The strongest soldier

Chapter 1747 A sneak attack in the rain

"Boom -" Suddenly there was a thunder in the dark night sky, and a spider web-like lightning suddenly exploded in the sky, illuminating the dark night sky. It was pale, dazzling, and terrifying. Soon, this bright light was once again covered by the night. Swallowed, the thunder disappeared, and the world returned to tranquility again, as if nothing had happened. Not long after, thunder sounded again in the sky, as if it was about to explode the entire sky.

After a while, another bolt of lightning exploded in the sky, making a crackling sound. Countless electric lights were flying in the sky like fire snakes, illuminating the dark night sky, which looked terrifying. Then, heavy rain fell from the sky, covering the sky. The virgin forest fell down, making the trees roar.

In the vast dense forest, many people were repairing trenches in a canyon. Everyone was startled by the sudden heavy rain. They stopped and looked at the sky with solemn expressions. Among the team, Luo Zheng also frowned and looked at the sky. , such a heavy thunderstorm is not a good thing. It is easy to be struck by lightning in the wild, and metal can also conduct electricity. What should I do?

"Boom——!" Another huge thunder sounded, and the whole space seemed to be shaking. It was shocking. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng and Hu Ke. This kind of bad weather is not suitable for fighting, let alone field operations. , withdraw or stay? Everyone pricked up their ears and waited for the order.

Human beings are so insignificant in front of nature. Hook looked at Luo Zheng and said thoughtfully, "What should I do?"

"Let everyone put down all weapons in their hands to avoid conducting electricity." Luo Zheng reminded in a deep voice.

"Okay." Seeing that Luo Zheng had not yet made a decision, Hu Ke quickly gave the order to the troops.

"This kind of bad weather is not suitable for fighting." Lan Xue reminded from the side.

"I know." Luo Zheng continued to ponder, staring sharply at the horizon. Suddenly, a huge lightning exploded in the sky, and countless firelights scurried around in the night sky, as if spiritual snakes were dancing, and soon formed a picture. A huge spider web came to protect Luo Zheng's resolute face, but this lightning network was quickly swallowed up by the night.

At this time, Luo Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he started to make some calculations. He raised his hand and looked at his watch. There were still three hours until dawn, and he immediately shouted: "All officers, come here for a meeting, Mountain Eagle, return to the team quickly."

"Yes." The officers received the message through their headsets, quickly agreed, and rushed to Luo Zheng's direction.

After a while, everyone arrived. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng curiously. Not sure why, Luo Zheng saw that the mountain eagle was missing. He guessed that he was still on the way, so he waited for a while. Not long after, the mountain eagle came back in a hurry, and everyone looked at Luo Zheng. Zheng is surrounded by the center, with curious eyes.

Luo Zheng glanced at everyone, looked at Hook and said in a deep voice: "This kind of thunderstorm weather is not suitable for fighting. It is not good for us, but it is also bad for the enemy. Is it a good time for a sneak attack?"

"Sneak attack?" Hook looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, completely confused. It was too late to hide in such bad weather, so how could he make a sneak attack? Others also looked at Luo Zheng curiously.

"Weapons are easy to conduct electricity. The enemy dare not be outside and use weapons to fight back. Cold weapons are the best choice. Hook, don't you have bows and arrows? Send your guard group up and use bows and arrows to attack sneakily. , do you dare to catch the enemy by surprise?" Luo Zheng asked with a serious face.

"No problem, what's there to be afraid of?" Hook agreed nonchalantly.

"Okay, bring up all the other tribes who are coming to surrender, such as Semba and the others. They all use bows and arrows. This is a fighting method they are familiar with. It is very suitable for this kind of rainy night. The enemy's hot weapons are ineffective and it is cold in the dense forest. Weapons will give you an advantage in night battles. Use your advantage to attack the enemy's disadvantage, and you have a high chance of winning." Luo Zheng explained.

"That makes sense. I'll make arrangements right away." Hook was overjoyed when he heard this and agreed.

"Well, the sneak attack troops fight in small groups, attack from all directions, and then run away. If the enemy does not pursue them, they will attack again. Remember, all the arrows are stained with gold soup poison. Fight until the thunderstorm stops. I'm afraid this rain will It will have to rain for several hours, it's too late to rush here, prepare more arrows, go ahead." Luo Zheng shouted murderously, looking sharply at the night sky, just as a bolt of lightning exploded in the sky, bright light illuminated Luo Zheng's mouth The strong confidence on the fighting faces lifted everyone's spirits.

"Understood." Hook agreed excitedly, called the correspondent, quickly contacted his troops using the individual radio, and deployed.

"What about us?" Lan Xue asked in surprise.

"Let's rest where we are. The team here is also tired and needs to rest. After there is no thunder, we will continue to dig trenches. We will dig the trenches two meters deep for air defense and dig more holes to hide soldiers. I don't think the enemy will take it easy." Luo Zheng His face became solemn and he shouted loudly: "Everyone should also rest. The enemy will not attack in such a heavy rain. Recharge your batteries. I have a hunch that tomorrow will be a big battle."

"Yes." Everyone stood up and agreed.

The troops quickly got into the hidden soldier hole in the trench to hide from the rain. Luo Zheng waited for Hook to arrange it, and then jumped into a trench together. They squatted down in the hidden soldier hole to hide from the rain. He saw the rainwater constantly gathering in the trench. He pondered with a solemn expression. It was inconvenient to work when there was thunder, and lightning would strike him. It seemed that he could only wait, hoping that the thunder would not last too long.

Everyone listened to the sound of heavy rain, thunder and lightning in the wilderness while chatting and laughing. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, but there was no way to drain water. Everyone soaked in the rain and waited. About two hours later, we were alone. The military radio station suddenly rang, someone was looking for Hook. After listening for a while, Hook looked at Luo Zheng and said, "The guard group and other tribal armed forces have rushed to the enemy. Do you want to attack?"

"Attack." Luo Zheng gave the order without hesitation. This opportunity was rare and could not be missed.

"Understood." Hook agreed quickly and conveyed the order. Hook didn't bother to question or doubt any of Luo Zheng's decisions and arrangements. Facts have proven them correct countless times.

After the attack order was issued, everyone waited patiently. No one knew what the outcome of the battle would be. It could only depend on the temporary performance and overall combat effectiveness of the troops. Luo Zheng thought about it and looked at his watch. It would be dawn in about an hour. He said to Hook worriedly: "Assign observers to go there. You don't have to participate in the battle. Pay close attention to the battle dynamics and report the battle situation at any time."

"No problem." Hook agreed, and immediately called a few people to leave in the rain with the radio on their backs.

The water in the trench was already knee-deep. It would be bad for the health to stay any longer. Luo Zheng had to let everyone climb out of the trench. He looked at the thunderstorm that never stopped and began to think deeply. He let the rain hit his face and body. The weather was so bad. , how will the enemy respond, and how should you respond?

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