The strongest soldier

Chapter 1743 The war is urgent

The enemy's fierce attack made Luo Zheng alert. He vaguely felt that the enemy's conspiracy was about to explode, and the breaking point was in this battle. It would be very troublesome if he didn't block the enemy's attack. If he didn't go up, he would feel uneasy and his eyes would frown slightly. He said thoughtfully and seriously: "Immediately inform Wei Jian to bring the preliminary air defense personnel to assemble, and follow me to set off. Inform the mountain eagle, ghost hand and snow leopard to assemble in the square and be on standby in five minutes."

"Yes." Captain Li quickly agreed and turned around to make arrangements.

Luo Zheng looked deeply at the sand table, as if he wanted to imprint the terrain on the sand table in his mind. He took a long breath and glanced at Lan Xue. Lan Xue nodded knowingly. The two walked out of the command center in tacit understanding and prepared their respective houses. After leaving, the two of them already had a tacit understanding. In any battle, they must fight together and advance and retreat together. Luo Zheng didn't try to persuade Lan Xue to stay. He knew mentally that it was useless and that it was all in vain.

Three minutes later, the two of them came out fully armed and brought the Longya sword. After meeting, they arrived at the small square and saw the brothers running quickly to gather. When everyone saw Luo Zheng and Lan Xue coming, they ran even faster. Three lines soon formed. Guishou, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle stood at the front of the line, looking at Luo Zheng calmly, but became excited.

"Brothers, you have been training friendly forces for several days. Are you exhausted? We have to fight side by side again." Luo Zheng shouted loudly, his eyes full of fighting intent, and invisible murderous aura burst out, contagious. With everyone.

Everyone was infected by Luo Zheng's words and the murderous aura on his body, and became excited. Guishou said happily: "Brothers, my hands have been itching for a long time. If we don't go to the battlefield, we will probably lose it. What mission?"

"It's urgent on the front line. Let's go up and take a look at the situation before making a decision." Luo Zheng agreed and saw Wei Jian running in a hurry with his people, carrying Hongying No. 6 on his back. Each person was equipped with two missiles. This kind of missile is not It's light. Two is the limit. Any more will not be conducive to traveling.

Luo Zheng frowned slightly when he saw this scene, and immediately said: "Guishou, Snow Leopard, each of your people will help carry a missile. Move quickly."

"Yes." Guishou and Snow Leopard quickly agreed and led the troops straight to the weapons depot.

At this time, Hook came over after hearing the news and asked in surprise: "What's going on?"

"There's an emergency on the front line. I have to go up and have a look." Luo Zheng explained.

"I'm with you," Hook said without hesitation.

Luo Zheng thought for a moment and said, "You don't have to go this time."

"No, I have to go. When the army was first established, everyone was looking at me. Moreover, I also need military merit to prove myself, otherwise I won't be able to convince the public. You taught me this truth, so I have to go." Hook said with determination.

"Okay, bring your bodyguards with you." Luo Zheng replied thoughtfully.

"Is it enough?" Hook asked in surprise. The guard team only had fifty people. What could fifty people do in such a large-scale battle? Hook was a little worried, but seeing Luo Zheng's firm expression, he added: "Okay, let's call the guards. Give me five minutes to assemble."

"The enemy's plot is uncertain and we cannot mobilize troops on a large scale yet. The guard regiment is the general reserve force and cannot be mobilized easily. Move quickly and bring the individual radio station." Luo Zheng explained seriously.

"Understood." Hook agreed quickly with understanding. He called the person behind him to give some instructions. The other person agreed and left in a hurry. Hook looked at Luo Zheng and continued: "Are you not afraid of conspiracy if you block the enemy's attack?"

"Not necessarily. It depends on the situation first." Luo Zheng responded casually.

The two chatted casually. Guishou and Snow Leopard came back with the missiles on their backs. They quickly lined up and looked at Luo Zheng eagerly. Luo Zheng signaled everyone to wait. After a few minutes, Hook's bodyguards also hurriedly arrived. Arriving to assemble, Hook asked one of his men to take over the missile and carry it on his back, reducing the pressure on Ghost Hand, Snow Leopard and others, and the troops quickly set off.

Along the way, everyone marched with flashlights. The equipment of the guards must be higher than that of other troops. They were all captured good things. Flashlights were also part of the equipment. Everyone rushed out of the valley, passed through the canyon, and got into the vast dense forest. Running like a hungry wolf in the night.

While running, Luo Zheng kept in touch with Captain Li and learned that all the Hongying No. 6 troops from the southern troops were mobilized to the front line. They finally blocked the enemy's crazy attack. The two sides fought fiercely. The enemy did not care about casualties or costs. The crazy attack put huge pressure on the defensive force, and the defense line was in danger.

Luo Zheng did not expect that the enemy would adopt a desperate fighting style, which was very inconsistent with the fighting style of the Sam country. He hurried forward with surprise and urged the troops to speed up. An hour later, Captain Li sent another report that the enemy's The attack was temporarily repulsed, but we lost most of our troops and the situation became serious.

Losing most of it means that one or two hundred people have lost their combat effectiveness. Can the remaining hundred or so people stop the enemy's crazy attack? Luo Zheng was shocked and asked: "What are the enemy's losses?"

"More than 300 people have been lost, so we are temporarily withdrawing." Captain Li said quickly.

The enemy's fighting style regardless of casualties made Luo Zheng more cautious, and he also strengthened his determination to block the enemy. The more the enemy wants to accomplish, the less likely it is to let the enemy get what they want. This is one of the laws of war. Luo Zheng's face froze. Guessing that it would take some time for him to rush forward, he immediately shouted: "Let the reserve team come forward."

"Is it too early to join the reserve team at this time? Can we retreat first, abandon the front line positions, and retreat to the second line positions?" Captain Li quickly suggested.

"No, the crazier the enemy is, the more it means there is a conspiracy behind it. We must not let them succeed. We must not only block their attack, but also take the initiative to attack, completely disrupting the rhythm of the battlefield, leaving the enemy confused, and turning the second line of defense The troops are also mobilized to flank the enemy's abdomen. The reserve team will go up to a hundred people first, and the rest of the rear will be on standby. We will arrive soon." Luo Zheng hurriedly warned while urging the troops to speed up.

News of the tight battle situation on the front line spread quickly, and everyone speeded up again, eager to jump into the battlefield immediately. Luo Zheng ran and meditated, completely confused by the enemy's crazy behavior, and couldn't help but ask Lan Xue next to him: "What is the enemy singing?" What kind of drama is this?”

"It's hard to say, but there are only two types. One is to attack a small point, open the defense, and then the troops will attack the area, and fight with us. The other is to attack from the east to the west, and attack fiercely here, attracting all the tribes, and the enemy will send out surprise troops from here. Launch a surprise attack from other directions and defeat our defense in one fell swoop." Lan Xue said thoughtfully.

"Search in the east and attack in the west?" Luo Zheng's eyes lit up, as if he had caught something. After thinking about it carefully, he found nothing. One or two thousand people want to achieve the tactical goal of seizing in the east and attacking in the west? Isn’t this too confident? Is there any conspiracy here? Luo Zheng pondered in surprise as he followed the troops forward.

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