The strongest soldier

Chapter 1781 Shi Feng’s Visit

Everyone's whereabouts are top secret and are not allowed to be disclosed. Luo Zheng was keenly aware of what the little sister was thinking and quickly looked away. The little sister was startled, then realized and quickly said with a smile: "You are really my good brothers. I like it so much, it’s the best to raise at such a young age, I’ll teach it to talk later, and I can still chat with my mother, it’s great.”

"It's just a little bird, can you still chat?" Luo's mother said in surprise.

"Mom, this bird is so expensive. It is not easy to buy outside. You will know when the time comes. I guarantee that it can learn anything you say." The little girl said with a smile.

"How expensive is it?" Luo's mother asked curiously.

"A few ┅ ┅" The little girl was about to say hundreds of thousands, but when she saw Luo Zheng's secretly throwing eyes, she quickly said: "A few thousand yuan, the key is not easy to find."

"So expensive?" Mother Luo said in surprise. She looked at Snow Leopard and continued, "You kid, don't you think it's a waste of money to buy something so expensive? You might as well buy more meat and stew it."

"Hahaha!" Everyone smiled kindly, and the atmosphere of joy and pleasure filled the air.

After chatting for a while, Luo's mother and little sister went to the kitchen to cook, and Lan Xue also went to help. Several gentlemen sat around and continued chatting, turning on the TV and flipping through it casually, enjoying themselves. After a while, the food was ready and served. , everyone sat around eating and chatting casually, caring a few words to each other, toasting, and time slipped away unknowingly.

After having enough food and wine, it was cold outside, and everyone was too lazy to move. They stayed in the room and enjoyed this rare peace and tranquility. For those who came off the battlefield, the best way to relax was to stay at home and have fun with their families. When we are together happily, we don’t need to think about anything or do anything, it’s plain and true.

Everyone sat together and continued chatting. Suddenly, a piece of news on TV attracted everyone. They saw a cylindrical object placed on the shelf. The cylindrical object looked very exquisite and simple, with floral decorations on it. , I saw everything in the picture, an exhibition hall appeared, and then it was frozen into the picture.

At this time, a reporter said in a deep voice: "Dear viewers, this is the Dzi Bead that has been a hot topic recently. It is said that this Dzi Bead has been passed down for three thousand years and is the religious treasure of a certain religion. It is also one of our national treasures. Thinking that it would be stolen during the exhibition, but with no clues so far, the police issued a report with a reward, and we hope that anyone with information can contact the police in time to prevent the national treasure from being lost."

The screen quickly switched to other news. Luo Zheng looked at his father in surprise and asked: "Has this dzi bead of such a big size been stolen? Or was it during the exhibition? Who is so powerful? Dad, have you heard that Have you ever lived through this?"

"Why haven't you heard of it? Rumors have gone crazy recently. It happened three days ago. I didn't expect there has been no progress for three days. It seems that the police are also anxious. I heard about the existence of Dzi beads decades ago. I have never seen it. I thought it was a rumor, but I didn’t expect it to happen." Luo Hu responded.

"What's the origin of this dzi bead?" the mountain eagle asked curiously.

"Who knows, it is said to be an extraterrestrial object. I guess it is a trick of the sect to fool people. It also said that it can bring the dead back to life. It is some kind of reincarnated sacred object. In the early years, my unit was stationed there for a period of time and I heard some rumors. But that was decades ago, how do people still know this now? It would be strange if such an important thing was put on display and not stolen," Luo Hu explained.

"Reincarnation? Isn't this a way to deceive the world? Is it really true?" Guishou asked in surprise, looked at Luo Zheng, then at Lan Xue, and continued curiously: "I don't care whether reincarnation is pseudoscience. But this thing has been passed down for more than three thousand years, so it is definitely not simple. It is considered a national treasure and the country cannot ignore it."

"Why, you just came back and you can't sit still anymore?" Lan Xue asked with a smile.

"We don't care about this matter, don't forget our identities." Luo Zheng came out to smooth things over.

Soldiers do not participate in internal affairs, unless ordered by superiors. Everyone knows this. Guishou said helplessly: "It's a pity that I missed an opportunity to be reincarnated. Otherwise, I would have to use it to study and see if I can really make it happen." People are reincarnated and reborn.”

"No one knows whether reincarnation is related to this Dzi Bead. Moreover, reincarnation is more of a memory inheritance, and it does not mean rebirth. Besides, you are still young. What will happen to your fiancée if you really want to be reborn? What to do? How can you bear it?" Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"That's right. Curiosity is really bad, so don't worry about it." Guishou said with a smile.

Everyone chatted about other things and quickly put this matter aside. Unknowingly, it was dinner time, and everyone was reluctant to leave. They continued to stay for dinner until they went home in the evening.

Early the next morning, Luo Zheng accompanied his family to the annual shopping meeting. This kind of life was very rare for Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng cherished every minute with his family. By the time the shopping was almost done, it was already noon. The family found a place nearby to eat.

When he was waiting to pay for the meal, he was told that someone had already bought it. Luo Zheng looked around in surprise. He didn't know anyone in the restaurant. He couldn't help but curiously walked outside to take a look. There was an off-road vehicle parked not far away. This car was very familiar to Luo Zheng. It belonged to Shi Feng from the Municipal Bureau, so he was an old friend.

After Luo Zheng stopped a taxi and asked his family to go back first, he trotted onto the off-road vehicle and said with a smile: "I didn't expect to meet you here. Did you pay for the hotel bill? Thank you."

"I came here specifically to see you." Shi Feng said seriously. Seeing Luo Zheng's confused expression, he smiled bitterly and said, "My people are on duty at the New Year's Market. When they saw you, they called me and I came over quickly."

Luo Zheng then noticed that Shi Feng's face was haggard, his eyes were bloodshot, and he obviously hadn't slept well. He couldn't help but said in surprise: "It seems that it is not easy for you to pay for me. If you show your courtesy for nothing, you are either committing adultery or stealing. Don't worry, I will Guess, it's definitely not a trivial matter that brings you to my door. Judging from your haggard face and angry look, you must have encountered a major problem that cannot be solved. Combined with your identity, will the case of Dzi Bead fall on you? On."

"Oh my God, that's great. You can analyze this. Do you have any ideas? No, you have to help me with this, otherwise I will go to your house every day and won't leave." Shi Feng said in surprise.

"You're a scoundrel." Luo Zheng smiled angrily. Seeing Shi Feng's helpless expression, he couldn't help but said: "You have helped me a lot, it's time to repay this favor. Let's go to your bureau. I don’t know if you can help me, so I’ll do my best. Also, I have a special status. Without orders, I can only be an outsider. I can make suggestions, but nothing else.”

"That's enough." Shi Feng was overjoyed and excitedly started the off-road vehicle.

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