The strongest soldier

Chapter 1735 Bombing the Mountain

Half an hour later, all Semba's people were hidden. Luo Zheng asked everyone to help disguise themselves and erase the surrounding traces. After confirming that everything was correct, he quickly led the others forward, passed through the canyon, and came to the open dense forest ahead. The terrain is flat, with towering trees blocking the sun. There are some shrubs growing on the ground, but not many. The leaves are piled on the ground, and the air exudes a rotten smell.

Luo Zheng led the troops forward about a kilometer and stopped. He asked Hook to leave 200 men behind and follow the instructions. They dug mud and dug foxholes to hide them. The foxholes were covered with bushes and distributed in the area. On both sides, there is an open strip about a hundred meters wide in the middle.

After another half an hour, Luo Zheng led everyone to move forward. This time, only half of Hook's guard regiment of 1,000 people was brought. After leaving 200 people in ambush, only 300 people were left, forming five columns. , sixty men in each column, pulled out a long formation and followed closely behind.

Not long after, the mountain eagle responsible for clearing the way heard a voice of inquiry. Going forward, he entered the enemy's individual radar reconnaissance range. He would be exposed and asked what to do. Luo Zheng signaled the troops to stand by and gathered the officers. They squatted next to a bush and started discussing.

Luo Zheng picked up some branches and placed them on the ground, while explaining: "The enemy is at the top of the mountain. The mountain is about 200 meters high. It is not very big. If you continue from here, you will be spotted by the enemy's individual radar. Mountain Eagle, Wei Jian , you go first, brothers, the combat uniforms can prevent infrared, so the possibility of being discovered is not high, and there are few people and it is not easy to be exposed. The mountain eagle is responsible for detecting the enemy's situation, finding their communication personnel and troop deployment, and giving it to Wei Jian's people Provide the attack coordinates. After the battle begins, the remaining troops will be divided into three groups and attack in a V-shape. Is there any problem?"

"Who is the main attacker?" Hook asked in surprise.

"Attack on three sides at the same time and strive to capture the mountain top as quickly as possible. Wei Jian, your people are only responsible for long-range bombing and are not allowed to charge. Shan Diao, your people are responsible for sniping valuable targets and providing the coordinates to Wei Jian. Hook, let me attack with your three hundred men. Do you have any questions?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"No more." Everyone said in unison knowingly.

"Action." Luo Zheng shouted in a murderous voice.

"Yes." Shan Diao and Wei Jian hurried forward, and Hu Ke agreed and deployed his troops. Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng and hesitated to speak. Luo Zheng asked in a low voice in Mandarin in surprise: "Why? Already?"

"If the enemy's strength at the top of the mountain exceeds 300, or if they build strong fortifications, this battle may not be easy to fight. Or if there is a loud battle here, what should we do if other enemy troops encircle us?" Lan Xue reminded.

"If the enemy's strength exceeds our control, the mountain eagle will discover and notify us immediately. There must be fortifications, but they are not strong enough. They can't build many strong fortifications in one night. They are all papery in front of the missiles. The problem is Not big. If the enemy has too many troops, we will attack from a distance. We will not capture the hilltop. If the enemy encircles us, we will evacuate immediately. If there are few people, we will lead into the prepared trap. If there are many people, we will take other routes. In the vast forest, we are not afraid of them. ." Luo Zheng explained confidently.

"As long as you have an idea." Lan Xue said, looking at the mountain a thousand meters away and thinking deeply.

After a while, Hook deployed the attack formation and came to Luo Zheng. He nodded to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng smiled knowingly. Everyone waited patiently for the investigation situation on the mountain eagle side. After about ten minutes, the sound in the headset The mountain eagle's voice of surprise rang out: "Something is wrong with the situation. The enemy's strength seems to be more than 300. They have built three circular trenches to surround the entire mountain. They are connected by traffic trenches and there is a heavy machine gun position at the highest point of the mountain."

"Oh? It seems that the enemy is going to defend this hilltop. The more this happens, the more we have to smash their defense system. Immediately provide the coordinates to Wei Jian. In three minutes, the missiles will be launched to destroy important targets for me." Luo Zheng He said coldly, his eyes even more murderous.

"What is the enemy's plan? They still have this formation without air support. Isn't this just a bombardment for us?" Lan Xue said softly in surprise.

"Never mind, let's wait until the fight is over. We don't have to evacuate. Without a helicopter, we are not afraid of them at all." Luo Zheng said murderously, looking at his watch and waiting patiently. Three minutes came soon, and Wei Jian's voice sounded in the headset. After asking for fire, Luo Zheng shouted without hesitation: "Missiles, kill them!"

"Boom, boom, boom -" Ten missiles were launched almost at the same time, making a terrifying scream and roaring towards the top of the mountain. With unparalleled momentum, they looked like the God of War in the void.

"Boom, boom, boom!" A series of earth-shaking explosions sounded, and the whole space seemed to be shattered. It was heart-stopping. You could see a huge red light rising from a long distance. It was particularly weird in the sunlight, although it couldn't be seen. The explosion was powerful, but everyone was excited. Luo Zheng looked at Hook and shouted: "Action."

"Understood." Hook shouted excitedly, and immediately shouted a few words in dialect. The army divided into three and rushed forward, like ferocious cheetahs, rushing through the woods and disappearing in the blink of an eye. There was no trace in the dense forest.

"Let's go too." Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue and Hook and said, the two nodded, and everyone quickly chased forward, holding the guns tightly and looking sharply.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Another round of explosions sounded. It sounded as if the entire mountaintop had been blown down. Various birds and beasts in the surrounding dense forest screamed and ran around. Black smoke billowed into the sky, like The devil is grinning horribly.

Luo Zheng and others quickly caught up with the troops. Everyone continued to run in the woods. Hook kept urging his troops to rush forward through the intercom. Luo Zheng also shouted through the headset: "Wei Jian, attack again in three minutes. Shan Eagle, lead your men to rush forward to snipe the enemy and check the enemy's situation at close range."

"Yes." Wei Jian and Shan Diao responded in unison.

The enemy was thrown into disarray by the bombing, and the attacking troops must seize the time to rush up and seize the hill. Once the enemy reacts, it will be a tough battle, and the casualties are difficult to estimate. Hook understands the danger here and keeps urging the troops to rush forward. .

Luo Zheng thought that after two missile attacks, the valuable targets in the enemy's position were basically destroyed. It would be a waste of ammunition to attack again, so he postponed for three minutes. This time was enough for the enemy to react and regroup in position to prepare for counterattack. Then he would bomb again. At least it can kill a lot of people.

Three minutes later, Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice through the headset while running towards the top of the mountain: "Blue Star, pay close attention to the situation in the enemy camp and report it at any time. Mountain Eagle, what's going on with the enemy on the mountain?"

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