The strongest soldier

Chapter 1745: Stop when you’re ready

The enemy on the battlefield was defeated and fled in panic. The troops resting in the rear did not understand what happened. The commander was an experienced man. Seeing this scene, he quickly ordered the troops to stop retreating and counterattack in a hidden place. But in the dark night, everyone was panicking. They didn't know how many opponents there were, especially the strange screams made by the people from the Huk tribe, which made people feel heart-stopping. They were not willing to stop and fight back.

It would be better if he was an officer directly under the command. The troops would obey the military orders, but this commander and the defeated troops were of two different numbers and were not subordinate to each other. The frightened defeated troops would not listen and continued to retreat wildly. He came and disrupted the formation of the resting troops. The commander wanted to have his subordinates use machine guns to suddenly attack the defeated troops, and then command the troops to counterattack, but he did not dare to give this order.

The formation was disrupted by the defeated army, which meant that it was impossible to counterattack. If you stayed, you would be waiting for death. You could not give the order to clear out the defeated army to avoid being attacked. The commander had no choice but to order his troops to retreat. Night battles are inherently a test of one's ability. Psychological quality, the price of a devastating defeat is terrifying.

Luo Zheng led his troops to charge and fight fiercely, with no intention of stopping. When he discovered that more enemies had joined the defeated team, he guessed that the other enemy troops had been hijacked and routed. He was overjoyed and immediately shouted through the headset: "Ghost Hands" , Snow Bear, join the pursuit quickly, Wei Jian, lead your men to bombard me from behind, create chaos, expand the results of the battle, and teach the enemy a lesson."

"Yes." Everyone roared angrily and joined the pursuit force.

Along the way, the enemy ran faster, and this downwind battle was very smooth for the people of the Huk tribe. They were howling in the dense forest, like a pack of hungry wolves, constantly besieging and hunting. When killing targets, the ability to see in the dark gives armed personnel great convenience, and their familiarity with the forest allows everyone to run faster.

After chasing for five or six minutes, intensive gunshots suddenly rang out from the front. Countless firepower came over, attacking indiscriminately without distinguishing between friend and foe. The defeated enemies in front fell down one after another. Luo Zheng was shocked when he saw it, and quickly ordered his troops to stop the pursuit. , covertly counterattack on the spot.

During the battle, Luo Zhenghan raised his sniper scope to observe with a face on his face. He found that trenches had been dug in front of him, a defensive position had been built, and three heavy machine guns were firing at each other. He was furious and shouted: "Mountain Eagle Squadron, kill the enemy's heavy troops for me." Machine guns, right away, others are on the spot to fight back.”

"Yes." Everyone shouted loudly.

"Boom!" Three sniper rifles rang out, and the enemy's heavy machine gun suddenly went silent. But more machine guns and rifles rang out, and the bullets were densely packed, forming a terrifying fire net in the night sky, chopping down like the scythe of death. Luo Zheng was shocked and quickly took cover.

"This is the enemy's second-line position, or it may be the former enemy headquarters. There are many enemies. We can't charge anymore." Lan Xue shouted eagerly.

"Understood." Luo Zheng shouted: "Wei Jian, aim ahead and blast hard. As soon as the missile goes off, everyone must retreat quickly. Don't let me fight."

"Yes." Everyone roared angrily. Although they were unwilling to give up, they also knew that they should give up when they are ready. There was a strong defensive position of the enemy in front of them, and the casualties would be too high if they attacked.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Countless Hongying No. 6 missiles roared away and landed accurately on the enemy's trenches, releasing huge fireballs that illuminated the surroundings. The huge explosion blasted away everyone around them. The fragments were raging around, making a roaring sound, which was extremely terrifying, and screams came one after another.

The troops quickly evacuated due to the commotion caused by the big explosion, and each one quickly shuttled through the woods with cold faces. The missed opportunity to expand the victory made everyone feel even more angry. Luo Zheng gave the enemy's position a cold look. , found that a large number of people were rushing up, they would react at any time, sighed helplessly, and quickly retreated.

Not long after everyone retreated to their positions, Luo Zheng frowned as he looked at the dilapidated position and quickly asked everyone to repair the trenches and prepare for another battle. Hook passed on the order and everyone took action quickly. Next to him, Lan Xue looked around and said in a deep voice: "The enemy has been temporarily repulsed. He may not attack again tonight, but he still has to guard against it."

"Yes, it is impossible for the enemy to make such a big move, but it will end at the end, and they will definitely not give up." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, with tiger eyes like torches. After looking around the position, he shouted in a deep voice: "Brothers Ghost Shou, Snow Leopard, take your people with you. Deploy a trap two hundred meters away, use half of the button bomb, and detonate it remotely."

"Understood!" Guishou and Snow Leopard agreed, exchanged glances, and quickly rushed forward with their teams.

"What can we do?" Hook asked quietly.

"The guards can help repair the fortifications." Luo Zheng looked at the battlefield. The reserve team and the defense force were repairing the fortifications. There were still many wounded who needed help to take care of them. There were not enough manpower. After Hook agreed, he looked at the mountain eagle and warned: "Brother, take your people to the front to guard. If there is any enemy movement, please notify us immediately."

"Understood." The mountain eagle promised fully. After a moment, a dozen soldiers wearing auspicious uniforms quickly disappeared into the surrounding dense forest, hurried in the direction of the enemy, and disappeared in the dense night forest in the blink of an eye.

"The counterattack just now caught the enemy by surprise. The enemy should have lost more than 300 people, and the morale of the army has been affected. If someone snipers at the enemy's important targets overnight and creates chaos, they may be able to delay the enemy's overnight attack. It is better to let Shandiao's People are responsible for assassinating people around the enemy camp?" Lan Xue suggested.

Luo Zheng's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "What a good idea. Sniping the enemy from a long distance is the best way to create riots and panic. As long as we wait until dawn, the destroyed trenches here can be repaired and the troops can recover some physical strength. Okay, Shan Eagle, did you hear that?"

"Copy that." The mountain eagle's voice sounded in the headset.

"Brother Li, notify the other three regiments, and the reconnaissance personnel will advance 30 kilometers away to search in case the enemy attacks from east to west. I don't believe that there is no conspiracy behind the enemy's desperate efforts, and that this place can still be tolerated." Luo Zheng calmly warned. , eyes shining, shining with strong fighting spirit in the night.

"I'm afraid we can't defend it with trenches alone." Lan Xue reminded.

"This time we brought ten Hongying No. 6s. We don't have many missiles and can only support them for a while. Brother Li, arrange for someone to send another batch of missiles as backup. The enemy is too crazy. We have to prepare more. I will Go to Hook and ask him to arrange for someone to be sent there. In addition, notify the country to airdrop a batch of landmines and missiles for backup. The enemy's artillery fire is too powerful and we have to guard against it." Luo Zheng said cautiously.

"Understood." Captain Li quickly agreed.

Luo Zheng immediately found Hook and explained the situation. Hook promised to get in touch with the relevant people of the guard group who were left behind, and arranged for a unit to bring missiles. The missiles were all air-dropped from China, and the number was not large, but this battle was very special. The key is, Luo Zheng is willing to risk everything.

Note: I recommend the military novel "The Strongest Soldier" by my friend Northwest Langyan, which tells the story of a soldier who forged loyalty with blood and defended glory with his life! Worth a look.

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