The strongest soldier

Chapter 1774 Puna Debate

The senior counselors of the President of Sam State were holding back their anger and had nowhere to vent. Punader's words were like sparks, igniting the explosive barrel at once. One of the senior counselors was furious and shouted coldly: "You are a General, temporary commander, don't you know your responsibilities? Don't you even understand basic defense? I doubt how you got the rank of major general? Taxpayers' money is being wasted by you. ?"

"Stop talking nonsense to me. For your own benefit, you profit conglomerates do not hesitate to use your power to launch wars and use the blood of soldiers to pave the way for your benefit. Do you feel at ease? You abandon the interests of the country for your own benefit. If you disregard the lives of the soldiers, God will punish you." The major general shouted dissatisfied, without taking the other party seriously at all.

As a representative of the Communist Party, under the multi-party democratic political system of Sam State, Punad made a fundamental political attack. After scolding the opponent, he changed the subject and continued: "Your Excellency, don't forget that we still have They have hundreds of hostages in their hands, including more than fifty senior military officers. Once this incident spreads, the country will be in an uproar and the world will be in an uproar. How will you end it? Who will bear this responsibility? "

"Of course it's you soldiers. You can't even defeat a bunch of natives. How dare you say this?" A senior counselor snorted dissatisfied, and his eyes became evil.

The hawks and the **** were originally opposites. The president was very aware of the strength and influence of the two factions. He glanced at the senior counselor and his eyes fell on the electronic screen. His face became solemn and he fell into deep thought. It would be bad for the country and for ourselves if we go down. If we don't fight, we will offend these consortiums, which is also bad for ourselves. It will be bad for both the left and the right. Where to go? This is a problem.

At this point, Punader sneered and said disdainfully: "Soldiers will bear the responsibility? Interesting, I like what you said. As a representative of the military, the Minister of Defense, as well as many senior military generals present, may I ask you, How to divide this responsibility? Let us ordinary soldiers bear it?"

"You?" This senior counselor was at a loss for what to say after Punader's words. He looked at the Minister of Defense, and then at several other military leaders with unkind expressions. He realized that he had lost his temper and hurriedly threw himself over. With an apologetic look, he suppressed his dissatisfaction in his heart and stopped talking.

When Punader saw that the other party had stopped talking, he snorted disdainfully: "Your Excellency, Minister, how can you bear this responsibility? If we are just ordinary indigenous people, we can use various ways and means to defeat the enemy and cover up the losses, but I Let me remind everyone that the Chinese nation is standing behind this, and they can easily spread the truth about the war to the whole world. Once the truth spreads, can you still control the situation? "

When the president heard these words, his face changed drastically. He looked at Punad on the electronic screen and asked, "Are you sure what the Chinese Congress will do?"

"We can launch a war for our own interests, why don't they do it for their own interests? Besides, they don't need to publish it in their own name, they can just find a newspaper or website. It's such a simple thing, let's not talk about whether it's a war or this issue. , how do you explain a mere hostage to your constituents?” Punad reminded.

"Hiss——?" The president secretly took a breath of air, with a serious face. War is endless. The country has fallen into the quagmire of war and suffered heavy losses. He will also be questioned, impeached, and finally resigned. He, as long as he whitewashes it It's good, bad things can be turned into good things, at least he can keep the president's throne, and it won't offend interest groups. Invisibly, the president has made his own decision.

At this time, a senior counselor said eagerly: "Your Excellency, don't listen to his alarmist talk. We can call it a rumor. As long as the war ends within a month, in the face of victory, don't we have the final say in everything?"

"A month? You take charge." Punad said disdainfully.

"Can't the war end in one month?" the president asked, looking at Punad on the electronic screen.

"Your Excellency," Punader maintained respect for the president and explained seriously: "Without air support, the battle cannot be ended even in three months, not to mention one month. It will take three months to repair the base, and these three months Internal opponents can send people over at any time to bomb and interfere. In this way, the base will not be repaired at all in three months. Also, a virus is circulating in our troops. It is not yet known how this virus spreads, but it spreads very quickly. , more than a thousand soldiers have fallen ill, and if not handled properly, more people will fall ill."

"What? There is such a thing, why is no one reporting it to me?" The president's face changed drastically, and he looked at the Minister of Defense with dissatisfaction, his eyes flashing with coldness.

The Minister of Defense said awkwardly: "We already know about this situation. The experts sent for diagnosis and treatment are already on the way. I believe they can solve it as soon as they arrive."

"Your Excellency, Minister, they have already tested positive for the disease and made a preliminary diagnosis, but they are helpless and cannot see the cause. They say it is a virus that has never been seen before. They need to collect samples for research to confirm. This cycle is at least one week, and the success rate is low. By 50%, frontline combat troops are widely infected. Why do you guys defeat the enemy within a month? And our opponents only need to announce some truths, which is enough to make you miserable. Mr. President, I don’t mean to offend, but this is Please judge the truth." Punad said coldly.

The president's face became more and more solemn. Interest groups were unwilling to give up the war for their own interests. However, reality made the president realize that continuing to fight would only make the situation worse. He would become a sinner in history and sacrifice himself for the benefit of others. Naturally, the president He would not agree, so he made a decision in his heart, his face darkened, and he said: "If we negotiate, can we ensure that the whole matter will not be made public?"

"Of course, what Huaxia wants is interests, and there is no need to completely break up with us. What the Huk tribe wants is development opportunities, and there is no need to fight with us. And we can also obtain tantalum through Huaxia, which is in everyone's interest. As long as But it only costs the international market price. What does less benefit mean to everyone? The country can stabilize the stability of the region, maintain its deterrence, and have the opportunity to return the hostages to the country. All parties have successfully resolved the situation, so why must it use How about fighting to solve the problem?" Punader suggested thoughtfully.

"But who will bear our losses? How to resolve the negative impact of failure?" A senior counselor said dissatisfied, with unwilling anger flashing in his eyes, and he wanted to tear Punad to pieces.

Punader sneered disdainfully: "Failure? We have not failed. The terrorists have been encircled and suppressed by the joint efforts of our country and a certain country. Although the heroic soldiers fell in a foreign country, they died for the cause of counter-terrorism. Others died. So, who said we failed? As for the loss, it is your time and has nothing to do with me or the country."

Naturally, Sam Guo understood the meaning of "a certain country", his eyes widened and his face relaxed.

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