The strongest soldier

Chapter 1772 Struggle for Interests

Luo Zheng did not expect that Hook would stand so resolutely on his side and force Sam Country to compromise by openly inviting China to mine. He was deeply moved. This friend was very interesting. His eyes lit up when he thought of the benefits of China's open participation in mining. Kanxing Punad continued: "Withdrawal of troops, reduction of garrison and force, and establishment of diplomatic relations, these three points are our core demands. As for tantalum metal, your country can reach an agreement with China and it is not within the scope of negotiation."

"This?" Punader didn't expect that Luo Zheng would directly put aside the core demands of his country. He couldn't help but become angry, his eyes became evil, and he looked at Luo Zheng and said: "Sam's country loves peace, but it is not afraid of war. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Of course, if you can, fight." Hook said without hesitation, his eyes full of disdain, and he said coldly: "I have heard and seen too many threats. In this primitive forest, We are not afraid of anyone, even if you use nuclear weapons."

"Don't worry, they don't dare to use nuclear weapons." Luo Zheng said disdainfully from the side.

"Huh? Why? Is there anything Sam Country dares not to do?" Hook asked in surprise.

"This virgin forest is the green lung of the earth, and it is related to the ecology of the entire earth. If the Sam country dares to use nuclear weapons, it will destroy not only your home, but the living ecology of the entire earth. It is a crime." , is the destroyer of the earth, and no other country will agree." Luo Zheng said coldly.

"Then what are you afraid of? Just keep fighting." Hook said coldly, his eyes looking at Punader became evil. Without the threat of nuclear weapons, Hook really had nothing to fear.

Punader didn't know that the two of them were talking about this issue for the first time. He thought that the two of them were acting for him. His face darkened and he said coldly: "Is it okay for a small amount?"

"Am I afraid of you with a small capacity? If you have the ability, just throw it in." Hook firmly believed in Luo Zheng's words and was no longer afraid of threats. He snorted indifferently.

"This?" Punader saw that Hook's attitude suddenly became resolute, and he was afraid that he would collapse if the conversation continued. After hesitating for a moment, he said, "How about this? I'll go back first and give you an answer within one day. How about that?"

"No problem, there is one more thing. The Huk tribe must join the United Nations after the establishment of the country. Not only can you not stop it, but you must also raise your hands to approve it. Regarding the issue of compensation, we will send it to you within an hour. Remember, you only have twenty-four "Hours, as for the prisoners, they will be released after five years of free labor." Luo Zheng reminded calmly that despite the peace talks, there is no guarantee that Sam's country will not regret it, and it will be much better to have hostages in hand.

Hook's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he nodded and said, "That's all. You can go back. I won't send it away."

Punader's face looked ugly, but he didn't insist anymore. He stood up and walked towards the helicopter. He quickly took off in the helicopter and disappeared into the night. Hook and Luo Zheng smiled at each other and laughed in tacit understanding. They were so happy that they didn't even think about the outcome.

After a while, the two of them calmed down, and Lan Xing's words came from the headset: "Brother-in-law, the superiors have listened to the negotiation process online. They said that your proposal is very good, and they will coordinate with the diplomatic and other relevant departments to take action as soon as possible so that you can stick to your position. Bottom line.”

Luo Zheng said "hmm" in agreement, looked at Hook and smiled: "Brother, thank you for your support."

"What are you talking about? Do you and I need to be polite? Regarding the tantalum mining issue, it doesn't matter what we say to the outside world, but in fact we will not participate. You will be fully responsible. The tribe has many things to do, and I'm afraid we don't have time. , and there is no manpower, you know the situation, whatever you can give is yours, I am worried that I can't find a way to repay you, just so you can pick it up if you like it." Hook said seriously.

"Isn't this bad? After all, it is your thing." Luo Zheng said gratefully.

"There's nothing wrong with it. It's useful to you, but it's of no use to us, because we don't understand. Instead of keeping it to be remembered by others and lead to war, it's better to give it to you. We are friends. When we establish our country, we will be As a country of friendship, let us use tantalum to witness our friendship." Hook said solemnly.

Luo Zheng pondered for a moment and then nodded and said, "Brother, I remember this favor."

"No, this is not a favor. I owe you too much. This thing cannot be repaid at all. If the negotiation succeeds and the war can be ended peacefully, I hope you can arrange for some people to stay and help me train the troops. Although the war is over, But it is only temporary, we need the army to protect our homeland and protect our loved ones from infringement." Hook said seriously, his eyes flashing with anticipation.

"I will make suggestions to the country." Luo Zheng said seriously: "The country is newly built and is full of waste. You need a lot of materials. Discuss it with the people in the tribe, write it down, and ask Sam Country for it. Don't worry about asking for too much. , they are rich, just ask for it.”

"Understood." Hook became excited and agreed to pick up the individual radio and contact relevant people in the tribe.

Luo Zheng glanced at Lan Xue, who nodded and smiled knowingly, and said softly in Mandarin: "If it can be solved peacefully, let's solve it peacefully. This is not necessarily a bad thing. If the fight continues, it will not be good for everyone. The matter will eventually end. Since The Sam Nation wants face, so let’s give them face. We want benefits, and the Huk tribe also wants benefits. We each get what we need, and our brothers can return home safely, so why not do it.”

"Yes, if the war continues, it will be a bit emotional and does not meet the needs of development. Only a peaceful environment can better survive and discover. This is in the interests of the Huk tribe. And if we mine tantalum metal here, we can openly dispatch troops By coming here, it can be considered as driving a nail in Sam's country's traditional interest area, and it can also obtain benefits, and it can be regarded as achieving the established strategic goal." Luo Zheng also said softly in Mandarin.

"Well, the three parties are satisfied, why not do it?" Lan Xue responded softly, glanced at Hook who was discussing with his people, sighed, and continued: "It's not easy for him, supporting such a big one by himself. If the fight continues, it will be very detrimental to their tribe, so peace is the best."

Luo Zheng looked at Hu Ke and chuckled: "Yes, this is also what I admire about him. Forget it, let's not talk about it. Let's try to resolve it peacefully if possible. However, we cannot be optimistic about this matter. Neither is Sam Country. Good people will not give up easily, and we must be prepared to fight a protracted war."

"That's right. Although Sam Country wants to save face, it is also a person who can't afford to fight early if there is no gain. Naturally, they won't agree if they can't get anything after fighting for a long time. This matter won't end so quickly. It's best to fight again and beat them completely. It's easy to deal with the pain, do you have any new ideas?" Lan Xue asked curiously.

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