy to check, so the detailed information has been forwarded to the review department." Blue Star said quickly.

"It's interesting. His IQ is the same as yours?" Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Are you praising me or criticizing me?" Lan Xing scolded with a smile.

"Praise her for actually being as good as you." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Why does this sound a little awkward to me? Okay, I'm going to bed. I haven't slept all night. If you need anything, please call me." Lan Xing yawned and hung up the phone.

Luo Zheng didn't expect that Cao Xi was really capable. He couldn't help but become more curious. He thought that if these genius masters were networked in his team, the combat effectiveness of his team would definitely be greatly improved. However, Guo Ren has strict rules. According to the regulations, political review is the first and iron rule. Those that do not meet the standards must not be used. Luo Zheng could only wait for the final result. He was about to call Wu Jin, but he did not expect Wu Jin's call to come in.

"Captain, it's me." Luo Zheng called him habitually. Although Wu Jin had become the director of the Secret Service, Luo Zheng and others still couldn't change their calling habits, and they didn't want to change.

Wu Jin also liked this title very much. He felt that he was still a passionate soldier, a member of the team who fought together, not a politician. Hearing Luo Zheng's words, he smiled and said: "I called you early in the morning. I didn't delay your rest, right?"

"I didn't sleep last night, and there was another bastard, but we caught him, so I took a breath, and the Shi Bureau arranged for a human affairs review." Luo Zheng replied: "By the way, what does it mean?"

"The meaning above is to send off the great lama in advance, that is, to leave secretly at noon today. Someone will negotiate with the old lama about this matter. The Twin Gates are very harmful. You help the police station to defeat them. This time, the police station will be the main one. , we steal all the limelight every time, and the police don’t have any face, right? You control the standards yourself, the sisters Guishou, Snow Leopard, Mountain Eagle and Lan Xue cooperate with you, and don’t bother other people. It’s just a small sect. I believe you can handle it well, finish it this morning and spend a peaceful New Year with your family." Wu Jin warned.

"Understood." Luo Zheng agreed, hung up the phone, thought for a while, and decided that it would be fine to focus on the police station. After all, it is local security. Shi Feng cannot take away all the credit. As long as he can kill the Twin Gates, it will be fine. He put away his cell phone and returned to the hotel lobby. Seeing everyone sitting on the sofa, he waved to Shi Feng to come out and talk.

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