The strongest soldier

Chapter 1770 Confrontation

Negotiation is about the control of aura and dominance. Luo Zheng is no stranger to negotiation and knows how to do it. After some testing, he found that the opponent who calls himself Punad is not simple either. He is a calm person. , couldn't help but cheer up, and said calmly: "You are very brave, you dare to come here alone. It seems that you know us well and know that we will not hold you hostage."

"I can't talk about courage, because I came with the will of peace, and I believe you also need peace. Since we have common demands, why can't we sit down and have a good talk? As long as both parties are willing to talk, we can always find a balance. Isn't that right? I forgot to introduce to you that my father went to your country during the great anti-Japanese war and assisted your country in counterattacking the Japanese. He was a pilot." Punad said with a warm smile.

"Oh, really?" Luo Zheng smiled calmly, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Soon, a reminder from Blue Star sounded in the headset: "After checking, it is indeed true. They are the Flying Tigers and they are our international friends."

"What, you don't believe it?" Punad laughed.

Luo Zheng had already confirmed the identity of the other party through Blue Star, and said with a smile: "I deeply admire and appreciate your father's contribution, but that only represents your father and has nothing to do with this matter. I want to pass this Forget it brings you and me closer together, it’s meaningless, let’s talk about business, what is your sincerity?”

"Can you represent the Huk tribe?" Punader asked nonchalantly, looking at Huk. There was a bit of temptation in his words, but more of a way to sow discord.

Hook is not the native of the past. He has become mature after experiencing so many things. He knows who is really good to him, who wants to take advantage of him, and how to gain more benefits. After listening to Punader's instigation Smiling faintly, he said: "He is my brother, my business is his business, and his decision is my decision. Do you think he can represent the Huk tribe?"

"Brother, what a beautiful title." Punader did not expect that Hook would trust Luo Zheng so much. He quickly changed his strategy and praised with enthusiasm: "May your friendship be like this vast forest, evergreen and immortal. In this case, Then let’s get down to business, what do you want?”

Hook didn't say anything, glanced at Luo Zheng, played with the barbecue on the campfire, cut off a piece with a knife and handed it to Luo Zheng, just like Punader's attitude on his face, Luo Zheng waved his hand knowingly and said no, calmly. He looked at Punad and said: "You are a smart person. Smart people say smart things. Don't try to test or provoke. That will only end the negotiation early and even cause resentment. Since you want to talk, then say it." Show your trump card. If it's suitable, we'll continue to talk. If it's not suitable, we'll fight it out again. Don't try to hold back. Since you're here, you should understand my temper and don't bargain or counter-offer."

"I know your style to some extent, and I can say it for sure. This fact has been proven many times. Your credibility and reputation are trustworthy, and your attitude and determination are also crazy. But I like it. Soldiers must have a military style. , just be direct." Punad said with a smile.

Luo Zheng looked at the other party calmly and said nothing. Punader took a deep breath and said seriously: "We have three conditions. First, we must publicize to the outside world that our country supports the Huk tribe to build a nation, a tribal emirate, and Huk is the great nation. Chief; second, we withdraw our troops to the base; third, ┅┅?" At this point, Punader hesitated.

"What?" Luo Zheng asked casually, calmly, but he quickly digested Punader's conditions in his heart. The first one is understandable. The Sam Country needs a reason to communicate with others. As long as it is said that it is assisted by the Sam Country. The establishment of the tribal emirate is enough to prove that the Sam country has won the war and has a firm political foothold. As for not withdrawing its troops, there are two considerations. One is that it continues to pose a threat to the Huk tribe, and the other is that the region needs an army to check and balance. , safeguarding the interests of Sam State in the region.

"What's the third point?" Hook asked quietly, weighing the pros and cons.

Punader hesitated, but Luo Zheng guessed something and said disdainfully: "Is it tantalum?"

"You already know?" Punader's face changed slightly, and he could no longer maintain his calm expression. He looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, and saw Luo Zheng sneering disdainfully. He couldn't see the reason behind it. His face changed again, and he pondered. When he got up, Hook next to him asked in surprise: "What tantalum?"

"A rare metal, a metal mine near your tribe's valley, can extract tantalum metal. This metal is an indispensable strategic raw material for the development of the electronic industry and space technology. It has a wide range of applications, especially in military equipment. , my people accidentally discovered it, but it hasn’t been confirmed yet, so I didn’t have time to tell you.” Luo Zheng explained seriously.

"So that's it? I didn't expect that we were actually guarding a rare metal mine and didn't even know it." Hook said mockingly, his face suddenly turned cold, he stared at Punader coldly and asked: "In other words, you are surrounding me and suppressing me. Is your real purpose to take possession of this metal mine? For the sake of a metal mine, you actually ignored anyone’s death or injury, and you are indeed predatory and greedy.”

Seeing that Hook was getting more and more excited as he spoke, Luo Zheng patted Hook on the shoulder with his big hand, sighed and comforted: "How can we start a war without profit? You and I should have guessed this a long time ago. Sam Country never makes losses. Buying and selling, tantalum is a rare resource. For this rare resource, some politicians and interest groups will definitely pay any price. Anyway, it is others who will die, but you will suffer."

"Assholes, these beasts, what are you talking about? If you don't know, forget it. Now I know, I won't give it to you even if I try to kill the tribe. If this is your third point, then there is no need to talk about it." Hook said coldly, looking at Punader with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Some politicians have launched a war for profit, but the war has already happened and cannot be changed. The top priority is how to end this war. If it cannot be resolved peacefully, it will be a pity for you and me. Continuing to fight will not be good for you or me. Did you say that?" Punader spoke, looking at Luo Zheng.

"I warned you, don't try to threaten us. Such words are useless to us. If we continue to fight, you will still be in trouble. Ten years? Twenty years? Thirty years? Can you afford it? I don't think so. Do you mind continuing to fight? Only war can reflect the value of soldiers, what do you think?" Luo Zheng changed the topic and retorted coldly, with a murderous intention.

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