The strongest soldier

Chapter 178 Wild wolves appear

"Nonsense, who in our brigade killed seven wild wolf mercenaries?" Snow Leopard looked at the mountain eagle seriously and said, "Luck, do you understand? This guy's skills are average, but he has a lot of room for improvement, and more importantly What is true is that there is luck. Luck is a very elusive thing, but its existence cannot be denied. It can save lives on the battlefield and even change the outcome of the battle. Do you have it? Or does anyone in our brigade have it?"

"No." Shandiao said angrily: "However, this kid is a bit evil. I went back to the captain to find out. It seems that our captain has been moved. We didn't know anything about this before. It's interesting to say that we Is there anyone in the team who is capable? There are so many people who are better than this guy. Why did our captain fall in love with him? The goddess in my mind is gone."

"You tell the captain if you have the ability? Are you the one who wants to return the goddess?" Snow Leopard said with a disdainful smile: "Our captain is the goddess of the whole team. You don't know what the end result of so many confessions is, right? Our captain just looks at it. There must be a story in this guy, and I feel like the fire of gossip in my heart that was about to die out has been activated."

"If you don't want to die, just activate it." The mountain eagle said, and disappeared into the surrounding woods.

"It's so fast, isn't it?" Shan Bao cursed dissatisfiedly, and quickened his pace to catch up with the team. He saw that everyone had stopped to rest and light the fire to make food. Their clothes were all soaked. It was just a good time to have a barbecue. Shan Bao looked at Luo Zheng. As he walked, he saw Lan Xue passing by, so he wisely turned around and left, sitting by the bonfire nearby. He pricked up his ears and heard Luo Zheng shouting. He was stunned for a moment, but he still came up and asked, "Is something wrong? "

"I promised to treat you to a roast chicken." Luo Zheng said with a smile, picking off the leaves from the branches in his hands, kneading them into a ball, squeezing out the juice and smearing it on the stripped pheasant. The snow leopard had never seen such leaves before, and was a little curious. asked: "What is this?"

"I don't know either, I just know that these juices can make the muscles more tender." Luo Zheng replied, his hands were not slow, and after he was done, he tied them with branches and put them on the bonfire to bake. At the same time, he took off his ghillie suit and put the digital The camouflage combat uniform was also taken off and spread out for baking. He looked at Lan Xue and asked, "I didn't find any pursuers along the way. There are two possibilities. One is that I was distracted by the watch, and the other is that the enemy withdrew their troops." , I prefer the latter.”

"Reason?" Lan Xue asked calmly. She also took off her ghillie suit, but did not take off the combat uniform underneath. After all, she was a woman, so it was a bit inconvenient.

Luo Zheng motioned to Liu Xun to make the fire bigger. There were dense trees around. As for the green smoke, there was water mist over the forest after the rain. The water mist and green smoke were difficult to distinguish. There was no need to worry about being exposed. Luo Zheng took a look. Snow Leopard glanced at it and said: "The enemy has suffered a lot of losses and cannot afford the price. After ambush and pursuit, we will not get any advantage in both battles. There is no need to continue fighting us in the jungle. It is better to go back and look for another opportunity. In addition, I suspect They have guessed that we will attack their base."

"Reason?" Lan Xue continued to ask, her face as calm as ever.

"From the beginning of the ambush, we went all the way west. This is against common sense. If we retreat, it is most suitable to go east. If we retreat, any direction is possible, instead of just going west." Luo Zheng explained, seeing the snow leopard just staring. Roast Chicken was lost in thought and had no opinions. Lan Xue was thoughtful about something and asked angrily: "Snow Leopard, right? What do you think?"

"You're right." Snow Leopard said lazily, with only roasted chicken in his eyes, as if he was not interested in anything else. There are only two explanations for this situation, one is missing the root, but one has the wisdom. Zheng believed it was the latter. Those who could join the mysterious army were not good people. He couldn't help but said angrily: "You all think so about feelings. If this is the case, what should we do next?"

"Listen to the captain." Snow Leopard said as he looked carefully at the roast chicken that was starting to turn yellow, as if there was something on it that was worth studying.

Luo Zheng immediately understood that these guys were all in high spirits, so he looked at Lan Xue. Lan Xue glared at Snow Leopard and said, "You're itchy, aren't you? Three-hundred-meter alert."

"Okay." Snow Leopard said with a smile: "Little brother, remember to leave some for me."

"I'll leave you a chicken butt." Luo Zheng said with a smile. When he saw the snow leopard leaving, he couldn't help but look at Lan Xue. He found that Lan Xue was suppressing a smile and his face turned red. He couldn't help but smile and said: "Laugh if you want to, don't be cold all day." With a straight face, as if I have bullied you, tell me, do you have a new plan?"

Lan Xue did not smile, but looked serious. She turned serious, met Luo Zheng's gaze, and said word by word: "This is not far from the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group. I plan to camp here. I can do it at noon tomorrow. Arrive there and act according to the opportunity. You just said a lot. We can’t attack rashly, so we need to recharge our batteries first.”

"That's fine." Luo Zheng agreed.

The two chatted, and before they knew it, the roasted chicken was cooked, and the rabbits and wild birds roasted by others were also cooked. Everyone sprinkled some salt and started eating. It is not easy to have a stable meal in the virgin forest. You have to eat and drink enough, and your clothes are dry. Luo Zheng handed the clothes to Lan Xue. Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng affectionately and went into the woods with the dry clothes.

A few minutes later, Lan Xue came back, handed the clothes she had changed to Luo Zheng, and said, "You are a man, you have no problem taking care of women, right?"

"It's my honor, please take a moment." Luo Zheng said with a smile, took Lan Xue's clothes and spread them out, continuing to bake. Seeing Lan Xue sitting next to him, resting back to back, he sat firmly and let Lan Xue He leaned back more comfortably and shouted: "Gangzi, Xunzi, Binzi, the three of you go and stand guard for the three of them until midnight."

"Yes." The three people whose names were called agreed and went to find Ghost Hand, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle.

"Ouch!" Suddenly a shrill howl of a wolf came, Luo Zheng was startled, and Lan Xue stood up like an electric shock, picked up the gun beside him, quickly took aim and searched, and said with a solemn face: "There are wolves, there should be They killed one and lit two more bonfires."

Luo Zheng glanced at Wu Yuan and Meng Zhu, and the two immediately started to move knowingly. Wild wolves are not scary, but wild wolves will not act alone, let alone attack humans, unless a pack of extremely hungry wild wolves can kill people. , everyone understood this common sense and did not dare to neglect it. Luo Zheng also picked up the gun and whispered: "Shrink your troops for defense."

"How many? Withdraw them all, quickly." Lan Xue whispered through the earphones.

"Received, there must be more than twenty, the number is unknown." A voice sounded in the earphones, it was Ghost Hand.

"More than twenty?" Luo Zheng was startled and said with a solemn expression: "It seems that we have encountered a pack of wild wolves. The extremely hungry wild wolves are difficult to deal with. We cannot block them by force. We must climb the tree first."

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