The strongest soldier

Chapter 1751 Killing the Bloody Path

Gunshots, shouts of death, and screams intertwined together to form a symphony of death. Someone was killed almost every moment. The indifferent and sharp blades were flying, emitting a terrifying cold light in the sun. The ruthless and terrifying bullets flickered like life-threatening talismans. At this moment, what we were fighting for was willpower, blood and courage, and no need to live.

The soldiers of the Sam Nation fought for honor and life. Although the battle was in chaos, they did not retreat. The Huk tribe fought to protect their homeland. There was no way out. The two forces strangled together, setting off a violent rain of blood, and blood splashed everywhere. Zheng chopped the two enemies to the ground and quickly took a look at the battle situation. Everyone had reached the middle of the enemy, and the enemy artillery was in front of them. He couldn't help being overjoyed and shouted: "Destroy the artillery, kill--!"

"Kill!" The ghost hands, snow leopards, mountain eagles and others who were following Luo Zheng also roared in a desperate charge. The sounds were intertwined together, as if there was some kind of magic power, making the tigers who were following closely The Ke guards were refreshed, their heavy steps suddenly became a little lighter, and they quickly caught up.

"Come for me -" Hook roared angrily. After emptying the bullets from the weapon in his hand, he threw it to the ground. He rolled to the ground and picked up an automatic rifle. He knelt down and aimed in front of him and fired a round. The target who tried to launch the RPG was knocked to the ground. He kicked his feet hard and continued to rush forward.

The bodyguards selected one from a thousand who not only were absolutely loyal to Hook, but also had extraordinary skill and bravery. Their adrenaline hormones were stimulated by the fighting methods of Luo Zheng and others. They screamed, charged and hit, and faced each other directly with their chests. Charge without fear of death against the enemy's bullets.

"Grenade." Luo Zheng, who was taking the lead, roared angrily, killing the enemy all over his body with blood, and his eyes turned even redder. He was breathing heavily, like a god of war, and his tyrannical aura fully exploded, and he quickly took it off. He opened the safety of the two grenades on his body and threw them towards a pile of shells.

The roar quickly alerted Guishou and the others, and they all took out grenades and threw them at the distant artillery. At this time, Luo Zheng, who was running in front of him, suddenly shouted: "Get down." He threw himself on the ground like a tiger, holding his hands. His head curled up into a ball and became motionless.

Others also lay down one after another, and even Hook, who was following closely, also lay down instinctively, shouting for his own people to lie down too. Before all the guards could lie down, a series of explosions sounded, as if the devil was roaring, leaping. There were streaks of red light, and then there was a loud bang. The whole earth seemed to be shaking, and the shells were detonated by grenades.

A huge red cloud exploded and shot straight into the sky above the forest. The smoke billowed. The impact caused all the people ten meters around to fly away. The fragments flew randomly and hit the trees with a loud sound. Many people were injured by the fragments. His hands, feet, and body were directly chopped off, causing blood to bloom. It was extremely terrifying.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Several more huge explosions were heard, one after another. Everyone was stunned and turned their heads to look over. They only saw red light rising into the sky, and people were thrown flying in the air by the shock wave. It was extremely terrifying. When the Sam soldiers saw this scene, their expressions changed drastically and they forgot to shoot. However, the people of the Hook tribe were in great spirits, as if they had been on steroids. Their lost strength suddenly recovered, and they roared and rushed forward, beating fiercely. Expand the results.

The explosion lasted for more than ten seconds before it stopped. Luo Zheng, who was lying on the ground with his head in his arms, pressed hard with both hands, his body rose up, and he roared: "Come at me, kill me——"

"Kill -!" Guishou, Snow Leopard, Mountain Eagle and others screamed, echoing with murderous intent, as if they were about to pierce the entire sky, endless fighting intent burning, and followed Luo Zheng and Lan Xue to kill. Go up, Hook also reacted, naturally he would not miss such a good opportunity, roared, and rushed up with the guards.

Tat-tat-tat, bang-bang-bang, the automatic rifles fired fiercely in all directions. The Sam soldiers who were stunned by the explosion fell to the ground one after another. Luo Zheng and others were clearing the way in front, the swords flashed and the bullets whizzed. , the troops were like a sharp sword, killing the enemies in front of them and turning them upside down.

The Sam soldiers were unable to stop Luo Zheng and others who were charging desperately. Their morale was low and they began to collapse. The people in front even ran to both sides, trying to avoid the charge, but where could they outrun the bullets? The guards who followed behind him fired at him with random shots.

Soon, Luo Zheng felt that the front was empty, and there was no shadow of the enemy. He quickly checked his surroundings and found that the enemy had fled away, and the ground behind him was full of corpses. Suddenly he heard a huge roar, like thunder, and he couldn't help but hear it. , it was discovered that it was Samba, stabbing his upper body. An M9 saber seemed to have a spiritual power, and he kept killing the enemies around him. His movements were clean and quick, as fast as lightning, and he was about to kill the enemy.

"Okay!" Luo Zheng roared in surprise. At this time, Lan Xing's anxious reminder suddenly sounded in his ears: "No, more enemies are catching up. The woods are densely packed. I don't know how many. I'm afraid there are not less than one." thousand."

"Understood." Luo Zheng's face turned cold, and he gave up Doutou's thoughts of counterattack to expand the victory, and continued to charge forward with his troops, while shouting: "Hook, contact the troops immediately to withdraw from the battlefield, and act according to the plan. quick."

"Understood," Hook roared in agreement.

The troops rushed forward like the wind. The Sam soldiers were frightened by the killing and did not dare to pursue. Everyone ran for about 300 meters and stopped. Luo Zheng quickly looked at Hook and said: "Send someone to pick up the troops and come to join them. Brothers, build a defensive position on the spot, quickly."

"Yes." Guishou and the others were divided into three and led their teams to defend one side. Hook arranged for people to find other troops. Soon, people from the Hook tribe came to join them, and Hook went up to greet them.

This suicide attack tactic is not appropriate, but Luo Zheng has no choice but to do it. The host country sends troops and fighter jets to participate in the war, which undoubtedly puts huge pressure on the Huk tribe's armed forces. If this pressure is not properly directed, it may lead to The morale of the army collapsed and even affected Hook's reputation, which was very detrimental to future battles.

The best way to change all this is to fight head-on with the enemy and use a big victory to turn the situation around. Luo Zheng watched coldly as more and more people came to join, each one excited and full of morale. Hong, knowing that he had done it, couldn't help but feel his heart drop.

This battle not only showed majesty, courage, but also pride. Luo Zheng believed that after this battle, the people of the Huk tribe would be more confident and fearless of the Sam army. This time The war was like a shot in the arm, and the haze of the host country sending troops and fighter jets to the war was swept away.

"No, the enemy suddenly launched a fierce attack from the east, using helicopters and fighter jets. The attack is fierce. Please give instructions." Captain Li's words suddenly rang in the headset.

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